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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Dont recall seen a load of Thais in the back of a Ute on the big freeways in and out of Bangkok. But on the other roads and highways, I see it all the time. But havig said that, a Farang driver breaking the law is much more likely to get asked to 'pay a fine'. Wear cap and glasses and lower the seat.
  2. Sounds right to me - Dems have always been the Party of the Leaders (not the Members). The last thing they want is their 'annointed' Leader being beaten in a popular vote by Party Members. It reminds me of how Bernie actually won more votes, but Killary was 'appointed' as the Dem Candidate anyway. I also recall how Trump was asked many years ago if he ever ran for POTUS would he run as a Dem or a GOP. He said GOP and then pointed out that was not because of politics, but because he would be 'independent' - and the Dem candidate is decided by the Party Leaders, while the GOP candidate is decided by the GOP Members. Trump was always about doing the job - not about playing Party politics - that is why all Dems and many GOPs hate him personally.
  3. Stretta days are numbered - past May 2024. Now we know why PT and BJ want to amend the charter/constitution, but leave the Senators in place. Without the Senators, Pita will become the next PM. The Thai economy is tanking lower than most 'experts' predicted and it aint looking like bouncing back anytime soon. Interesting year in Thai politics ahead.
  4. The Japanese, like the Chinese, are still reluctant to visit overseas countries post-covid and they both have a 'less than positive' view about Thailand now compared to 2015-2019. This IMO is mainly due to previous negative experiences of other tourists - and all the negative media stories about tourists being killed and injured. The fact that the Baht is still too high is also a major factor in the decisions of the 'ordinary' tourist.
  5. Funny how the woke liberals attribute anything said by a rational right as coming from Trump. The reason is because their collective mindset always follows the narrative provided to them for each situation - so they think Trump is our 'source'. In New Hampshire people can vote as an 'independent' - they dont have to be Dem or GOP. There were 70% of voters registered as independent - and yet Trump still won. If it was registered GOP voters only I would say Trump would have got 60-70% of the votes. Did you hear about the thousands of registered Dem voters who switched to Independent/GOP before the vote? Some think they are against the Biden/Harris disaster continuing, but I reckon some of them just wanted to try and stop Trump. Trump broke the records in Iowa, and he just received the highest ever amount of votes in New Hampshire. Nevada/Virgin Islands are next but irrelevent, and so the next Trump/Haley 'duel' is in late Feb in Sth Carolina where Haley was Governor for 6 years, followed by Michigan a few days later. It will be all over by March - then the formal selection in July - then it is 'and here we go' (again) - liberal tears will be flowing (again) in November.
  6. Well said mate - the reality is that Democrats are allowed to vote in New Hamshire and they are so desperate to stop Trump that many did. End result - Trump still won. It is all over - the only question is will Trump be running against Biden or Harris or another Dem? My money is on a desperate attempt to win the 'equal minority' vote by Biden stepping down due to illness and ther Dems putting Harris up against Trump. Unless there is a Covid 24 lockdown to justify Biden staying at home (I dont put that past them), there will be nowhere for Biden to hide.
  7. Trump said nothing I posted mate - that was all my own observations. Take your time and think about that and why you think that way - TDS? - caused by media?
  8. Yes - you are 'just saying' why you bought an EV - virtue signalling that you are 'saving the planet' while those of us with a diesel are not. I am not telling you to buy an ICE, just why I wont buy an EV. But you are fully invested in that EV decision and sticking to your guns - I do admire that. But I aint convinced and so is the majority - and most of us dont see negative issues with EVs as propaganda - we actually view the EV industry claims as propaganda. If every single car on the planet was magically turned into an EV (and in this unicorn land all the infrastructure is in place and great) that woud reduce the total carbon that is released into the atmosphere by how much each year? If you google that you will get "50 or 60%" but that is total 'propaganda' - when you realise that ask your self - 'why the propaganda?' Now if EV vehicles become extremely reliable and stable and cheaper over 10-15 years, and the Govt introduces subsidies and offsets (eg. EV insurance premiums are very high), then they would be a viable alternative to proven realiable cheaper (better?) ICE vehicles.
  9. Ever notice how rational people 'attack' the Dems/Biden for what they do, but irrational wokes attack Trump personally with insults. Take a close look yourself mate - try to play the ball, not the man.
  10. Feelings - all they know is feelings. Facts dont care about your feelings mate (sorry).
  11. Sounds just deflection - atypical of virtue signallers when a button is pushed.
  12. I dont post for replies - only the silly virtue signallers do that.
  13. Judging by emoji responses to your original response - you are correct 59 people out of 69 people are either confused or sad, and another 8 are laughing.
  14. Made for people to express their views I thought. But as anticipated the virtue signalling folks with cognitive dissonence will always label anything they disagree with as 'sillyness' (or worse).
  15. The Dems can charge Trump with as many 'trumped up' crimes as they like - they aint gonna stop Trump winning in November. The Dems can let as many illegals into the country as they like for their votes - they aint gonna stop Trump winning in November. The Dems can push divisive race based politics as they like - they aint gonna stop Trump winning in November. The Dems can push the women's right to an abortion and the fake 'pay gap' issues as much as they like - they aint gonna stop Trump winning in November. The Dems and all the RINOs and Swampers are terrified of Trump - and people should really ask themselves why and think. Not think about why they do not like him - and there are lots of reasons because he has a very abrasive personality. But they need to think about what did he do last time he was POTUS that was so 'terrifying'. In fact all the things they said Trump was going to do if he won in 2016, is exactly what Biden has done (remember Trump will start WW3?). Trump's biggest 'failures' was 'The Wall' - he could not get it done - and now Biden has shown everyone exactly why Trump wanted to build a wall. Relations between the 'Big 3' - USA, China and Russia, have not been this bad since the 'cold war'. World Trade is at an all-time low since the disaster of Covid and how the Dems managed it. Trump is being proven more and more correct, about how he was challenging what all the 'experts' like Fauci were doing, and saying that China was resposible, and that the WHO is 'controlled' by China. And of course, the Russia Gate BS has been shown to be just that - total BS - and the Dem impeachments were as false and abysmal as the Jan 6 insurrection BS. The aint gonna stop Trump winning in November. He is going to tear it all down and they are terrified - not for the People - for themselves. People are more and more realising that Trump may not be a 'nice guy', but they now understand that all the politically driven attacks the Dems and Media and EU have thrown at Trump, are just 'Fake News'. The fools and diehards will still vote Dems, but more and more People are refusing to be fooled anymore.
  16. The top reason people buy EVs is virtue signalling and cognitive dissonence. There are other reasons though - I have a mate back in Oz with a Tesla S and it is awesome. But he has a lot of money and to him it is like an expensive toy. If I had that sort of money and was in Australia I would buy a Tesla. No way I would or will ever buy a cheap EV car - and in Thailand I would never buy any EV vehicle. That thing was almost as quick as my S1000RR - around a racetrack it would blow me away (cornering speed). I know another bloke in Aust that had a Toyota EV and one day it just would not start. He had to get it towed to his house and when the Toyota mechanic arrived days later, he could not figure out the problem. They took it back to the workshop and after a while they ascertained that the rear passenger door sensor was screwed and therefore the car woiuld not start - no lights or warnings - it was hidden deep - and only the high-end Toyota 'reader' device could find it. He refused to take the car back and demanded a trade-in - he got a great deal on a Toyota hybrid. Why would I buy a car that has the potential to leave me high and dry - either due to 'software' programming issues, or a lack of charging stations, and in 5-10 years the battery is going to be massively expensive when it fails, and the value of used EVs is awful and getting worse. IMO they are not that good for the environment - that is a 'belief' being pushed hard by vested interests. If/when an EV spontaneously catches fire and people's lives are lost (boat, carpark, building basement, etc), this whole EV fanaticism will fall apart like a deck of cards. This guy is just one of the many car expert pundits calling out the EV lunacy - watch the whole playlist.
  17. Happened to me first time many years ago, and like most newbies I was shocked and just let it go. Then it happened again - so in the car I asked the wife 'what gives'. On the third occasion, I just walked out leaving everything as it was. I knew not to 'argue' as that could lead to 'problems' - so I just 'preacefully' walked out. That is how I deal with it - but it hasnt happened for a while - maybe I dont get out enough.
  18. Very dubious advice IMO - not that I disagree. But taking tax advice from unknown random Thais? who work in the 'inland revenue' (it is called the Thailand Revenue Department), is IMO not a wise thing to do. There are many vloggers and tax consultants in Thailand who have said everything from 'all Expats must now pay taxes' to 'no affect on Expats'. But they all say one same thing - lets wait until the TRD provides full clarity and all the exemptions in how they will manage this new tax era. I hope you/they are right - but I aint leaving it at that until I know for sure. The last TRD 'clarification' attempt in November, lead to even more questions and complaints, so they have 'closed doors' and are working through the issues. The TRD probably want to delay implementation like Malaysia did, but it is clear that the PM/Govt wants more income taxes paid.
  19. I feel that too - I married a Thai and also intended to die here. I am upset by all this, but my wife is 'ropeable'. She is seriously annoyed that they would try to impose income taxes on my money, and is adamant that 'those corrupt HiSos will not get any of your/our money'. She and all her family have never paid income taxes in their lives - just like the majority of Thais. She has always only every paid the tax that we all pay - VAT - and she says that is enough. She remembers when VAT started (at 10%) in 1990s and all the complaints made them reduce it to 7%. Thais have since then reluctantly accepted that VAT is the means by which the Thai Govt gets some of their money (and then wastes most of it on corrupted 'deals' and khrapp like submarines, street lamps, etc etc etc).
  20. I hear you mate - and understand. We too are looking at Bali as one of the potential places to move to if this thing goes 'belly up'. We intend to stay as long as possible this year and see how things go - hopefully they will follow Malaysia's lead and delay implementation for 5 years. This year for us (and many others) is going to be a test. I brought in extra funds before end Decmber last year, and this year it will only be the pension coming in - with clear documented proof. If I have to pay taxes on that in 2025 - or if during 2024 it becomes very clear that I will have to pay taxes in 2025 - then we are out of here. We have a detailed busget going out to 2037 and in that time we plan to bring into Thailand about 15 Million Baht - if/when we leave that will be gone. Now I know in the scheme of things that is not much - but when you consider 300K Expats and say half leave because of income taxes be imposed - that is an amount of money they should not be 'throwing away'. I too know a few single blokes living in/around Pattaya - most of them are looking where to move to if their pensions are going to be taxed - plus many are just sick of all the khrapp they have to go though just to stay here - and now being forced to pay income taxes measn they are looking elsewhere. Philippines, Indonesia (Bali) - but maybe Vietnam or Cambodia (if/when they implement fair and resonable retirement Visas). Plus then they can visit Thailand very cheaply - and staying less than 180 days in total here means no income taxes.
  21. IMO the Thai RD has not yet responded to the BOI request to clarify whether LTR Visa holders are still exempt under this new rule. It is also MO that it is in breach of the stated aims of the OECD/CRS to stop money laundering, terrorist fundings and criminal activities, by Thailand offering people a 'special' Visa that they can buy and thus avoid all the stated aims of OECD/CRS. We will never know, but IMO the Thai RD have received a LOT of this type of 'request for clarification' from many sources inside and outside Thailand. When Malaysia looked to implement this 'new rule' they announbced it and delayed implementation for 5 years because it was far moe complicated than they had initiqally thought. Malaysia Delays Implementation Of Worldwide Tax Regime | Croner-i Tax and Accounting (croneri.co.uk) All Govts and Bureacracies worldwide are looking for more taxes follwing their Covid economic disaster, during which all of them kept their jobs.
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