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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. In April Melbourne can have nice sunny hot or warm days, and cold windy raining days. And it can have them all on the same day at that time of year. It all depends on the wind direction - from north is hot/warm (deserts), from south (antarctic) is cold. The BOM website is Government run and is as accurate as they can be. Melbourne Forecast (bom.gov.au)
  2. I was watching some of funny short vids on youtube. There was a female Gorilla who was 'twerking' at the boss Gorilla. and he was just not interested. It was hilarious - she just could not get his attention - he would turn away, so she would move and try again, and he turned away again, etc etc. It was so funny - but then, when I thought about it a bit more .......
  3. That was an expensive lesson - and I have no doubt that he will remember it. Having said that, I am a little dubious - but to say why could be deemed racist.
  4. I think that the soon to be ex-headman will be seeking revenge due to loss of face (and job/money). If I was the guy involved (and Thai) I would be looking to move and/or getting a weapon to defend myself when he comes looking for me in the future. One day in the very far future, Thailand will be a much more civilised country, where only the very bad ones in the very bad places, will be pulling out guns in an argument. Doing this at a public religious event at a temple - says volumes about Thailand. I am sure the potential Chinese tourists will just love seeing this.
  5. Thailand will never become a true democracy until Laws like this are expunged. The main problem is that the Law can be extremely broad in its definition and application, and that allows these sorts of Laws to be used to shut down criticism and dissent. Until the people of Thailand can express their opinions publicly (within reason), Thailand will remain a 3rd world country pretending to be 1st world.
  6. Ditto - plus she grows a lot of our vegies in backyard and sells/gives away some too - just enough, not too much. She wanted a chicken or 2 - no thanks darling - too noisy and a lot of work.
  7. Thanks Mike much appreciated. Being organised and planning ahead pays off in the long run - well doine mate. I hope that if things go OK and we dont have to leave - but I am thinking and planning if it is not OK, and hopefully I can get to the position you are in and the annual process is sorted.
  8. There is a lot of very good advice already (and some not so good) - so I will just add something. Get a paternity test done to ensure the child is yours. Dont get offended - just do it and make sure. If the test comes back positive that gives you personal certainty about everything you do - and it could be very helpful later. If the test come back negative, then you know the truth and you can make your decisions knowing that is the case. Do not tell her/anyone about the test or the results - untill is in yours and the kid's best interests to do so. Best wishes mate - and I must say, it is great that you are not 'walking away' - that says a lot about you, and that is all good.
  9. I like the option of moving the gear into a place you are renting - storage fees here are often very high and not so good (damage from weather and insects/mice etc.) Yes removalist companies exist here - I have never used one so cannot recommend anyone.
  10. Thailand is caught between a rock and a hard place. Their current low interest rates which are about half the global average is not attractive to foreign currency investors, hence why more currency is leaving Thailand than is entering. However, the very high Public and Govt Debt to GDP ratios, means if they upped interest rates, this would have a very negative impact on economic growth. Probably the wisest thing for BOT to do is stay still and wait for the world rates to drop.
  11. Yes indeed - once they start getting 'rowdy' the best course of action is to finish up and quietly leave. Dont just move tables - that can easily be taken the wrong way.
  12. Just nod back and all will be good - and do the same when you walk in front of somone (but just a nod). Thais do that because that is how the social system works here and you can either go along with it, or get in there and get involved. Fascinating people - both their good points and their bad ones too.
  13. Excellent - I think the latter. Their self-doubt means that having someone attractive to others will be a negative.
  14. Very interesting - no wonder you know a bit about tax laws. Tax returns in 3 countries - how is that done. What I mean by that is - how easy or hgard is it to do them. I lodge tax returns in Australia - but the ATO (Tax Office) has all my financial details and each year they send me out a pre-filled tax return with all the income that I have earned from various soiurces. All I have to do is advise of any others and claim deductions or alloowances - which I never bother to do because the total income is under the tax-free threshold or is not taxable income (like Pension).
  15. Nah - hate it - gets too hot - clothes, cars, driveways, etc. Much prefer white.
  16. That is an excellent analogy - never thought of it like that - but it sure fits.
  17. True - but not as much as Thailand and other SEAsian countries like Japan and Korea.
  18. Good advice mate. Many Expats have been doing the wrong things and when they get into trouble, some wai wai and 'payment' will often make the problem go away. The Thai Tax Dept will not be doing that for 'ordinary' people (only the big boys down at the Amari hotel). The Thai RD is not like the Immigration system - and it is full of Officers willing to look the other way and make exemptions etc. There are no 'Agents' as such, who can 'grease the wheel' and make things move in Thai RD. The best you can get is a Thai certified tax accountant - but just like for ordinary people, if they break the rules and get caught, they are severely punished (their career and business is over). That was all explained to me by a Thai lawyer some time ago. Yes he was drumming up business - but nothing I have seen or heard since back then suggests that advice was wrong.
  19. Correct - me too. I also get newsletters and emails from lawyers. I figured a long time ago that I had no rights, and it would be wise to learn and understand all the laws here. But I was not referring to his advice about whether the income tax rule change will mean Expats will have to pay income taxes as claimed in many media stories. I was referring to the vlog he made a while ago that explained how the Thai legal system works - especially its ignoring of legal precedents.
  20. That is fine and it is up to you - and anyone else can do the same if they wish. But since you made that public announcement, let me say to you and everyone reading this, why that is very 'dangerous'. Failure to lodge a tax return when lodging one is required, is a serious fine for each and every year, plus you must pay all backdated taxes they calculate, plus it involves backdated interest charged on any amounts deemed that should have been paid. It will involve your Passport being blocked to stop you leaving the country, can result in immediate detention, can result in criminal charges and Court appearances and jail time, and it can result in deportation for Expats. Unlike most other things, were being 'caught' means a punishment of that occurence (like not wearing a helmet), not lodging tax returns and not paying income taxes, is an extremely harsh punishemnt - and they will go back over every year since 2024. TRhis is not like staying illegally in the country (no Visa extensions etc.) and the information is available on the net. If that is your plan over the next 3-5-10 years, then that is up to you - but now you know what the downsides are. That is all I am doing mate - pointing out things that I am aware of - learning things I am not aware of - contributing.
  21. Good luck to you - I hope that never changes for you.
  22. Saw a bloke yesterday walk up to am ATM - he pressed a few numbers and then showed a screenshot to the ATM camera - money given. Now you may say what you want - that is inherently far more of a security issue than an ATM card that has a 'security chip' in it - phones dont. There are lots of similar situations I have either observed or an aware of - I stay involved and am across most of the issues. When people who work in roles that requires TSPV clearances use smartphones in their jobs, then I will know you are right. But that is up to you - and yes there are many mitigating things you can do - especially on iPhones. I am referring to people like the woman that was in the bank screaming at them that their App had 'taken all my money' and that the bank was at fault for allowing that to happen - totally ignorant of everything. Seems that like me you are aware of and understand what the risks are and do things to mitigate them - most do not - and are not told.
  23. That is the only thing that will work - people refusing to buy the products at that shop. That is why they have such massive discounts on some products every now and then. The scammed so much that no one bought the stuff anymore - and they already made massive profits - so they just clear out the stock.
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