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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Yes - thinking and planning ahead is not one of the Thai's strengths.
  2. Quote from article written 2 days ago - Most Thai legal experts say that the Revenue is primarily interested in Thais or expats with offshore banks accounts, a history of currency speculation or profit-making business enterprises overseas. However, the only way of distinguishing them from typically retired “tax residents” would be for all to register with the Revenue for a tax identification number. That procedure, if required in future, does not necessarily mean that tax would be due. Thai Revenue offers glimmer of clarification on tax changes - Pattaya Mail As the article says, as soon as the Thai RD clarifies what the new rules are, and how they are going to apply them, and what is now deemed to be 'taxable income', then and only then will Expats be able to determine if I have any income tax liability, and if they are required to lodge a tax return in 2025, and every year going forward. IMO it is unlikely they will provide that clarity/certainty before January 1 2024, so my plan is to bring forward money transfers into Thailand before December 31, and then I will only bring in the minimum in the year 2024. But if I am wrong and they announce their decisions soon, and I am never going to pay income taxes in Thailand - happy days.
  3. sr_series_2021.pdf (mhi.com) (cxould not find latest model brochure) IMO Mitsubishi are the best air-cons available in Thailand. But only buy from a registered retailer and installer - many cowboys here (actually - they are the majority). Black mould is actually a fungus - check out the model range and look for those with the anti-fungal feature.
  4. They execute drug 'dealers' or lock them away for life - but perhaps you are right and the laws are only harsh there. I have no idea how strong Thai laws are regarding criminal negligence causing death. Probably you are right, and they are not harsh at all - and as you say if he is rich or a relative of someone rich and powerful, he will get a slap on the wrist. Which in facts makes my point - until somone is severely punished for it, this sort of thing will continue to happen.
  5. Two things. 1. Khrapp - I missed the handcuffs - thanks. 2. Ignore my comments about commuting his sentence - execute the bast#### Talk about a complete and utter lack of remorse - even drunk he should show some humanity in him over what he has done.
  6. Plus re-read that part above in my post which clearly states under the Thai RD latest directive, " 2. ALL rulings, regulations, orders, response to consultations or practices that are contrary to or inconsistent with this Instruction are cancelled: and 3. This instruction shall apply to foreign sourced income brought into Thailand from 1st January 2024 onwards." What that means is that all bets are off and everything starts again from scratch. However, the Thai RD initial directive in September and all since then, including the one above provided on 20 November 2023, are likely to be challenged in the Courts. Mate - let me finish with this - I hope you are right - but you might be wrong - I will plan accordingly.
  7. Good advice and I agree overall - but I will give you some back. Snakes live on the ground where those ants are too - but unlike the ants they tend to hide - and you only find out they are there when they bite you. Likewise, I would not ignore those big red 'fire ants' (mod-kun-fai) - they can bite very badly.
  8. Yes that is true - but there are also thousands of Thai wives/partners also expressing their opinions.
  9. Fair enough overall - but not when it comes to income taxes. As Capone and many others have found out the hard way, they are as serious as not wearing a helmet when riding a motorbike. You can ignore them all you want, but the 'penalty' when 'caught out' can be very bad for both - not worth the risk IMO. But yes the is never certainty here - and it is up to you whether you care or not.
  10. That comment is a generalised opinion - it is not a statement of fact. I know you want that satement to be a fact, but it is not. Clearly you not understand how DTAs work. You (company) have to claim 'tax credits' on taxes already paid, and/or you have to provide proof that the money received here in Thailand comes from sources already taxed, and/or that the money received here in Thailand is exempt from taxes in Thailand. AND the Thai RD has to accept your 'proof' and the Thai RD has to agree that you are not liable for income taxes. Unlike what some people think - DTAs are not a 'get out of jail card'. Here is a link to something that is no longer true from 1 January 2024. Do you need to pay income taxes when retiring in Thailand? | Thaiger (thethaiger.com) This one is more up to date - however what is deemed to be 'taxable income' (eg. is a pension) has not been declared. Thailand Foreign Source Income Personal Tax - SHERRINGS No one knows until Thai RD providses the details - but it would be wise to plan ahead, and stay across the issue.
  11. Yes - for those in that position they are better off if it all remains quiet and they stay under the radar. But the majority are not in that situation and we just want certainty.
  12. Drunk while in charge of a vehicle causing death - vehicular homicide - murder. Same as someone that closes their eyes and turns and fires a gun - not actually aiming at anyone but kills someone - criminal negligence causing death - murder.
  13. I am not syaing you are wrong - but that might you might not be correct. I do not know the UK system, but a similar thing is available in Australia - but it is not that useful in Thailand. The Thai tax year is from Jan 1 to Dec 31 - both UK and Aust do not line up with those dates with their annual 'reports' which usually coincide with their tax years (June to July and April to April). Unless UK provides those reports from any date to any date, they will not match the Thai tax year and that is an issue. They will not provide Jan-Dec reports in Aust, because as I was advised, that would create a lot of work and huge costs, because people will demand reporting on all sorts of dates (true).
  14. Not my understanding. What allowances and deductions are you applying? 360K equates to 13,450 Baht in income tax. 150K = zero 150 to 300 (5%) = 7450 300 to 360 (10%) = 6000
  15. Clean thoroughly all of the living room - there probably is black mould hidden in the walls/furniture. Do the same outside near where the main unit is - maybe that is the source. The a/c sucks the spores into the unit and they grow exponitionally in that environment. Spray bleach and/or mould killer liberally everywhere in living room. Once that stuff gets a hold inside it is extremely hard to get rid of it. If he rents - move. If he owns the place - get a new Mitsubishi with antimould - replace all the pipes too - all incoming and outgoing.
  16. I cant make out of the pickup truck driver is one of the dead. If not dead, then he should be charged with multiple murders, tried quickly and publicly, and then executed. Commute that sentance to life in jail with no chance of ever being released - no royal pardon eligible. If it happens again in the next few months - do not commute the sentence. That is the only thing that will reduce this type of thing happening in Thailand - if they realise that they will be charged with murder and will go to jail and could be executed if they kill someone. The ultimate loss of face to them and their family. Thailand has harsh laws - this is a situation where they can be used for the benefit of all Thais (and visitors). If the opportunityy is there, then the time is right for the Thai Govt to make an example of this a**hole.
  17. Firstly - it may be a problem and it may not. Hopefully we will find out it is not an issue over the coming months. What I have done, in order to prepare for this potential problem, is to put my pension payments into a bank account that has no other incoming or outgoing money. I have another home country bank account or two for all other things. My plan is to (from 1 Jan 2024) only transfer money from there to my Wise account each month. I will then transfer that exact same amount of money from Wise into my Thai Bank account - which is the only bank account I will use for that purpose (use another Thai bank account for other things). That means I will be able to generate reports from my bank records showing the same exact XYZ amount put in as my Pension, XYZ amount transfered to Wise, XYZ amount converted at current Baht exchange rate and transferred to my Thai Bank account, XYZ/Converted incoming to my Thai bank account. I cannot see any other way to 'prove' that the money is my pension money - other than getting the Govt to send my pension directly to my Thai bank account - which would incur very high fees at very poor exchange rates. If this goes ahead and all remitted monies, including pensions, are determined to be 'taxable income', unless you can prove otherwise, then I cannot see any other way. But it is the Thai RD who would have to accept those bank statements as proof - wehich I have no idea if they will. That also means that lodging a tax return would be compulsory if you receive money remitted into Thailand over 150K in a year (the tax free threshold). Hopefully, the Thai RD will provide clear exemptions and allowances, and hopefully they will state that lodging a tax return is not required if you have no income taxes to pay. But I am planning what to do in case that does not occur, and I am liable for income taxes, and I must lodge a tax return. It would be wise for others to do the same - if only just to get the name and number of a reliable registered tax accountant.
  18. Yes they are not targetting married or retired Expats. But as per the law of unintended consequences, Expats will be 'caught' in their income tax net, unless they make exmptions and/or allowances. That is why they are right now as we speak, 'talking' about all the ramifications and what to do about them. The PM has directed the Thai RD to review the implications and applications of this change in their approach to income tax collections. I hope they will include us in their conversations, and I also hope they do not say thiongs like - 'we tax farangs, they have money'. Mate - you know what a debarcle their broccilli law changes resulted in - 2 years later and it is still stuffed. But I will say this - the more we expats talk and complain - the more chance we have that they will make exemptions and allowances. Socila media silence achieves nothing - all the Thai partners complaining that their Farang is going to leave Thailand is a good thing. Clearly this Thai Govt is reactionary - I say give them something to react too.
  19. Hamas claimed is was a 'Zionist' helicopter that killed Israel people at a music festival. Hamas claimed Israel bombed a hospital - it was a rocket they mis-fired. etc etc etc Who was it that said - The first casualty of war is the truth.
  20. You seriously need to stop listening to the progressive mob that is telling you that white men are all evil and that white oppression is the cause of all the world's problems. The world always had problems and it always will - no one is to blame, and everyone is to blame. Blaming anyone never solves anything - never. If all the Jews in Israel left tomorrow, do you really think that the problems will just go away? If you do then you need to listen. Egypt refuses to allow any Arabs in Gaza to enter their country - they do to Gaza exactly the same as Israel - blockade them. Look at the map mate and do some research. You will find most Arab countries do the same with 'Palestinians'. Iran will support them finanacially and provide them arms etc. - but they will not allow them to move into their country. Same with Iraq. Why? No I am not saying Israel is totally right and never does anything wrong. But I am saying that Israel is rightly conducting a military campaign to destroy Hamas, and unfortunately because of Hamas' tactic of hiding behind/underneath civilians, some of them are going to die. Is rael is not targetting civilians - Hamas does that. Hamas is deliberately making civilians die - they are refusing to allow civilians to use their tunnels and they are forcing them to stay - as they have done every previous time - so that when they are killed (especially children) the western progressives and media and UN will denounce Israel and support their cause for a 'free Palestine'. But that is not their cause - that is a lie. Look on Youtube. When media people interviewed protestors in UK, USA, etc supporting 'Palestine' and advised them that Hamas wants all Jews killed and removed, they do not know this fact. They are woke progressive idiots looking for a cause to support and they do not understand (and probably never will). Hey - I was young and stupid - and I thought it was all wrong and it needs to be changed. And then I grew up.
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