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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. LOL - well said. Many countries started going down that path, and are now finally realising that was not a good idea. Even Sweden and Francxe are starting to look at deporting them. But woke progressive liberals and the UN still think that a boatload of 20-30 year old males are refugees. Refugees are like those fleeing Myanmar - mainly women and children and old men.
  2. Only if he did it once and got lost - all good. But if he does it a lot (trail jogging by himself) then 'pay up dhead'.
  3. They have been saying that about Japan for decades and yet they are still doing just fine - currently third in the World. The dangers of a declining population are no where near as bad as they say - otherwise Japan would be much worse that it is now. Japan's population has been in decline since the 1980s - and yet they are doing just fine - 3rd largest economy in the world - a far more civilised and happy population - costs of living stabilising and no massive property price increases (overall) - readily available resources (medical etc.). Economists are full of over-educated rubbish - a declining population means many good things as above - especially much more stable costs and more available resources and services - plus it means no constant additional need for more and more resources - and no increased costs due to providing new services for all the new people - population growth massively increases the costs, especially of housing in a country with limited land availability. Bringing in 100s of thousands of innapropriate immigrants (non-assimilating) every year has proven to be bad policy for the existing peoples in most western countries - rampant population growth and subsequent economic and taxation growth is not the answer to a sustainable country - in fact it has been a total failure, because there is no problem to solve.
  4. More lies from TAT - Vietnam won Asia's Leading Destination - 3rd year in a row. Asia's Leading Destination 2023 – World Travel Awards Thailand won a few awards - but not many. Asia Winners 2023 – World Travel Awards No mention of any 'best outside Europe' awards.
  5. Oh do go on - what a ridiculous post - please go and do it somewhere else. Far more chance I am right and not you - can you prove he is not a nature nutter - do you know him? The giveaway for me was the term 'trail jogger' - implying that he regularly goes jogging in the remote forests/s. Up to him of course - like someone that does not wear a helmet when riding a bike - but he should pay the costs of finding him. Or as someone suggested - give a big donation.
  6. Quote "Trail Jogger" - I know the type - full of 'the joys of nature' and no idea how it is (until they come across a Lion/Tiger/Snake etc.) Same as all those 'sailors' lost at sea - they charge them now for the costs of saving their stupid backsides. I hope he did pay some penance/merit - they deserve it.
  7. Cheers - a separate Division within the Police Force. I hope that one day they might be abolished and replaced within the Dept of Foreign Affairs. Maybe then they would be more 'influenced' by the Govt, and maybe 'encourage' Expats, instead of treating us like paroled criminals.
  8. And six decades is 60 years. More than enough for your 'prediction' of 46 years.
  9. It always amazes me how 'nasty' people who suffer from left wing delusions are, and yet they dont see it in themselves. If any of them are 'listening' - allow me tell you something to prove that point. At both funerals of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan there were left wing protesters throwing abuse and things at their cavalcades. Their hatred and abuse was unbelievable - it was totally 'inhuman' and a disgrace. I have never seen right wing supporters do that - and they will not when Obama and Pelosi and Biden etc die. Being left wing is OK - one of my best mates was left wing (RIP) - but there are many who have gone far too far. As my mate said - they are doing nothing for the cause, if anything they are damaging it. The liberal left wing media and woke organisations and the Politicians has caused this divide in people. But that is no excuse for the absolute vitriolic abuse that comes out of left wingers sometimes (especially when they lose). Just look at all the protests after the Supreme Court overturned Wade Vs Roe - they hate losing and never accept it.
  10. Big Joke is again back in the Office - probably be for a few years while this 'raid' on his House settles down. I expect he will be back, bigger than ever in a few years. Anyone know what group the Immigration Police comes under?
  11. As long as they do not 'resort' to 'innapropriate' Immigration to rectify that situation, like the West foolishly did, then all will be well eventually. It is amazing how predictions of bad outcomes from academics/scientists are often many decades away - but of course they should be paid/employed to continue their analysis. Seems to me that if the bad outcome that the academic/scientist predicts is decades away, this is a great method to get 30-40 years of paid employment to continue to 'monitor' things. I always wondered the same about all those climate academics/scientists. What a brilliant scam - the world is ending because of (insert dogma) in 3-5 decades - give me a useless job/career to study more and prove that my useless job/career is justified. Seems to me that some Churches follow this very same approach.
  12. No - but I have some advice. IMO Thailand dentists resort to root canal treatment far too quickly (money?). Years ago in Chiang Mai I saw a dentist for a clean/check and he said I needed root canal treatment. I had no pain and there was no obvious signs of root infection. I had already planned to return home for a few weeks later, so I said maybe after I get back from my trip. Went to see my dentist back home - he said the tooth was decayed and needed filing/crown, but not root canal treatment. Because I have Sjrogens it is common for my teeth to need filing/crowns - but root infections have never been a problem. Seems to me that Thai dentists believe/taught that most tooth decay is caused by a bacterial infection in the root. Get a second/third opinion maybe - look for a dentist who has trained overseas.
  13. They do have good prices on website. Do they provide cash on delivery?
  14. They are both relevent and appropriate. Unless something is done about them, that dog and snake will continue to do what they do, and eventually someone is going to get seriously huirt or killed. Israel is going to kill all the dogs and snakes in Gaza that have for decades committed acts of terrorism - because their latest atrocity was so bad, that they had no choice but to respond forcefully. Israel will not stop until all dogs and snakes are killed - and their supporters/enablers. IMO the ceasation of this step in the Israel military campaign will be the lock-down of Gaza and all of its people. Israel did that in the past, to stop the terrorists from making random acts of terror against Israel. Israel left and Gaza become self-governing - under the PLO they were still commiting acts of terror but they were moving towards a peaceful outcome. But under Hamas (who removed PLO after Arafat died) those acts of terror have escalated and all attempts at peqace have failed. Failure to act by Isreal would mean more and more future acts of terrorism, perhaps even worse than the current atrocities. Hamas has demanded the release of all their terrorists currently in Israel jail, in return for the hostages they took during their latest act of terrorism. Israel will not agree - because Hamas will just continue to do what they have done since 2006. The time to end this is now, and this time Israel will not give up the Gaza Strip again. They intend to cleanse the Gaza of all vestiges of Hamas and destroy all military capability, initially through this war, and then through an ongoing military lock-down and a total trade blockade - Hamas did not mnake their weapons. Hamas and the people of Gaza caused this - they are going to pay a huge price for what they have been doing for decades.
  15. Apparently there is nothing wrong with indicriminately firing thousands of rockets into Israel - because they are destroyed by Israel's Iron Dome defence system. You need to do more research and ignore the pro-Palestine woke progressive narratives. Hamas wants Israel destroyed and all Jews killed - their latest act of terrorism has forced Israel to take decisive action. The Leader of Hamas has gone on TV to declare to all the people of Gaza that their deaths will be a victory for their fight to remove/kill Israel. Israel has declared war on the Gaza Strip. The rules of war apply - not the lunacy of woke liberal progressives always looking for another 'oppressed minority group' to virtue signal about - that time is over. Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups have fired more than 4,500 rockets toward Israel since Saturday's deadly attack, according to Israel Defense Forces. How Israel's Iron Dome intercepts rockets - CBS News
  16. Total Khrapp - those figures come from Hamas. Same as their lies about Israel bombing a hospital. I dont believe anything Hamas says, nor the silly people and media mongers that quote them.
  17. Not deliberately - No. But if Hamas hides behind them - so be it - that is on them. I ignore all quotes about women and children deaths from anyone or anything associated with Hamas. They bombed their own hospital and then blamed Israel - they are evil murdering terroritsts and will be destroyed. Israel has declared war on Hamas and is going to destroy all Hamas members. Israel troops will not deliberately kill non-combatant. And they will not cut of the heads of babies and kill innocent civilians at a music festival. Israel and the civilised world has had enough - it is time to take action.
  18. I get vitamins from Lazada - most of the 'pharmacys' here either dont stock them much, have old stock, and are way over-priced.
  19. Send him the bill - and all the other greenie nutters getting lost in the remote forests trying to be 'at one' with nature. He is lucky nature didn't get to cycle his body back into the collective.
  20. Good question. I would say it depends on which Judge/s get the case and what the Govt announces is their desired outcome. I think (hope) that the Thai Govt will realise from their current review, that they have made a bad decision targetting short term tax revenues gains with such short notice, at the expensive of future businesses and investors due to the uncertainty about potential future changes.
  21. Sorry - no one knows the definitive answer to your situation - not even two Thai tax/accountants I have contacted. You could well be the 'target' group the Thai RD is after - people who earn income overseas and then bring some of it into Thailand. My advice is to wait until the Thai RD releases their 'clarifiying explanations' - they are currently reviewing the impacts and outcomes of this change and how best to proceed going forward. Hopefully they will follow Malaysia's lead and delay implementation for a few years to give people and companies a reasonable time period for both to assess their future financial decisions. If they do not provide that 'clarity' or do not give enough time, it is extremely very likely that this matter will go to the Thai Courts. People and Companies have been making financial decisions based upon a method of operating by the Thai RD, than has been ratified in the Courts for over 30 years, and making such a change with 3 months notice is very lieley to be ruled as being against the Tax Laws/Constitution.
  22. That is not my read of the Thai RD guidline - but it could be correct in how the Thai RD actually acts: Section 56 Every taxpayer except a minor or a person adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent shall, on or before the last day of March every year, file to the official appointed by the Minister a tax return reporting the assessable income received in the preceding tax year in the form prescribed by the Director-General, if such person- (1) has no spouse and has the assessable income of the preceding tax year exceeds 60,000 baht, (2) has no spouse and has the assessable income of the preceding tax year under only Section 40 (1) exceeds 120,000 baht, (3) has a spouse and the assessable income of the preceding tax year exceeds 120,000 baht, or (4) has a spouse and the assessable income of the preceding tax year under only Section 40 (1) exceeds 220,000 baht. That 60K figure I think is 'lost in translation' as 150K is the tax free threshold. Section 40 is all about Assesable Income. Chapter 3 Income Tax | The Revenue Department (English Site) (rd.go.th) All Thai Laws (Tax, Immigration, etc etc) and the Thai RD Guidelines, are very 'interpretable'. The reason is because the Thai Legal System (Courts) are not based on what we call 'Common Law' and they do not base their rulings on past 'Precedents'. Unlike our systems which are very rigid and defined, with rulings going back hundreds of years, the Thai legal system is basically a case by case situation. Perhaps I have not explained that enough before, when trying to explain to some posters that 'those words do not mean what you think they mean'. That is the reason why in Thailand any Immigration Officer or Policeman can make a decision - within certain limits. I personally like some parts of that legal system - IMO a 1960 Toyota rustbucket with balding tyres being driven by a 70 year old woman and going at 100Kms is far more dangerous than a brand new Mercedes SL500 driven by a 40 year old man going at 130Km. In Thailand you can talk to the Policeman and 'sort things out' (even slip a few baht) - but it the west the very dangerous Toyota is ignored and the Mercedes is impounded - because the legal definition of dangerous driving is 20+km over the limit.
  23. Thanks Sheryl - much appreciated. Clearly Wiki has got it wrong.
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