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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. That is so incredibly STUPID! The Arab world immediately attacked Israel after the partition. Israel won. Thus the original partition borders are NULL and VOID. I get it. You hate Israel and God knows what else. But you apply a different standard to the world's one tiny Jewish state to every other sovereign nation in the world.
  2. Not sure what you're talking about. I think Interactive Brokers does IRAs which you can open from abroad. What do you mean by ported? I'm talking about a U.S. based bank specializing in expat customers. Yes I'm aware you can't buy mutual funds living abroad for IRA by you can by stocks, bonds, and ETFs.
  3. I'm here to tell you that it eventually doesn't. I've been living abroad long enough to know that.
  4. I know and I'm suggesting a deep pockets startup could lobby to change laws to specifically make things easier for expats and damn it, we're Americans too!
  5. Yeah but you found a custom solution. They could change their policy tomorrow. I'm talking about making things much easier for ALL expats and digital nomads.
  6. I know enough to know that different banks have different business models but I assume you're talking about loans. Loans would be a problem for expats, but I assume they could do credit cards, IRA accounts, and pretty much everything else U.S. banks do. They might even have pricing power for higher fees because of the special service they could offer expats.
  7. I have a personal experience with this kind of thing. i was involved in an internet startup that was dealing with selling a product where each U.S. state had complex different laws about so that nobody else had bothered to deal with it before because of that. But they had deep pockets and invested in tackling it. They still exist, decades later, and they are the market leader.
  8. Yes the laws don't favor us. Normal banks want to dump us with good reason. But a specialized bank with the potential to capture the majority of U.S. expats and digital nomads in the world, MILLIONS OF AMERICANS, could potentially have the bandwidth to lobby to change the laws. Elon Musk?
  9. This topic inspired by yet another issue with a U.S. financial institution caused by living abroad. In this case an account of about 1,000 dollars that has been frozen and requiring me to visit a branch in the U.S. to unlock. I have no plans to travel to the U.S. Without going in details of how this happened, how about this for an idea? Could a wealthy entrepreneur open a U.S. bank with all the standard services dedicated to serving expats, digital nomads, etc.? An account where U.S. nationals already living abroad could open new accounts with just a passport. An account where living abroad doesn't make you a suspect and no need to create a fake U.S. residence with U.S. address and cell phone number? A bank that could somehow finesse with clout and lobbying effort to still comply with "know your customer" laws even to the point of getting those laws changed to accommodate expats? Can't they "know" us through different means, like Zoom calls, voice prints, official evidence of our foreign address, etc.? Yes I know there are existing alternatives like State Department Federal Credit Union and that's great as far as it goes, but I'm talking about something even better and even more targeted at us. It shouldn't be so hard for Americans to live abroad and still manage U.S. finances when needed, and many of us need to. A pipe dream for sure but do you think there's a profitable market for this? I do as Americans moving abroad becomes much more popular for both working age people and retirees. I know I'm not the only expat who has experienced many nightmares over the years by being treated badly by U.S. financial institutions. Know any billionaires?
  10. I don't understand your irrational and obsessive demonization of Israel and as above obviously bleeding into Jew hatred.
  11. You clearly blame the targets of Palestinian terrorism instead of the Palestinian terrorists themselves. Disgusting.
  12. Already said. When the UN made the partition there were two states. One Jewish. One Arab. Not Palestinian. Arab. Before Jews were as "Palestinian" as Arabs.
  13. Written after Palestinian Arab identity became a thing. Duh.
  14. I suggest going with probabilities. Anything can happen. Black swans can happen. The Russia-Iran-NK- China axis could melt down the international banking system tomorrow.
  15. There you go again! Do not put words in my mouth. I have never said that I support everything Israeli governemts do. Why do Israel demonizers feel the need to try to make very complex things so simple minded?
  16. If there ever is a two state solution I would expect Israel would need to give up at least some it's illegal west bank settlements. That's going to be very hard to sell politically in Israel.
  17. This is true as Jews are an ETHNORELIGIOUS group, like the Kurds.
  18. It's not necessarily about you just because I responded to your post. I agree totally of course that civilian suffering especially children is horrible.
  19. If the magas take power, I don't expect any immediate impact on current SS recipients. But they would raise retirement age maybe even reduce benefits for younger people. IF SS isn't reformed, benefits will need to be cut about 25 percent even for current recipients in about 10 years.
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