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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I agree it's a big mess and I'm not one to suggest that I have the solutions to fix it.
  2. The Arab world wasn't supporting Palestinians because Palestinian identity didn't exist back then. They were opposing the creation of a Jewish state in a small part of the land that was the British Mandate, no matter how tiny. Keep in the mind what the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem did. He exiled to Berlin and got a promise from Adolph Hitler to exterminate all the Jews in the Middle East after he was done with Jews in Europe. Painting the Arabs as innocents in this sitation is a total crock!
  3. The trouble with your narrative is that it's simple minded. It blames ONE side when actually the conflict is incredibly complex.
  4. You conveniently forget to mention the large waves of Arabs from all over the Arab world that migrated to the British Mandate to take advantage of the economic opportunities related to Zionist pioneers. Those Arabs were certainly not "Palestinians" and were certainly not there for centuries. I'm hearing from you that don't accept that Jews are indigenous to Israel, but too bad for your narrative, they most definitely are.
  5. The Arabs HAD a state based on the UN charter. You have the right to your opinion that Israel should never have been allowed to exist. But too late. It does and it isn't going anywhere.
  6. No it didn't! The Arabs that stayed became part of the 20 percent Arab Israeli citizens today. Israel was never seeking 100 percent Jews. You're thinking of the Arabs that want Jew free states. But Israel can't continue to exist without a MAJORITY Jewish demographic. If that offends you, so be it. That's the way it is. Israel won't commit national suicide to people to please the likes of you.
  7. It is NOT based on religion. It is based on being a Jew. Jewish mother. The Jewish mother could have been an atheist. Also as I said non Jewish spouses including gay ones. Try to find that in the Islamic world. If Israel granted right of return to Palestinian Arabs which has been a demand from Palestinians, Israel would no longer exist. It's crystal clear that's what you and other obsessive Israel demonizers want. So nice try, no cigar.
  8. I understand they made a mistake. Of course they could have won, they were expected to win, and then all the Jew hating bigots would be happy because there never would have been an Israel.
  9. Oh please. Every country has a right to set their own immigration policies. Don't be so bigoted against the one Jewish state. There are many Islamic states but Jew hating bigots can't seem to ever accept the existence of one quite tiny Jewish state. Such hypocrisy. Many countries have immigration rights based on descent, for example having an Italian grandparent for Italy, etc. To add, it is my understanding that the right of return is not the only way to migrate to Israel. Such as desirable high skilled people similar to how Australia screens applicants.
  10. With conditions such as accepting the right of Israel to exist and proper security guarantees so that it doesn't result in a neighboring state developing a strong military that will destroy Israel. The Arabs had their chance to accept the UN partition in 1948. Instead the Arab world attacked Israel. That was before a specific Palestinian Arab idenitity developed.
  11. There is an interesting wrinkle which excludes a person born a Jew who is practicing another religion. As far as I know Jewish atheists do qualify though it would likely be more diplomatic to say non-religious or secular Jew.
  12. Part of Jerusalem. Sorry but every sovereign nation has the right to determine their capitol.
  13. Like everything in the conflict it's complicated. The numbers of people moving to Israel are not very high but yes Israel promotes that. Housing prices in normal Israel are very high so some are attracted to the west bank for affordable housing rather than right wing ideology.
  14. They? It's not current Israeli government policy.
  15. Off topic but it's based on the law of return. Roughly for that a Jew is a person who had a Jewish mother but there are other ways for converts, non Jewish spouses including same sex spouses, etc.
  16. Jews came to Israel much earlier than Arabs. If you go back far enough we're all from Africa and native Americans aren't native Americans as they crossed from Siberia.
  17. Ignoring your Biden comment I'm not saying that Putin isn't popular in Russia. I just discount polling in Russia for obvious reasons.
  18. I don't believe it's possible to have an accurate poll in a fascist totalitarian state where opposition to the government carries prison terms.
  19. A trivialization of this issue. Also not understanding that Jew hatred is a form of racism as Jews are an ETHNORELIGIOUS group.
  20. Maybe you are just not familiar. Anti-Semitism in Christianity - Wikipedia
  21. No. From the left. From Muslims. From the right. Traditional Christian based blood libel etc.
  22. Someone needs to tell that <deleted> that his 15 minutes of fame has past. He's lucky he dodged prison. He should retire to private life.
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