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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Enemies of the US especially Putin are hoping like hell that Trump comes back in power.
  2. For fans of quality international cinema, may I suggest Desda Alla (From Afar). It's technically gay themed but not very explicit, and it's really a movie for all that like good movies and it's got an ending twist that will blow your mind. The full movie is on youtube but no subtitles. Reviews incredible: From Afar (2015) - Metacritic reviews - IMDb
  3. Nobody wants Harris. She knows it too. I'm sad for her about that, but as you say, realist.
  4. As pundits have said, the only person who can fix the Biden has lost it narrative is Biden himself. Trump won't want to debate Biden because Trump is mentally melting down rapidly. Biden will need to take the risk of demanding debates, then beating Trump's ample ass to a pulp in them, and if Trump refuses, make the entire campaign about how Trump is afraid to face that.
  5. So stupid! Rumors from who? RIght wing crap conspiracy sites? Michelle Obama -- never going to happen. The obvious person that most democrats would be happy with that's someone who actually wants the job (happier than Biden for sure) is Newsom.
  6. And don't forget Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi -- Trump.
  7. Biden doesn't have fan boys. Biden has realists. Trump is the cult movement.
  8. That's at the garbage level of Trump saying "people are saying" It's basically insane. Michelle Obama has zero interest in doing that.
  9. Duh! Watching a reaction video means watching the entire video merged with commentary. Again I never suggested not watching it at all. Why? For example the history propaganda lecture. Tucker didn't know enough to rebut any of that even if he wanted to. Only people very knowledgeable could. So watching it combined with knowledgeable commentary included simply saves time.
  10. Stop lying! I did not say don't watch the Interview. I did suggest because it was so long and mostly boring to watch it with inclusion of commentary of someone I admire who could explain the context. So a viewer could save two hours that way. Unfortunately youtube deleted such reaction videos for copyright reasons.
  11. Yep. Interestingly when you watch street interviews of Russians on the amazing youtube channel 1420, that attitude is very common.
  12. Tucker Carlson -- useful idiot for Putin AND corporate media whore? Yes and yes. BTW -- the point of Putin's FAKE history "lesson" (propaganda) was to advance his disgusting pro genocide ideology that Ukraine does not deserve to be sovereign nation that deserves to determine its own future.
  13. I did once at Bangkok Bank but it was a U.S. treasury (government) check so obviously more official than a personal check. Not certain, but I think it took over a month to clear. Did it at a customer service desk. A high fee of course. I recall something like 500 baht. I think in theory you could do regular transfers that way assuming you have a Thai bank that will play along.
  14. I don't know but I suppose in Thailand Thai-Chinese is associated with Thai elites and Thai-Cambodian is ... not.
  15. Not to mention this speech. Compare to Trump's speech. He STILL hasn't conceded and never will.
  16. The man was already disgraced but now he has piled it on higher and thicker.
  17. He should pay us to take a transcript of that garbage propaganda show.
  18. Not MSNBC. A very well respected and very knowledgeable Russian exile. You can watch both but it saves some time and you will learn more watching his commentary either way. It was really a garbage propaganda show done by a definite NON journalist. Super cringe especially was Tucker's trademark LAUGHING.
  19. I will add this. I did watch it all and I would not suggest that you do the same. Not worth the time. What I DO suggest is to watch the live reaction that will be coming up in about five hours from the Inside Russia youtube channel. That way you will spend your time more efficiently. Still watching the Tucker Kremlin show but getting all the B.S. called out in detail in real time.
  20. Another example of what a wet rag Tucker is. Putin knows Tucker has a huge following with fundamentalist Christian magadonians. So Putin ends by talking about Ukrainian measures against the Ukrainian orthodox church. Tucker just nods like the useful idiot for Putin that he is. An actual journalist would have followed that by bringing up the reason for the measures. Russia invaded Ukraine. Ukraine is at war with the Russian aggressor. If churches are allied with Russia as they are, what is a country at war supposed to do? Ukraine to prepare law banning churches 'affiliated' with Russia | Reuters It's sad that a lot of ignorant people are going to be persuaded by this show. On the other hand it is very boring so perhaps not so many people will actually watch it. The news in it is mostly about Tucker and what a sleazeball he is rather than Putin who was being predictably Putin.
  21. I'm still watching Tucker's Kremlin propaganda show but I knew before I started that traitorous sleazeball wouldn't ask such questions. He's not a journalist. One detail I noticed which reveals what we already knew, Tucker asked Putin if he thinks Zelinsky is empowered to make decisions in a negotiation. That's pure Maga conspiracy garbage to even ask that and you know Tucker and his conspiracy theory fans believe that -- that Zelinsky is a puppet of Washington. Even Putin didn't go with that -- he confirmed that Zelinsky has the power to make such decisions for his own country.
  22. Of course not stupid. He is no historical scholar though but he views himself as a modern czar and as such has the power to define a historical narrative to support his ideology and actions.
  23. Boiled down you're saying that the Israeli government WANTED to see their own people slaughtered in a barbaric fashion and so many innocent hostages taken. I get the game. Then basically forced into a horrible war that has been so damaging to international PR for Israel. Some truth -- Netanyahu messed up, focused on the west bank leaving the Gaza border very soft, if he was informed he (or other officials if he wasn't informed) didnt take the imminent attack intelligence reports seriously and YOU blowing that up to an insane conspiracy theory of INTENTION. I call total B.S.
  24. Lesser of two evils is the most common situation in US presidential elections. In this case, Trump as a leader promoting dictatorship his level of evil is massively higher. I personally don't think Biden is evil at all, but like most people I would have preferred a younger candidate like Newsom or Klobuchar. But we've got what we've got and Biden as the incumbent has something no other democrat has to help him beat the great evil of Trump. Also Trump is arguably a second incumbent because he was president before even though he is DISGRACE ex-president. So there is a strong argument to made that democrats not going with their incumbent versus a sort of incumbent Trump would have been foolish. It's interesting that Biden has actually hinted that if he wasn't running against Trump, he would step down. Not sure if that was serious or a slip but it relates to my point. Biden beat Trump before. Now Biden is incumbent. Biden is the democrat's best hope to beat Trump again.
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