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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. In reality unless someone is a radical believer in a world with no borders nationalism is a double edged sword. It often is toxic but it also is often a positive force for the advancement of people in all the various nations. Nationalism wont end regardless. It's naively utopian to think it could. I think it makes sense to acknowledge nationalism as a manifestation of human nature and try to promote the positive aspects of that and oppose the toxic parts.
  2. If you think that likely you really are anti Zionist. Your right but I oppose that.
  3. If people are against right wing Israeli government policies they should just say that. To say they are anti Zionist means they are against the right of Israel to exist with any government That's fine if you believe that but the way people use anti Zionist almost always doesn't clarify that vital difference. For example I hate Netanyahu, I've been against the west bank settlement expansions yet as I support the right of Israel to exist and defend itself I am pro Zionist and there should be no shame in being pro Zionist.
  4. Zionism evolved as a POLITICAL liberation movement with the goal of self determination in a national homeland for Jewish PEOPLE religious and non religious. Why? Because of thousands of years of persecution in the diaspora. The diaspora from the indigenous homeland of the Jewish people. Israel. Not the same as Hamas which is an extremist Islamist movement. In my view saying Zionism is a cancer is hate speech. It's like being against the right of Thaus to have political self determination in their state.
  5. Anyone that supports the right of Israel to exist and defend itself is a Zionist. You don't even know the definition of Zionist. The Israeli government is the Israeli government. Zionism includes the lady you hugged too almost definitely You are taking about right wing policies that you and many others including Israelis and diaspora Jews oppose. Such policies don't define Zionism. Such people are Zionists but so are liberal Zionists. Words matter. The I'm against Zionism but not Jews is very often used as political cover. You may well be pro Zionist yourself.
  6. Not nonsense but both America first movements are dead ringers.
  7. Really crazy as voiced in the video. Moscow and to some extent St. Petersburg are bubbles for Russian elites. You can't judge what's happening in Russia from those places. Maybe Tucker is auditioning for VP pick.
  8. Geez, An Israeli or any nationality Jew in Thailand can't miss the toilet a bit pissing without the haters spewing their garbage. The guy is in Thailand with an Israeli passport. This news story about an alleged crime has nothing to do with all Jews, all Israelis, the Israeli Palestinian comflict historically, or the current war that started October 7.
  9. Of course you disagree. Your history of Jew hating posts made that predictable.
  10. The best example of that I've seen is Al Jazeera interviews where Arabs use the Arabic word for Jews and the subtitle says Zionists.
  11. It's become epidemic but it's not new. Look at any youtube video that mentions anything about Jews and that includes Israel because Israel is certainly about Jews, and you will ALWAYS find many comments that would give Hitler a woodie. Also you will see that such Jew hate posts tend to get a massive amount of likes. I'm not talking about subtle or borderline hatred either. This is a fact of life. I wish it wasn't but it is. Again it is NOT new. Refer to the book -- Jews Don't Count. This has exploded since October 7.
  12. Trump and Putin have similar in common. Putin loses power and he's dead. Trump fails to gain power again and he's imprisoned for life.
  13. You don't know about the previous fascist America First movement? Suggest you study history.
  14. Fascist. Which is why other world fascists like Trump, Orban, and Carlson are attracted to him. Opinion | Russia’s War on Ukraine Shows That It Is Fascist - The New York Times (nytimes.com) Fascism was never defeated as an idea. As a cult of irrationality and violence, it could not be vanquished as an argument: So long as Nazi Germany seemed strong, Europeans and others were tempted. It was only on the battlefields of World War II that fascism was defeated. Now it’s back — and this time, the country fighting a fascist war of destruction is Russia. Should Russia win, fascists around the world will be comforted.
  15. Enough of a Jew to be subject to pogroms and the shoah. You don't seem to understand that Jewish is not defined by level of practice of Judaism. A common misunderstanding. Jews are an ETHNORELIGIOUS group. Yes Zelensky is a Jew and Ukrainian voters knew he was a Jew when they voted him in a landslide. Knowing the history of Ukraine (something to impacted my own family very directly) it's simply amazing that they did that, but that they did do that, and it means something about the direction of Ukraine IF they can win victory over the fascist Russian invaders that want to erase them. Yes every country has some Nazis. All over Europe, in Russia, the USA, etc. But in the election that Zelinsky won in a landslide the party representing Ukrainian Nazi types did not win any significant power. Ukraine is NOT a Nazi country. That's simply a Putin propaganda game to say that they are.
  16. Yes it is. It calls for political violence. That's terrorism by definition.
  17. There are also Queers for Palestine proving nothing. Obviously no group is a monolith.
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