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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Whatever happened was clearly a f up not reflecting IDF policy.
  2. They felt threatened. There is zero evidence it is IDF policy to shoot surrenders. In real war real soldiers sometimes mess up.
  3. Don't be so dumb. They give a number and act like all are civilians when a significant percentage are Hamas.
  4. Half the congress is Jewish huh? Where did you hear that, Stormfront? Oh I got it now. You've outed yourself big time. You're just another Jew hater.
  5. No you're a disgusting propagandist if you think the IDF intentionally shot Israeli hostages. I get it. Propagandists like you are trying to wildly blow up that horrible mistake into something universal instead of the type of thing that happens in all wars.
  6. Stop lying. Many were Hamas. You're falling for their propaganda hook line and sinker.
  7. Israel seems to mostly do whatever they want actually. But leave it to you to offer a simple minded theory.
  8. Funny. That's the ideology of Hamas. Murder all Jews. Since 1948 the population of "Palestinian" Arabs has massively ballooned. I think we all agree Israel is technologically advanced. If their intention was genocide they are mysteriously incredibly incompetent at it.
  9. Like when the Hamas terrorist scum Murdered the Thai workers?
  10. So moronic to read so much BS from a tragic incident of friendly fire. War is messy.
  11. That's quite a stretch buddy. Some criticism of Israel is related to Jew hatred and some isn't. Also once again you've made the error of conflating Judaism with the Jewish people
  12. It's not a religious war. It's a geopolitical conflict.
  13. No that doesn't reveal a policy. There is zero evidence of that.
  14. Anyone who isn't a bigot and/or a religious fanatic understands that being gay is not a fault. Frankly I hate your poisonous bigotry, why? It causes suicides of gay youth. They hear haters like you and question their own worth as human beings especially if their parents are anti gay bigots
  15. Well on that topic the US version of Catfish tv series is fun to watch with famous host Nev. I found the UK copy version awful though.
  16. Being gay is not a fault either except to bigots.
  17. Sounds like something a cracker would say to a black guy.
  18. Slur. But expected from bigots. https://en.everybodywiki.com/List_of_LGBT-related_slurs
  19. Bingo. A boner fried bigot in the flesh. I like it better when they don't try to hide it.
  20. Deviants? Thanks for fully coming out as a full blown bigot. Move to Iran or Saudi. Bye.
  21. No You're an extreme case. It's up to you to research the content you want to watch if you're that thin skinned. Like a person with a peanut allergy demanding a peanut free world. I reject your moronic assertion that any show with gay characters or a kiss is gay tv.
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