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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Homo disgusted triggered guy needs safe space and wants to censor media for everyone else. Now that's perverted.
  2. You proved my point. You'll never post that you support Israel's right to exist as a Jewish people majority state because you obviously don't. Israel without such a majority wouldn't be Israel any longer. So as you clearly don't support that it means that in practical reality you do not support the right of Israel to exist. It's OK if that's what you think (you have a lot of company) but disingenuous obfuscation of that is super sleazy.
  3. There is no way that I would believe that you support Israel's right to exist as a majority Jewish people state. Your posts reek of extreme anti Zionism. If you really support the right of Israel to exist with a Jewish majority that makes you pro Zionist which you obviously are not. I also hate Netanyahu but likely for different reasons than the river to the sea brigade.
  4. This interested me and I reckon it will interest others as well. Retirement in Argentina now? Well aside from the new government the financial requirements for the visa have been raised dramatically to 2000 a month. It used to be ridiculous like under 500 a month. 2000 is higher than the average US social security check. Theoretically you can import 24k instead but you really can't. The Argentinine banks are shockingly awful. Even if you could get the money in you'd be crazy to hold that much in a bank there. I did have some very simple business with a bank there during my stay. It took hours and felt like getting dental surgery. As comparison the requirement in Uruguay is 1500, Chlle 1500 but less is considered if living outside of Santiago, and Colombia under 1000. You don't need anywhere near 2000 to live well in Argentina especially out of BA. The peso has been devalued but still not as low as the black market rate. That I don't understand. People will still use the black market then.
  5. We have the receipts on your irrational hatred of the very existence of Israel.
  6. Not really but that monster is definitely happy that attention has been diverted away from his war of choice against Ukraine.
  7. Do you think Hamas will be holding any investigations about their rules of engagement on October 7 including guidelines for raping after this war ends?
  8. Horrible. Nothing to do with the current war. Clearly never an IDF policy. But I get it. Obsessive excessive hatred of "Zionism" fogs the brain.
  9. I'm sure that they do sometimes and that is obviously very wrong. The question is what is the policy. It's very hard to believe that it's the policy of the IDF to not take surrendering prisoners.
  10. I suppose some of them think they are above the law (and often they are).
  11. When you have infinite money, it makes sense to do everything you can to improve longevity and invest in security measures against even remote threats. Normal schlubs worry about running out of money in old age. Big difference.
  12. Well everything is connected and you're right if you effectively stop hyper inflation there will be a large cost for that one way or another. But hyper inflation is what most Argentinians demand be fixed. So a politician that tries to fix it, high cost or not, makes sense at this time. Of course naturally he didn't run highlighting the high cost, no politician worth his salt would have. Predicting dark things is easy and likely correct. Once the high price becomes real for masses of the people there, they are going to protest big time, and their protest will be repressed with fascist measures. If there was a pie in the sky easy fix, that would be great, but like most such things, there are a bunch of bad choices, and attempts to pick the least bad one.
  13. This is kind of silly because Argentina was ALREADY one of the cheapest decent places to visit with hard currency. You take your dollars and get the black market rate which is available everywhere. As far as sex tourism in Argentina, I'm not an expert. I have been there during one of their many financial crises where the dollar exchange rate was absurd and I didn't notice it being anything like Thailand as far as sex tourism is concerned. It's not their culture. Of course every country has prostitutes but not every "poor" country has a sex tourism type of culture. I think Brazilian culture is much more like that than Argentina.
  14. It was part of the British Mandate and before that the Turkish Ottomam empire. There was a Jewish kingdom there in ancient times. There never has been a Palestinian nation state. Jewish people are indiginous to Israel. Arabs/Muslims are the Mo' come lately colonialists in the region. If you're talking about the UN partition the Arabs (they weren't called Palestinians back then) had a large chunk of land. But they attacked instead. Starting wars when you lose has consequences mate.
  15. Your "school" seems designed to make people dumber.
  16. The American dream was never anything more than a myth anyway, but putting trump back into power will definitely mean the death of American democracy.
  17. Sure thing mate. Palestinian Authority passport - Wikipedia The Palestinian Authority Passport (Arabic: جواز سفر السلطة الفلسطينية) is a passport/travel document issued since April 1995 by the Palestinian Authority to Palestinian residents of the Palestinian territories for the purpose of international travel.
  18. I'm not up on that level of detail. I would have assumed that the Palestinian Authority issues those. I wouldn't be shocked if Israel screens for terrorists though.
  19. Of course NOT! What kind of silly game are you playing? It's just stupid.
  20. I did?!? News to me! In case you are still confused, Gazans are not Israeli citizens. Israelis can't live there. Talk about ethnic cleansing. Arabs are pros at that.
  21. That's called being called out for not having a valid argument.
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