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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There are limits to negotiating with barbaric terrorists.
  2. Disgusting! You're making excuses for the atrocities of October 7.
  3. Big very bad expat tax news out of Portugal that makes the Thailand expat tax news sound like peanuts.
  4. Yes. The lowest I'm aware of is Nicaragua. Before that it was Argentina but I heard they adjusted it.
  5. Pattaya is already mainstream. Not much to spoil that way. If you're talking about it getting too expensive, I'm just not seeing that in the forseeable future.
  6. The Kremlin talking points keep on coming.
  7. All the Z people would certainly love that. I would say such vile celebrations are premature.
  8. The 10 Cheapest Retirement Cities for Frugal Boomers - The Expat Test (expatsi.com) I've noticed this trend for about 5 years. Pattaya FINALLY is getting noticed in international retirement abroad media as a very desirable expat destination as opposed to only a sexpat destination. Credit where credit is due. Pattaya makes the top 10 Expatsi list. No other place in Thailand made it. Take that rip off Chiang Mai and choky smoky Chiang Mai.
  9. He goes further than I would but the comparison to Henry Ford is apt for those that don't know the history.
  10. An old fashioned type movie made today. Real substance. Food for your soul in contrast to so much sugar high junk food.
  11. Similar to Hitler's rhetoric actually. I think it would be best for everyone if his X completes its failure or maybe somebody not insane can take over and go back to the original brand name. Then Musk can continue to do the positive things that he does in other companies. He's the richest man in the world but nobody elected him to be the most politically influential man in the world. He thought he bought that by buying Twitter.
  12. No decent person should have mixed feelings about such an incredibly oppressive law. Shame on you.
  13. Musk's record is mixed. Twitter X is a financial disaster for him and its all on him.
  14. There aren't specific taxes for traditional IRA withdrawals. Such withdrawals are treated as regular income. So the hit if any if based on your tax bracket. There won't be a specific raise for IRA withdrawals. If using a trad IRA any US tax paid could presumably be used as a credit on Thai tax due if any (as we don't know yet what the Thai rules will actually be) based on double taxation treaty. My take is if she'll be low income when retired go traditional, if not, Roth might be better.
  15. Oh I see. Even worse than I thought. October 7 denialism. I suppose you think that answer was OK.
  16. That's disgusting. What did he say about all the Thai workers that Hamas murdered in cold blood? Conveniently didn't mention?
  17. Sounds like cryptic conspiracy theory gobbledygook.
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