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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. The money goes to arms and tunnels.
  2. Certainly not cheap but in my experience one way tickets are often as or more expensive than roundtrip ones.
  3. Wouldn't be prudent at this time. They claim they dont know enough to pick a side. May as well say my dog at my homework.
  4. Jews have the much much stronger and much much much longer claim as the indigenous people of the land of Israel than "Palestinian" Arabs.
  5. "Twisted "Zinonist" ideology? The belief that the Jewish people deserve a national homeland and that state has every right to defend itself againt terrorist forces that wish to wipe them off the map is "twisted" is it? It's actually a freedom and liberation movement.
  6. Two dependencies. Are the towers military targets (Hamas terrorist targets using human shields)? If so, the target is not civilians. Accidents? They happen but they are accidents not targeting civilians. Israel doesn't use civilian shields as Hamas terrorists do..
  7. Hamas just did a modern day pogrom and is dedicated to erasing Israel and killing all Jews so sorry I find your broken record whining about "colonialism" to be clueless and disgusting. The war now is Israel vs. Hamas in Gaza. Israel doesn't want to "steal" Gaza.
  8. I call B.S. The history of the Jewish people, their experience during thousands of years in the diaspora, their relationship to the land of Israel, the vital importance of the area to the Abrahamic religions, the modern rebirth of the Hebrew language, etc. Is very much a one of a kind story.
  9. Stop lying. Stop putting words in my mouth. So sleazy! You know perfectly well I was referring to your vile lie that the majority of Israelis have a second country.
  10. Many want to leave Gaza. Egypt says no. Arab solidarity strikes again.
  11. It's an antisemite lie You would like it though.
  12. Regarding your vile lie in the last paragraph about "most" Israelis. Not all criticism of Israel is anti-semitic of course. Yours above is Shame on you.
  13. The Palestinian leadership has a long history of rejecting any deals. Starting in 1948 when they had the best offer they're ever going to get. Israel gets stronger and the offers get worse because if you keep starting wars and keep losing, that's the way it works. Now the majority of Israelis and Palestinians don't even want two states. Hamas is a terrorist group not interested in even helping their own people in THIS LIFE -- they're all about DEATH.
  14. Bingo. Don't let the Jew haters deny what happened at these massacres in the same way they're still trying to deny the holocaust. This isn't just yet another periodic Israel - Palestinian flare up. These massacres bring back memories of pogroms. Israel went from Never Again to It Happened Again, so now what?
  15. Beyond that there are Orthodox Jews who are anti Zionist for religious reasons but certainly not all of them. Keep in mind the importance of Zionism as a political ideology. The dream realized of a national homeland for the Jewish PEOPLE. That includes total atheists who are still Jews.
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