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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. No but it definitely would have been reported that they were foreign. Also stop lying. Nobody said it was because they were trans. I said it might have aggravated it and I stand by that.
  2. Permanent residence is pretty much as good as citizenship in Mexico. It is getting more expensive. That is true. I don't agree cheaper needs to be dangerous there though. It does usually mean learning some Spanish and choosing a place less on the overly travelled expat circuit. Happily, Mexico is a large country and there are many such options still available there. Or you could lower your standards and live in a small place in a less central area in an expat haven. Where exactly to live in Mexico as an expat is kind of the million dollar question. There is never ending controversy on the topic. Similarly the Philippines as there are so many diverse options there. BTW, Mexico is about four times larger than Thailand. Many people (including me in the past) are fooled to think it's a smallish country because it's shrunken on globe maps.
  3. Reporting them as trans men would have been incredibly stupid.
  4. The elephant in the room here for retirement visas is not so much if they increase the financials but whether they start to require comprehensive health insurance for those with an O visa as base instead of an OA. If they do, there will be a mass exodus! Remember when they started that requirement for OA there was no grandfathering! But those people had the option to start over with an O or get an Elite visa which ominously has just been made much more expensive. Considering a Plan B is very wise for many.
  5. So what would you say they should have reported? That they were men? That they were women?
  6. Yeah, but you'd rule out Latin America? Mexico was the first place I wanted to move to but back then I couldn't qualify for a retirement visa there. Now I can (by investment accounts) which depending on current levels could give me freakin' PERMANENT RESIDENCE possibly instantly and if not, in five years.
  7. Presumably you're in Thailand? The existence of such people whatever the labels in an ancient and well understood part of Thai culture. I would be hard to find a Thai who doesn't know about it.
  8. Exactly. I don't think they had any other good choice but to report it as they did.
  9. Give us a break. Most everyone in Thailand is well aware of the existence of trans women (though they have different words for it). Yes, even children.
  10. That is not what I was told. That would be a deal breaker -- 100K for 50K. I find that hard to believe. Was this Bangkok Bank? If not, which bank. If it wasn't Bangkok Bank (it was clear that I COULD open for 50K) it's not very relevant to me. The being able to raise the limit at anytime sounds like a great feature and almost too good to be true. If it's not true, to get what I want I would need to open with a bigger balance as 50k is not enough for many trips.
  11. There it is. Again. Total garbage anti LGBT rhetoric. Marketing to LGBT people is not targeting behaviors. It's targeting an identifiable segment of PEOPLE. Thailand doesn't give a fig about woke or also your western "anti-woke" agenda, which is largely a fascist movement led by Gov DeSantis who is interestingly dropping like lead in the polls. They are interested in tourism money. LGBT PEOPLE are a fantastic source for that. Thailand authorities think it's worth it to be welcoming to LGBT PEOPLE. I think it's obviously worth it. You don't. But you're not fooling anyone that your business evaluation is objective. Your continued and very obvious anti LGBT loaded rhetoric gives that away to anyone paying attention. But again. You've stated your position. Agree to disagree. I doubt the tourism people here would listen to your POV though.
  12. Trans women. If you don't know what that means, look it up. Many don't seem to get such basic things.
  13. Thanks. I will open with 50k and test it. It's important to me to be able to have a higher level as needed. Many air tickets cost more than 50K just for the ticket. Are you required to pay off the full balance monthly or are you allowed to pay a minimum payment and keep a balance? Not that you'd want to at 16 percent though!
  14. I call B.S. Your obsession with personally attacking on so many posts (some appropriately deleted) is NOT OK. Talk about the issues. OK. I or the volume of my posts are not the issues.
  15. Do you feel better now? This level of hatred is not far from the surface for so many.
  16. More like perhaps not. Also for the news with transgender women they had to say whether they were men or women. Intolerant people might say call them men but they were presenting as trans so the respectful thing to do is to accurately describe that. They did that.
  17. Can you confirm that you can add money to it at any time to temporarily raise your credit limit without increasing the initial lower LOCKED amount?
  18. It depends on what actually happened. Suppose they were foreigners and there were signs that the hostility was related to that. If they were foreigners, it would have been mentioned regardless. I don't think it's bad reporting to mention they were trans. It brings up the possibility that the violence might have been related to that, which in actually is true, it might have been.
  19. It always will be. You can't legislate it away. But like other evils, perhaps it's possible to reduce the harm that it does.
  20. Yeah I meant to mention something similar before. With many gay people whether resident or visiting/expats you get many wonderful businesses that wouldn't exist otherwise, that are available for everyone (with money of course) to enjoy. Also supporting cultural events at way higher levels.
  21. Normal is a loaded word. Being a red head is not normal in the sense that most people are not. Unnatural? No, you're wrong about that. Homosexuality has occurred throughout human history and can been seen in many non-human species as well. Yes I realize ignorant bigots say what you said. Not sure why you felt the need to though. Hardly decent. Fomenting hatred and punching down to often demonized minorities is the OPPOSITE of decent.
  22. Not way off in the slightest. If the perp said something transphobic during the incident or to the police then you would know whether that was a factor or not. If nothing was said, then correct, you wouldn't know. New study explores stigma and discrimination against trans women in Thailand | United Nations Development Programme (undp.org)
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