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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Opportunity knocks. Before Rich Men I hadn't even heard of fudge rounds. So I looked them up and I don't want them.
  2. I find your post very weird. That's talking about theories about his theories. To actually see his theories, you need to read his original source materials.
  3. My understanding is either same day or next day IF they have the correct battery in stock.
  4. You'll need to get into this yourself by reading his books. I'm not doing a Freud for Dummies seminar (even if I could which I can't). His theories and complex and interesting. Linking money to feces and anal eroticism for example.
  5. Well everyone has their own psychological issues about money. Read Sigmund Freud. I don't think we can make blanket generalizations for everyone. In my life I have noticed some profound effects of my relationship with money. In my 20s I consciously chose a life of "bohemian" poverty. I didn’t feel like an actual poor person even though I was living like one because I was raised in a somewhat higher class. What I noticed living poor is that you are forced to have much more intense exposure to people and the real world and that can be potentially spiritually enhancing giving one experiences rich people never have. Eventually I freaked out and realized if I didn't start working my butt off I would be a real poor person and stuck with it. So I did. With money comes the ability to build material walls against the real world and owning too much stuff that ends up owning you. Happiness when you feel it is fleeting.
  6. Most people do seem to like the tune and feel something in response to his clearly authentic emotion.
  7. Yeah this was addressed in a previous post. He's got a message but it can legitimately be taken in very different ways. Mentioned before as incoherent populism. The song has a political message whether he intended it to or not. That's out of his control. Here is his welcome pushback against the right wing interpretation of his lyrics about welfare cheats and obese people. If true definitely less toxic and obnoxious than it sounds https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2023/08/17/oliver-anthony-defends-lyrics-about-welfare-and-fudge-rounds-in-viral-hit-food-is-entirely-too-expensive/ "Oliver Anthony Defends Lyrics About Welfare And “Fudge Rounds” In Viral Hit: “Food Is Entirely Too Expensive”" The guy is famous now. With fame comes consequences not all of them desirable.
  8. There is no doubt that some states will act and they will be challenged in courts.
  9. No such requirement in the constitution for there to be a conviction.
  10. Blacks for Trump? Good one. https://theintercept.com/2020/10/19/blacks-for-trump-maurice-symonette-cult/ TRUMP CAMPAIGN EMBRACES “BLACKS FOR TRUMP” FOUNDER WHO BELONGED TO VIOLENT CULT A former cult member who promotes anti-Semitic and racist conspiracy theories shares the spotlight with Trump.
  11. The mugshot seen round the world. Rhyming history. A picture is worth a thousand words (substack.com)
  12. Sometimes a cigar isn't a cigar. It could just as easily have been a drunken youthful prank without any political message intended.
  13. One of the few things I really want to "find" but so far, no luck.
  14. I wouldn't assume that the upset reaction was necessarily much about WHAT was drawn on the guy's forehead as opposed to being upset that ANYTHING was being drawn on his forehead. We don't know, do we? As far as swastikas in Malaysia, we'd have to see specific pictures of what was reported. Obviously, there are the religious ones but there also could be the Nazi ones as Malaysia is one of the most antisemitic nations in the world. A previous PM there was particularly virulent in that sentiment and he promoted it to his people. Antisemitism in Southeast Asia: Stories from Jerusalem to Jakarta - New Mandala
  15. Or not what? https://www.pampers.com/en-us/pregnancy/baby-names/article/filipino-boy-names
  16. Yeah it's usually a complete waste of time trying to debate logically with the cult members. There are people that voted for trump that are persuadable though. It's easy to tell the difference though and most people posting Maga on social media and this forum are cultists. Also do not always believe people who say they aren't maga cultists just because they say so. It's easy to see through that gambit.
  17. Tragic of course. A bit ironic that both Saul and Jeremy are Hebrew origin names. Filipinos often use such names.
  18. An entertaining refresher on how the greatest grifter ended up at the Atlanta jail.
  19. I would say that how the new government turned out and how the MFP got kicked to the curb isn't too promising for any rapid action on marriage equality.
  20. This one is fun. Mo -- about an undocumented Palestinian with a Mexican girlfriend living in Texas.
  21. Source https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/08/27/thailand-election-integrity-prime-minister/ Opinion The popular will is thwarted again in Thailand
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