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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Here ya go proud straightees! https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/sex/a27728130/straight-pride-parade-events/
  2. These kinds of topics always attract many homophobic posts. I'm used to that and expect it but what grates me is people posting homophobic garbage and denying that's what it is. I prefer open and honest hate. Own it!
  3. I didn't invent the Pride branding but critics of it seem to be missing something important. Imagine you've grown up in a family that doesn't accept gay people or even disowns you for it. And or anti gay social environments, cultures, or countries. These are telling people that their lives don't have value. Suicide rates among LGBT youth are very high. So here is this International movement saying be proud of how God made you. So that's a bad thing?
  4. Do you complain about Irish exclusivity on St. Patrick's Day? I thought not.
  5. Tell that to the founders from Stonewall. It is what it is like any other cultural tradition or holiday. It gets named and that's it.
  6. That's how it developed historically. I am not a spokesperson for global LGBT people. LGBT people are not a monolith any more than any other group.
  7. A personal comment that might surprise some people or maybe not I haven't participated in any kind of Gay Pride event for over 40 years. They were meaningful to me for a few years in my 20s.. They were mostly political back then and lacked corporate sponsors and commercialization. Yet I support the right of people to participate in these events globally. As I know they are meaningful to many people now especially those coming out in anti gay families and cultures. They are especially meaningful in countries where LGBT is severely oppressed. For many others it is just about partying and I see nothing wrong with people celebrating. Cheers.
  8. You have a very odd definition of poor marketing.. Yes, another transparently hostile perspective. https://www.iglta.org/events/pride-calendar/
  9. If Pence really thinks he has any chance to beat Trump then I feel sorry for him. But I don't think he's that stupid. So I wonder the real reason he's running. Is it a money spinner.
  10. So you're going with that splitting hairs argument are you? Dude I've had enough of your disingenuous games. Bye.
  11. It us my opinion that you're posting expresses obvious hostility to LGBT people which indeed is your right. LGBT will never eliminate homophobia any more than Jews will eliminate antisemitism.
  12. Holding your hand now. But honestly based on your hostility I think you're being disingenuous. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Thailand Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in Thailand face legal challenges not experienced by non-LGBT residents.[2] Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal in Thailand, but same-sex couples and households headed by same-sex couples are not eligible for the same legal protections available to opposite-sex couples.
  13. No they don't! You're being explicitly hostile. That's your right but don't expect people not to notice. Again. Haters gonna hate. Always will be so.
  14. The history. I will add that people should consider the Pride Month started in the US and irs become part of US culture for there to be days or months dedicated to almost anything you can imagine. Such as Black History month. I will also add that no group is a monolith. Just because there is a particular tradition doesn’t mean that everyone in that group participates in it or even approves of it.
  15. Perhaps you might educate yourself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_by_country_or_territory
  16. Pride month and Gay Pride Day parades started as a protest movement in the US related to the Stonewall Riots. So this is a part of gay culture that has gone global. Pride Month in no way signifies that civil rights for other groups are less important. In fact this might be hard for you but if you care to think about it LGBT includes every kind of people that exist in the world.
  17. Not in Thailand. Not in the majority of the countries in the world. Stop lying.
  18. I could care less what this latter day broke ass hippie "sells" on the beach. Live and let leave.
  19. How about a B.S. solution? Have a medical student working at the shops. Hello Doc, my back hurts. Here's your get out of jail free card for 1000 baht, 900 goes to the government. Now buy any strain you like. Happy trails.
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