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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. My take is that drag performers usually adjust what they do to the audience. Like if they're doing a late night show at a gay bar you might expect more bawdy stuff. If there are drag performers going too far over lines at shows with lots of children in the audience I would say either ask them to tone it down or don't book them anymore. No need whatsoever for new laws!
  2. Somewhat ironicaly the one republican who is probably running with the easiest electoral path to beat Biden is Larry Hogan. A very popular and successful republican ex governor of a very blue state his politics aren't about white resentment, LGBT demonization, or pro coup lies about election results. That would attract key swing demographics especially suburban white women, registered independents, conservative democrats, blacks and Latinos. Of course the republicans will never nominate him.
  3. You can think about it either way. The facts are it is as yet UNPROVEN. I very much admire the political philosopher Vlad Vexler. Just today he declared that he wouldn't suggest believing that the US did that.
  4. That's true but her back and forth weasel on Trump is not endearing to anyone. I declare her a loser.
  5. So you made up the part about me saying everyone loves a fat man? Anyway, Trump's plump booty didn’t hurt him.
  6. Yes but at this late point in his career his credibility has come into question. So all this is based on one source. That source could be lying. Many people would have very good reasons to lie about this. I think the only ethical response now is to say it's possible but not backed up nearly well enough to take as truth.
  7. Yeah but at this point any republican presidential candidate too critical of Trump can't be nominated. They may as well get it over with and nominate Trump. He'll be the easiest for Biden to beat anyway.
  8. Remember when the republican party stood for smaller government?
  9. Of course it's clear that the Republicans aren't going to nominate anyone I could support or even tolerate if elected. An exception might be Hogan of Maryland who will probably run and if he does will definitely lose.
  10. No. A woman from the.American fascist party is certainly not progressive. Where did I say everyone loves a fat man?
  11. Yeah I agree Damaged. Also I don’t think the US is ready for an Asian president.
  12. There is one I think anonymous source, The reputation of Hersh is spotty, especially the latter part of his career. Putin has taken this as truth and so have American isolationists that don't want to help Ukaine. It could be true but this is too important to accept as true with such thin verification.
  13. The Magaheads want to Putinize America. Make LGBT invisible in schools. Now Russia has passed a low to expand to all society. This is how that starts. The American fascists need to be resisted before it's too late.
  14. Too far from the grifter to be nominated. To close to the grifter to win in the general. Next ...
  15. It's one of these fake issues the American fascist party promotes as important because they have no interest in addressing real problems.
  16. The GOP is all about anti LGBT all the time. Just like Putin. Fascists think alike.
  17. Not sure that there a strong basis for your optimism. The maga heads are passing different kinds of anti LGBT laws quickly in many states and also they're having success in erasing real history about black people, banning books etc. Overturning Roe v Wade wasn't enough for them. Now they seek national abortion bans. I'd say they're winning.
  18. Yeah when the Nazis forbade Jews from using public transportation, they weren't attacking the Jews, they were just politely stopping them from taking rides. The transphobic right wing is all about attacking their targets. Am I saying American Maga is Nazi? No. But it is without doubt a fascist movement.
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