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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Arab Israelis and many in the diaspora would disagree with that limitation.
  2. I think Arab Israelis identify as Palestinian Arab ethnically but Israeli nationally.
  3. It's not trolling. It's an artificially created identity for Arabs in the general area I recall even Yarafat said as much. I really think Arabs is much more accurate. So we have Arab Israelis, Arabs in Gaza, Arabs in the west Bank, Arabs from the region in the diaspora.
  4. I call BS. A two state solution is not strongly supported on either side!
  5. What a bizarre statement. You do know that most Arab Israelis identify as Palestinians?
  6. Arab Israelis have the vote. Not really sure what Palestinians are. It's more accurate to say Arabs. Jews in the area used to be called Palestinian which is my point.
  7. That's way to general an assertion. Arab Israeli citizens are diverse and they generally do not want to leave Israel.
  8. You're all over the place now. I can't have a coherent discussion on such terms. The odd thing is we probably largely agree about how bad Israeli governments have been.
  9. Arabs in the region have different realities. Arab Israeli citizens are not living under apartheid.
  10. West bank settlements are one thing but Palestinian activists continue to chant river to the sea.
  11. There is a direct connection. Russia Russia Russia.
  12. I don’t understand the point you are trying to make. We all know Israeli politics is dominated by the right wing there. Personally I'm American and have always hoped for a two state solution. But frankly I don’t think either side wants that now.
  13. Ukraine has chosen to be independent from Russia. Russia can't accept that. It's looking like the key to this war is probably Crimea. Ukraine remakes Crimea which monster Putin stole in 2014 and its full circle.
  14. Jews are a people. Jewish is a religion. Israel is both the ancient and modern homeland of the Jewish people. Of course the origins of Zionism are political. Look at the history of Jews in the diaspora to understand why ir was necessary to have a nation state homeland. Of course Arabs in the region deserve rights but in the context of acceptance the reality that Jews in Isreal aren't going anywhere. Not saying support right wing Israeli governments. Am saying Zionism is good because all it means is a liberation movement of self determination for the Jewish people in a nation state.
  15. Jews are indigenous people in Israel. Big difference to SA. https://m.jpost.com/opinion/article-728602 Even the PLO knows the Jews are indigenous to Israel - Opinion The Jewish people originated in and are indigenous to what is now the modern state of Israel. Jews are from Judea.
  16. Russkie is not a slur! Any old orc would know that already.
  17. Russia may be losing but time is on their side and they are acting like they have all the time and fresh human sacrifices in the world.
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