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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. They've got nothing but in Trumpist alternative facts world it doesn't matter.
  2. Exactly. For the grifter is was never really America First. It was always Trump first, last and always. I reckon he thinks the cult members that swallow his rhetoric are suckers and rubes.
  3. This may be potentially financially devastating to Trump's beloved Trump organization.
  4. She has no chance of being nominated, but yes, it would be good to have her anti-trumpist voice still in the public eye. She could be building for a time when maybe the Trumpists fade away. It's hard to imagine that right now. His movement has become much bigger than him in the republican party. It's a completely different party now for better or worse. In my opinion MUCH WORSE because they're now quite explicitly white nationalist, anti-democracy, pro authoritarian, pro minority rule by dirty tricks on the court and gerrymandering, pro bigotry against non-white minorities, actively scapegoating LGBT people at a toxicity level I haven't seen in my lifetime, and infected with antisemitism.
  5. As stated Thaksin went down in a coup. Trump lost an election and attempted a violent coup to corruptly hang on the power. TOTALLY DIFFERENT. What decent Americans don't want is a "president" (much of his deluded cult still think he is that) that thinks he is above the law, behaves like a Mafia Don, incites his private violent goon militia squads, grifts like grifting is going out of style, is a white nationalist authoritarian, and admires global dictators (like Putin) while consistently insulting long time democratic allies.
  6. What you seem to know is canned BIG LIE talking points. You're simply parroting completely false information. LOSERS in elections have access to courts to air grievances. Trump did with his crew of bizarre lawyers in many many cases and came up completely empty. Trump and everyone else who bothered to be informed knew that the RED MIRAGE was coming for many months before the election. Trump, realizing his cult following doesn't bother being informed and have very short attention spans, understood he could and would claim victory even if he lost. So that's what he did. At his late date this grifting EX president has still not conceded. That indeed is the behavior of a leader of a tin pot banana republic dictatorship. What Is the Red Mirage? Meaning Behind Trump's False Sense of Victory (newsweek.com)
  7. You do you. Hopefully nobody is forcing you to touch a dick. I don't want to touch a vag. Cheers.
  8. You said why do gay people always try to make out we are supressing our desire to try it out? That is completely FALSE.
  9. They won't indict before the midterms. After that, it's coming.
  10. Concern about diseases has always been a factor with monogamous couples when cheating is revealed. As far as Monkey Pox it's probably here so far in such low numbers that it isn't a big risk YET.
  11. I doubt they would really send him to prison. I think they could do a compromise because he was a president. Lock him up at Mar a Lago.
  12. Houses like that in areas like that. Obviously. Will send PM.
  13. What percentage of Americans can afford that? Yeah, I know Main Line. I was born there.
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