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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Nope! Trump was being booed for endorsing a candidate that wasn't extreme alt right enough. His crowd prefers the bat sheit craziest choices.
  2. Yeah they can take their fish head curry and stick it where the sun don't shine.
  3. My understanding is that you're always supposed to state a reason for SWIFT wires. I always have. I put down: Personal Remittance. Obviously if it's a condo purchase, there are very specific guidelines you need to follow.
  4. Wait! The new upcoming Thai civil partnership law MAY allow being treated as married for visa purpose. Not saying it will, but not sure yet. I recently read that same sex married two foreigners WILL be able to apply for marriage and retirement extensions as one joint application so that's a good sign.
  5. Really? My information says that the change will allow foreign same sex couples to apply JOINTLY for retirement and marriage extensions. That would be a <deleted>' big deal.
  6. I think you need to pay for time worked regardless. I've heard similar stories from business owners here quite often.
  7. There is no connection between filing tax returns and that form. It's about whether Social Security thinks you live abroad which you are required to tell them if you do.
  8. Introducing Ron DeSantis. He's the poster child for weaponizing this
  9. It's impossible to have a balanced and rational discussion on these matters. Representation of minorities in media is a good thing. It is progress Now that the white nationalist right wing culture warriors have hijacked the word woke from black culture legitimate criticisms and mockery of objectiveky excessive stuff has fully blended into full on racism, homophobia, bigotry etc. Most people are in their bubbles. A middle path is impossible. There are some voices of such a middle path such as Bill Maher though.
  10. Woke's origin was in black culture and has nothing to do with the meaning you obviously think. All woke is now is an attack word of white resentment etc. right wing culture wars.
  11. What is the name of the show? Why are you obsessed with othering gay people as abnormal?
  12. I'm sure that you would have similar attack rants ready for ANY democrat that might contend. As a former Californian though, I don't see California as a model for the future state either. Newsom was very good as a pioneer major politician taking action for marriage equality. Maybe he is rather a sleaze ball but that doesn't seem to be stopping DeSantis. I noted you used the word cuck. I would be embarrassed to use such a ridiculous alt right code word.
  13. There are roughly two Americas now. The states with total, near total, or very restrictive access and the states with normal restrictions as before Roe vs. Wade was murdered by the radical right wingers on the scouts There is no national debate about a compromised system. It's silly to waste time here arguing academic stuff about an ideal balanced policy. The real life action is basically those in favor of abortion access trying to help women in the forced birth states, and those in the forced birth states trying to make things even more restriction including fascist efforts to try to prevent or criminalize traveling to the access states. Similar model to slavery times. There is also a national movement to make fetuses persons federally which would instantly ban all abortions in all states. Which proves the forced birth movement is not about states rights. Their ultimate final solution is a federal one.
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