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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Ricky Martin Faces 50 Years in Prison on Incest Allegations (lamag.com) Well obviously incest is a big taboo pretty much everywhere. Also, Martin is being accused of a lot of other bad behavior other than the incest. But in Puerto Rico it is the incest part that is the most serious legally for him. While I haven't really thought about this issue much, gay incest, this case makes me wonder. Is same sex incest really as bad as hetero incest? My understanding is that taboo is based on the genetic problems of siblings having children. Same sex siblings can't have children. Also in this case we're talking about a nephew, not a sibling, Regardless of the legal gravity of the charges, do people really think same sex incest in itself with a nephew is really that seriously wrong? I do recall as a kid having a crush on a female cousin. She was very pretty and grew up to be a high powered lawyer, so dodged a bullet there as the crush wasn't reciprocated after I accidentally hit her in the head with a club while playing miniature golf. Anyway I certainly don't know if all the allegations against Martin are true, and he shouldn't be above the law, but I'm really questioning 50 years for same sex incest with a legal age nephew.
  2. Well, I look at youtube a lot but I don't have a channel there. I have definitely noticed on any topic with anything gay there is always scads of extremely hostile anti-gay hate speech in the comments. It happens on this forum too but there it's even worse. I would probably appreciate if youtube deleted the most atrocious comments but I haven't noticed that they do. I do also comment so in those cases the hate speech is directed at me personally. But, does that make me feel unsafe? Not really. They are from anonymous people. They aren't jumping out from the computer. I already know that vicious homophobia exists in every country and it is widespread so being reminded of that constantly on youtube and here doesn't really make me feel worse about that problem because it is not news.
  3. No. I'd rather not get sent to their "special" room. One time this bozo was trying to analyze my reading material.
  4. Truly a classic gem of Mexican cinema. Not only highly entertaining but also gives real insight into Mexican culture
  5. I don’t know. But I do know those officers can be extremely rude including to US citizens.
  6. I don't think of Australians as abusers of US birth citizenship but I still think that issue may be an explanation of the reported line of questioning.
  7. I think Biden probably got played as I doubt the Saudis will say yes to his oil request.
  8. Yeah that's weird. I wonder if the question wasn't about abortion politics but perhaps about immigration law whereby having a child in the US makes it a citizen.
  9. While I agree that pursuing a visa conversion in Thailand is a perfectly reasonable thing to do and what I suggest, I will reiterate that approval of such applications is not guaranteed. They have discretion to turn down any applications In the case of conversions where proof of money import is required that part could be a potential deal breaker for some. In other words do your research, then proceed with confidence, but never get too cocky.
  10. He came for practical advice on his visa concerns and his very clear desire to avoid insurance. You deliver off topic, unhelpful, rather obsessive preaching. So tedious! If Thai immigration stops doing conversions in country, then we will know about it. That time is not upon us. Cheerio.
  11. There was such a specific request but I understand that those suffering from terminal literalism could be blind to it.
  12. This makes this proposed bump look like a drop in the bucket. The part about SS recipients losing 40 percent of their buying power over the last 22 years because COLAs don't actually keep up with inflation! Put that in your boomer bong and smoke it. https://www.fool.com/investing/2022/07/16/ugly-secret-huge-social-security-increase-on-way/ Here's the Ugly Secret About the Huge Social Security Increase on the Way
  13. Very very dark but so far very very good. I wasn't sure during the first episode but after watching the second I'm totally hooked So be a little patient. This is a Korean tv series. There is also movie with the same name.
  14. It recently got much harder. The current partisan political Supreme Court is off the rails
  15. One case makes no difference to the bigger picture. The GOP most certainly is the Forced Births party Period. Their radicals are working hard right now to restrict interstate travel for all pregnant females, to make fetuses legally persons, and indeed to ban all abortions in all 50 states.
  16. Much better to not do so as per his very specific request about avoiding the insurance requirement.
  17. And why wouldn't they? Thailand is out Amsterdamning Amsterdam with better weather and better food.
  18. Yeah, we knew that. The USA "health care" system is atrocious. Rating poorly by WHO and deservedly so. Of course if you're very rich you fly in there for the best specialists anywhere, but what percentage of people are like that? Most expensive in the world, very poor access for huge percentage of the population, greedy corporate big pharma and big hospital etc., mediocre health outcomes. Many doctors go into the field more motivated like hedge fund managers than healers, or they quickly become that way to pay back loans. Of course, of course, there is also poor behavior of the people around diet, nutrition, and exercise, etc. A perfect storm of horribleness.
  19. I agree. This is the best thing for Thailand branding since sliced rice. Keep it up. Don't stop. Same sex marriage next? Also I think the government should try to stimulate the film industry to create some products targeted more internationally than domestically (maybe even two versions of the same movies). Look what Korea did. There is a lot of talent here.
  20. People that don't know Pattaya may not know that they are called baht buses here.
  21. Yep. The American Taliban. Very unpopular but very much in control. Not a free country and just barely a democracy.
  22. The best response to such pervs is to point and laugh.
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