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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. We've talked about HUD Section 8 before. It can be very good but the demand for the vouchers is much more than supply and even if you get them finding a landlord willing to rent Section 8 can be very difficult. In recent rent price explosion times greedy landlords just want the highest possible price so they don't want to be in the program at all. Then there are more long term pervasive problems of landlord discrimination against poorer people in (who are often from minority groups). https://time.com/5783945/housing-vouchers-discrimination/ 'A MASK FOR RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.' HOW HOUSING VOUCHER PROGRAMS CAN HURT THE LOW-INCOME FAMILIES THEY’RE DESIGNED TO HELP -- So bottom line if you're lower income / wealth moving back to the US don't assume Section 8 will save you as it probably won't.
  2. For lower income / wealth expats that want to or need to leave Thailand we've now established that returning to the US will be a dystopian nightmare unless you have something going on like the ability to work for a high salary, relatives who help you a lot, etc. So what to do? Move to another lower cost country?
  3. Wow! You really aren't following this topic, are you? You insist on personalizing this for preaching purposes when I explicitly already said that personally I do have additional resources. You seem only interested in a pissing contest and engaging in some kind of noxious Calvinist superior dance. I really don't know why you are posting here except to preach and gloat that the group of expats this issue impacts isn't you Whoopee do. Congratulations Anyway, people may find theirselves to be lower wealth for a wide variety of reasons and random life events. Expats often do move abroad with the expectation that it will be for life but of course things can change unexpectedly. Yes I recall you had a bad experience with a HUD tenant. It doesn't follow that all HUD tenants are bad any more than all non HUD tenants are bad if you had a bad one of those. I have been a crime victim twice in my life in Portuguese speaking countries. But oddly I don't think all Portuguese speakers are thieves. Go figure!
  4. Peaceful protest is not disrespect. It's what we should hope happens in a functioning democracy.
  5. Thailand saw the rest of the world do so (other than China) and decided there was just too much pressure to buck the trend. So yes it was premature but I'm not sure they really had any choice.
  6. I should update my experience with this. I decided to go to Royal Garden Mall for their free service done by Pattaya City Hospital Soi Buakow. This was my second booster. The first was Moderna at Pattaya Memorial Hospital for a fee. Now it is July and you can visit there every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in July from 11 am to 3 p.m. Don't know about their plans for August and later. For more information call 038-103-900. I read in one source that they have Moderna sometimes but not when I visited so I took the Pfizer. When I went (arrive about 2:15) there were only a few people no line to get the process started. Because they have so much time, they did take my BP and asked some health questions. It's on the second floor. You register in one room and then sent to a nearby room where the shots happen. After the shot they ask you to sit outside for 15 minutes. No updated printed certificate is offered. They promise that MorPhrom will be updated within a few days. If you have a problem with that, you can visit the hospital later.
  7. Here we go. YES, this is as bad as the critics have said, possibly worst. Remember -- this is all about all grades. How is this not downright PERSECUTION? I do think that many people have been totally fooled by this and support the law because they think (WRONGLY) it's only about very young children. This is brilliant right wing politics because when people (CORRECTLY) criticize the law the demagogues can call such people dirty names which I won't repeat. The right wingers are very good at politics. But as far as policy, they are very WRONG. Florida high school enacts insane new LGBTQ policy and everyone’s thinking the same thing / Queerty Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, or the so-called Don’t Say Gay bill, was signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis (above) in March. It went into effect on July 1 and some public school districts are already rolling out dangerous new policies.
  8. They have "Don't Say Gay" laws and attacking Disney. They have criminalizing poor women for crossing state lines to get abortions. They're all about culture wars and that's it.
  9. Whoa there! In what way did she disrespect the national anthem and not support her country? Do you mean protest?
  10. Nope. If Biden is out, it's an open game. Harris is to weak to be heir apparent.
  11. Of course. Keep in mind a lot of these attacks (it's hearsay! it's a Kangaroo Court! it's a witch hunt! Russia Russia Russia!, etc.) are just canned talking points from the Maga nation that are spouted without any consideration to the context or relevance. They mirror the tactics of the dear leader, just keep repeating B.S. lies so many times that they stick with many people.
  12. I was told today by a Boot's pharmacist that Zestril (Lisonopril) will not be available until DECEMBER at the earliest.
  13. Tucker Carlson has a theory. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/tucker-carlson-claims-men-like-robert-crimo-are-going-nuts-because-women-never-stop-lecturing-them-about-their-so-called-privilege/ Tucker Carlson Claims Mass Shooters ‘Are Going Nuts’ Because Women ‘Never Stop Lecturing Them About Their So-Called Privilege’
  14. I was not. Biden probably won't be running. Trump probably won't be nominated.
  15. Already found a long time ago. It's hard to help people that live in alternative facts landia. Trump would be the easiest republican to beat. He's deeply damaged goods.
  16. It's getting close! I just heard it hasn't been this "cheap" for Americans to travel to Europe in decades. I remember those days. Voting for Poll ends July 10 at noon.
  17. Well running for president doesn't change anything legally but it does change the optics. He probably will announce concurrent to indictments I expect he will use his rallies as a bully pulpit to incite violence towards any prosecutors. That's how he rolls. He can't be brought to justice soon enough.
  18. Yeah. Good catch. He definitely gives off Cali cartel vibes. Better check his poop for coke filled condoms. The Indonesian people can sleep better at night knowing this menace to society won't be having a Bali beach holiday.
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