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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Best case it prevents infection but yes preventing severe cases if infected is ultimately more important.
  2. Borderline guaranteed once Omicron starts peaking here. Kind of like a twofer.
  3. OK. I admit it. I messed up. Its easy to say yes if your home has a toileting option that is outside, far away, in your maid's room. etc. But that was not the point of the question. The question was meant to suggest a more difficult morality test. Like you have one toilet in a smaller place and by allowing the driver in you would literally be HEARING and SMELLING the consequences. Just as your meal arrives! Not so easy to say yes to that, eh? Oh well. Maybe NEXT year!
  4. An obvious followup question is if you let the driver use your toilet, do you dig into your delivered food right away or more politely wait until after the driver has finished his bizness? Complicated by if the toilet you have to offer is adjacent to your dining area.
  5. Again trying to dodge the obvious morality question. Imagine you have no outdoor hose KAY?
  6. That's cheating. The obvious implication was asking if your would let the driver INSIDE to use an INSIDE toilet or not.
  7. I'm talking explosive diarrhea at your door! Just play along with the premise of the poll Kay?
  8. How to react? Do you let the driver use your toilet or not? Pick the choice closest to your truth. You can still vote if you don't get food deliveries. Just imagine that you do. No doubt the decision could be complicated by Covid concerns
  9. So, about the rockets Is the plan really to keep them as they are now? If so, WHY?
  10. Her only hope now is ratting out a big name or two. Does she have the goods?
  11. That would make the Washington Monument blush. Is Bezos trying to knock up the dark side of the moon?
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