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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. I know Ukraine can win this war. But only if the west unites to help them do so. I would agree I don't see the west doing that as yet. As far as nukes, I reject your premise. I don't believe Putin will use nukes. I do think he will continue to try to fool fools by THREATENING to do so.
  2. Ukraine won't be lost if the west unites behind a plan for them to win.
  3. That's an expensive long term commitment. If you stop it, the weight all comes back and probably more.
  4. I call BS. Most of Pattaya is safe at night. A dark wooded area like that park isn't. I'm sure the victim knew that. He took the risk.
  5. Bless their dear hearts.
  6. Trump is a monster. You'd have to be living under a rock to not realize that by now. He couldn't get a job as a Walmart greeter with his resume. Make him go away.
  7. It is considered a dangerous area after dark Locals all know that. Not blaming him though.
  8. Most people in Nebraska are maga morons. So what?
  9. You're wrong on all points. Peddle that Kremlin Krap somewhere else.
  10. In my view being idiotically isolationist in the current situation in the world may be seen as short term anti-war, but in the long term means many more, even more severe, and much longer wars. Or even more risk of nuclear end games. Meaning Russia cannot be allowed to erase Ukraine. So let's say the maga morons push Ukraine to surrender. Do you seriously think that means that Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea will be finished with their aggressions?
  11. His system is not about debates. It's not about POLLS at all. His success rate is remarkable. He missed Bush vs. Gore but it's arguable that Gore actually won because the supreme court gave it to Bush. I was surprised though that his final call will probably be before the debate though but based on what he's said, it will be. Hint -- His final prediction will be Kamala Harris almost definitely.
  12. Wait for Allan Lichtman's final prediction. COMING SOON!
  13. Silly question. Of course she does. Her entire "marriage" has been 100 percent transactional from the start. Don't feel sorry for her though. She made her bed.
  14. Ganymede (movie) A reasonably fun watch but nowhere near a must see. A mix of elements -- horror, coming out v. closet, young love story, religiously based homophobia, barbaric conversion therapy etc. The more novel part is adding the horror. You could do worse and you probably will. What to watch: 'American Murder' revisits infamous Laci Peterson case (mercurynews.com) “Ganymede”: The supernatural part proves to be the weakest link in directors Colby Holt and Sam Probst’s gay-themed thriller set in the South, and that’s not a dealbreaker given the “horror” part is intended to be simmering on the backburner. Where “Ganymede” (the title refers to a hunky Greek mythological character) proves most effective is when focused on high school wrestler Lee’s (Jordan Doww) reconciling an attraction to out student Kyle (Pablo Castelblanco) with his rabidly homophobic parents’ (Joe Chrest and Robyn Lively) insistence he leads a “virtuous” lifestyle. A bigger budget would have helped smooth out a few rough edges but “Ganymede” is a diamond-in-the-rough gem with a committed performance from Doww and a well-constructed screenplay from Holt that addresses how outside forces can create imaginary monsters that then could do us harm if we don’t fight them off. Details: 2½ stars;l available to rent now.
  15. She's been accused of doing a fake southern accent in the South. It's not true.
  16. It may be important (doubtful) but it's really hard to do after reading the comments about this "TRUMP OR DEATH" banner from the cult.
  17. Bob Smith? Doesn't ring a bell. Any relation to John Doe?
  18. This is where your logic takes a permanent holiday. It's irrelevant whether you leave the house or not. You NEED the flippin' phone apps. Just grow up or is it too late?

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