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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. Her "track record" was helping her president, Biden, enact his policies. I think she did that very well. She provided the voters, such as myself, with a lot of information on what her policies would be and how her presidency would be conducted. I saw most of this on CN, so maybe you don't watch it. I said I didn't think she would have done a bad job. I do think Trump will do a horrible job, one which will affect my country for many, many years.
  2. No, if Harris had won, I would have said, as I had been saying all along, that although she would not have been my first choice as the Democrat nominee for president, I don't think she would have done a bad job, certainly nothing like we're going to see over the next four years during the Trump presidency. And, to be truthful, I would have voted for anyone else if they were running against Trump.
  3. I suppose some left-wingers are hypocrites, but certainly not as many as there are in the right-wing camp, especially when it concerns Trump and his supporters.
  4. This is the kettle calling the pot black for calling the kettle black. This is a typical Trump supporter and Trump response. He complains about things being done against him, and what does he say he will do when he takes office? He says he'll do those same things (real or imagined) to others. If you think calling people names or Trump thinks the Justice Department was used against him, then you shouldn't call people names, and Trump shouldn't use the Justice Department to prosecute his opponents. But we all know what will continue to happen, don't we?
  5. You do notice, don't you, that most of the pro-Trump people who post on this Forum (and elsewhere) seem to enjoy mocking and demeaning anyone who disagrees with them? Of course, that is just one of Trump's characteristics: demeaning people, calling them names, telling lies, etc. I just can't understand why anyone would want such a man to be their president. As I've been saying, my biggest regret is finding out that so many of my fellow citizens (USA) either have the same values as Trump or have been conned by him.
  6. Good, then you can stop posting useless hysterical nonsense and wrongheadedness. I gave you a couple of examples to follow towards "healing." No, by "I'm good," I mean I'm good the way I am. I'm a far-left liberal who is what you would call "woke" and has been for most of my life. I will continue to post sense and rightheadedness. I only hope you read them, especially when my (our?) country (USA) starts to deteriorate both economically and socially, which will begin on Jan 20 and continue for at least another four years.
  7. Yes, I am a "predictor." My predictions about the Israeli/Palestine conflict have been correct so far. I don't think I will be "losing all my constitutional rights nor sentenced to the concentration camps," but I do believe many of my constitutional rights will be ignored and violated, and many others who now live in my country (USA) will be sent to concentration camps.
  8. Thanks, but I don't need any attention. I'm good. It's my country (USA) that I'm concerned with. I still can't believe that so many of my fellow citizens would vote for Trump for president. It's very, very disappointing to me, and I am very concerned with what will happen over the next four years.
  9. It deeply disappoints me that so many of my fellow citizens either have been conned by this man or, worse yet, agree with his values. I'm very concerned about the catastrophic and destructive changes that will happen to our economy and our society during the next four years. And, the effects of Trump's second term will affect the USA for many years after that.
  10. Nothing new here. It's just prostitution. When I read the title, I thought it was a short-term marriage to a Thai woman to enable the foreign man to more easily obtain a long-term visa. I'm sure that goes on, too.
  11. Yes, Donald Trump's election as President of the USA is in the room with us right now...on CNN and virtually every other news media. And the catastrophic and destructive ramifications of his election and term in office on both the USA's economy and society will be with us for at least the next four years and probably much longer than that.
  12. Yes, neuter them and then find them homes. Don't release them back in the streets. So you think chasing kids on bikes and attacking elderly folks is worse than killing? Your post is disgusting.
  13. Disgusting! But it's not surprising because, according to your icon, you are a Trump supporter.
  14. I don't object to the chip policy, but I do object to the classifying of certain breeds of dogs as "prone to aggression." I do support the neutering of strays instead of killing them.
  15. Well, I'm not sorry to see Biden go. I don't think he did a bad job the last four years, but he's clearly not able to carry on for another four. But I am sorry that he will be replaced by Trump. I predict the next four years will be chaos and completely catastrophic for the USA.
  16. Yes, as many of you on this Forum do, I live in Thailand. I wake up every morning, turn on my TV, and am utterly amazed that the lead story is not the assassination of Donald Trump. Maybe tomorrow... 😉
  17. I know how she feels and am sympathetic. But she, like me, must accept the fact that Trump won the election, showing that almost half of our fellow citizens have been conned by him or, worse yet, actually have the same values he has. It's a sad, sad time, and the next four years will undoubtedly be some of the most disruptive and destructive in our nation's history.
  18. I don't know what's required for a personal visit. I pay my local Immigration department THB 1,000 each year when I get a One-year Stay Extension on my visa, and they mail me the 90-day receipts about a week before the last one expires.
  19. I was only responding to your use of the word "pretending." If you believe you are Brad Pitt and start calling yourself by his name, you are not pretending to be Brad Pitt. But no, that doesn't mean everyone else has to call you Brad Pitt. In fact, everyone else doesn't even have to call Brad Pitt Brad Pitt if they don't want to. And even the real Brad Pitt does not have the right to sleep with Angelina Jolie. Angelina does have the right to allow Brad Pitt to sleep with her.
  20. Thanks. What if they are a woman (trans man?), then can they play on the women's team AND/OR the men's team - in your opinion? Transgender people are not "pretending" to be a certain gender. They believe they are that gender.
  21. So you would just ban transexuals from playing on any team sports - high school, college, professional - , right?
  22. Although I don't agree with most of what you said above, I do have one question: If you (and Trump) think the AG and the Judicial Branch of the US government were out to get him, and their prosecutions were a misuse of their office, why now do you think is it okay for Trump's AG to use the Judicial Branch to prosecute Democrats? If it was wrong before, it is wrong now, right? Of course, I know Trump has no ethics and does not care about what rules he breaks...
  23. Why would you call a prediction of a 50:50 race "phony" when the election turned out to be about 49.9% to 48.3%? US presidential election results 2024: Harris vs. Trump | Live maps, charts and the latest vote count
  24. Although I know many reports in all kinds of media are wrong or at least misleading, I would believe the New York Times over Trump any day. Of course, I would believe most anyone over Trump any day.
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