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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. If she's a looker ...some old boys get paranoid ...when a younger, wealthier, funnier guy like me starts chatting to them and you can see they want to trade up 😃
  2. I think you have misquoted the bit in blue. You should have linked the source, which then states 'from a uk limited company'.
  3. Long and short fuel trims and a spray bottle of soapy water haha. I do miss messing about with cars! 🥲
  4. Scotty kilmer haha yeh seen his youtube stuff. If you have an error code (i think unlikley), your dash display will show a pic of an engine. You could have leaking injectors or from the high pressure fuel pump. The car is too old to be throwing cash at it though.
  5. obd2 error codes start with P and then 4 digits. Its not the way to figure out poor gas mileage, especially if the car drives fine.
  6. Be careful ...lower octane means slower detonation. On interference engines thats a problem!
  7. No need ...your suspicions are spot on
  8. Even with this fool on my ignore list, i still get to see the stupid title! Same with the other 2 idiots who pollute it with their dross. Trio of inescapable morons.
  9. Sounds like you use monovision. One eye for near, the other for far. I use it too - had 1 eye lasered in UK when i was in my 30's. Great, no glasses ...hopefully forever
  10. Your level of humble is admirable. Sandwiched in between the non-stop insults. Easy to shut you down though. Just show you the £££.
  11. Great isn't it. Next time you're playing the big i am, i'll even let you pick the amount. Could make it a monthly get together 555
  12. Yesterday, a modest top up. Cash problems - too much of it I'm doing fine thanks
  13. Haha you are right ...23rd Sept 2023
  14. Old men are a pain in the arse and cheap.
  15. OP is disabled. Physically cannot get away from his computer.
  16. Yeh ok! Keep dreaming. One of the few people who actually posted his gain in $ and not % was ever so thrilled with it. Turns out it was rather small.
  17. Sitting in a car, stereo on. Bag brushes your car ...why would you even notice. Absolutely did not happen. The driver chased him down for a reason. He whacks his car, driver honks, OP flips him off. Driver goes after him. Thats why its a secret.
  18. Its in the realm of common sense. You spoil someone's day and they might spoil yours. Lots of expats here don't have a polite bone in their body. This is also demonstrated on the road!
  19. This is the attitude that got you in this mess. You hit someones car you should do something positive. Doesn’t matter if you can escape and not bother.
  20. Was there an opportunity to stop the bike and at least acknowledge the knock? - knowing that i've just angered a car driver behind me would be unsettling. Maybe even the smallest gesture could have prevented his rage. Maybe it wasn't the knock but the lack of acknowledgement that caused his actions.
  21. No its a terrible place. Wouldn't wish it on anyone
  22. And yet in other posts you blank everyone who tries to communicate with you. Still the reason (perceived or actual) as to why he went crazy is not described.
  23. Its reactive. What if your bad attitude towards people in general resulted in this situation...albeit incredibly disproportionately When you respect other people's property, maybe you don't squeeze through that gap thats just a bit too tight. Chaos theory and all that.
  24. He had to move to london. Justice was served!
  25. I would also like to hear the detail that has triggered this guy. I suspect there is something he is choosing to keep to himself.
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