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Everything posted by noobexpat

  1. I have a sofa ...tell him to call me
  2. Looking at past dow charts (i assume) won't show dividends, which i think is about 4.4% pa long term average. Really hard to actually find a dow total return graph, from the old days. It should shorten that timeframe a bit.
  3. The principal sounds good and i guess you only know whether the fund will make a big change, after it happens. Restrictions like a low turnover mandate can scupper good intentions. I think mutual funds pride themselves on a low turnover percentage ...5%pa ?? Then they can have similar rules for cash, geography, small/large cap etc. Mixed asset funds have to have a minimum equity concentration to maintain their fund type for tax purposes as well (some rule that i can't remember). Can be tricky to pick a fund, have expectations and they may not happen. Yes i would love to not have recovery times!! Low turnover mandate:This mandate puts a cap on the amount of a portfolio that is sold every year to reduce the turnover. This might also restrict how much of the total fund value managers can trade in a given quarter or year for that matter.
  4. Yes if the home is setup as joint tenants, then the RNRB is transferable, so 2 x 175k plus 2 x £325k = £1m. Which is the most common scenario to be fair. If its setup as tenants in common, then first death 'wills' their share to children. So then 2nd death is only 1 x 175k. People do it this way as high value estates can lose RNRB due to tapering.
  5. They are not dumb, they do legitimate things (with ourselves for example), to reduce or completely mitigate it. These options are open to everyone. Unlike the less wealthy, who do nothing because they are stubborn know it alls who usually know nothing and willing to pay nobody ...they're the ones who pay!
  6. 3% ....?? already answered?
  7. No doubt. 2 x nil rate bands plus residence nil rate band means husband/wife with children have an estate of £775k before tax is due.
  8. Life insurance can be inflation linked, level or decreasing. Family income benefit pays out monthly instead of a lump sum. Why comment when you know nothing?
  9. £5bn per annum blackhole to fill?
  10. I'm not wholly convinced by that principle. Suggesting that a fund manager will time the market ...and get it correct twice! On the way out and back in again. I have mainly trackers but about 7 active funds. Here is my emerging markets one (dark green) with the global EM benchmark in orange. Screenshot from financial times. This fund hit about £100k for me and then sank quickly. And then it just mirrored the benchmark - but it will probably be in the top quartile performers for a good few years, due to that short timeframe of outperformance - making it look artificiallybetter than it is? Wonder why they didn't take more profit at the time. I think they are mostly reactionary. Not complaining ...but a bit frustrating on this particular fund.
  11. I was reading in bed - thought it was thunder when the first few went off!
  12. Whole of life plans seem the best value. We use them in a discretionary trust to cover inheritance tax liability.
  13. IP is the most scrutinised insurance, far more than life cover because the company could be paying out for the next 30 years.
  14. Been thinking about getting a motorbike licence - i've never riden a bike though.
  15. Yes, USA standard deep dish isn't going to be found here. Mosts pizza places are rather stingy with the cheese ...because 'authentic' italian I'm taking liberties with my deep dish description!
  16. Italian pizza is a bit boring. I like toppings, deep dish. I had a pad krapao pizza last week. One half of it was anyway.
  17. There is no blame. I had it good, now i have it great. Roll on 2024. Gonna be a great year for me.
  18. You can't buy better weather or the outdoor social stuff. I would say i was pretty successful in my home country. My assets go up irrespective of what country i reside. To be blunt, what you on about?
  19. Read the whole thread. It wasn't the issue.
  20. I got a 10,000 baht fine for that. How about you?
  21. That thai person speaks good english.
  22. Why not just write your age?
  23. Are you unsure of the actual number?
  24. Capital decumulation is far more difficult to strategically devise than accumulation (which is easy). The much touted 4% rule is devised to NOT deplete capital, for instance.
  25. Wasting your energy pal. He's a total fruitcake (to add in a food pun 555)
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