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Everything posted by Prubangboy

  1. You're white boy summer has come and gone. White boy summer was 2021. Are you still upset about goofball white boy summer? Chill, Bro.
  2. You gotta get over this. I went to dozens of Peace demo's in the 70's. I never saw a flag burnt. Have you? Like, in real life? You're traumatizing yourself over something that confined to your nutty noggin. Are you not in cheapskate paradise where thin women will finally sit on your face? Why so glum, chum?
  3. I'm just not sweating feminists, trans, wokeness, or the green economy. I live in Cheapskate paradise (with my white, older wife). Every day is great. I'm signing up for a one year Thai language course at Chiang Mai Uni so I can get even more into loving it here. Chill, Bro.
  4. Feminism starts in the late 60's (at the very earliest). The laws you are complaining about well predate that.
  5. A lot of people are sort of fan-boys of public transit. I used to work at the Subway Museum in Brooklyn. It was very popular with international tourists. Occasionally, they would offer the chance to ride in an old subway car for a couple of hours. These tickets would sell out as fast as Taylor Swift concerts. The London Transit Museum def gets some visitors too. I'm a bit of an infrastructure buff myself. I visited The Hoover Dam and The Paris Sewers. On my Morocco tour recently, we visited an irrigation system. Fairly interesting to see how they grow an olive tree in the desert. I made it a point to take the train from the BKK airport straight to the pristinely preserved, 70's style Asia Hotel once. You alight the train and can walk directly into the hotel, like in Japan. There's also a chatty social aspect to transit that people enjoy.
  6. When was the last time feminism caused you even a single iota of grief? They got us abortion. And I did shag straight through the 70's and 80's without fear of fatherhood. Thanks, Ladies!
  7. It's the death throes of the no longer remotely revelant, now outright obstructive boomers -partic the white male segment who were born on second base, but act they built the whole ball park. Please get out of the way if you can't lend a hand, because the times, they are a-changing. Like you, I am glad to watch these dopey mastodons thrash around in their self-made tarpits straight into oblivion from afar -in a gentle, still alive place where a doctor visit costs me $20 at the high end. Whether it's Biden or Trump (but def more so if it's Trump), the best of us oldies, the volunteers, the givers, the arty types, the doers -are slipping away to the likes of Portugal, Costa Rica and Chiang Mai. Empathy to the good people stuck back home. But otherwise, let them stew in the angry sewer they insisted on making. Their future is brown (or at least beige) and tough darts if they don't like it.
  8. 100% correct. Off topic: -Buster's in Bangkok hits the mark. -My wife was in London recently and never had it before. Hobson's in Soho really rang the bell for her.
  9. Quoting my relationship guru, Chris Rock: "A man is only as faithful as his options" The full bit, NSFW:
  10. Last year, I had to leave CM for two months to dodge the smoke. This year it's 10 weeks. Love CM to death, and I do like to have a block of travel time every year. But if it edges into 1 one week in every 4 that I have to be gone, that's too disruptive and I'm outa here. Helllloooo Hat Yai.
  11. I compared my divorce to someone (her) kicking a broken Coke machine (me) because -"where's my Cooooke?". At a certain point, that Coke machine is out of service for good. No more Coke for my ex. No more Coke for the former Ms. BritManToo. No more Coke for this sad lady. But they should all feel free to keep on kicking. Like Elvis, Coke has left the building.
  12. It's terrible that some zillionaire is taking so much off the top of a cab driver's fare. I always tip 20% on top. I'm not a victim, I'm a person who's very grateful to be in a cheap place full of poor and unusually kind people. Nor am I a floor mopper getting double the floor mopper rate if I did it in a store instead of a hospital. You're basically, "I've got mine, Jack" and comically dressing it up as some kind of principled stand. I'm on vacation in Bangkok. It seems like no cab is ever going to turn on the meter again. I bargain it down a bit to pay 150 for the 80 baht ride. $2.10 is nothing to me. I hardly need to invoke snore-arama Wayne Dyer to justify my banal daily interactions.
  13. True enough. Last June, I went looking for Lao coffee in Vientiane and found none.
  14. "Dave, remember the code. Blink twice if this a hostage situation and you are being forced to listen to psychometrics blather against your will".
  15. Assuming this story isn't made up, like most of them: Why not use the basic brains that god gave you and toss out something like, "Sorry to hear that, talcum powder is your friend, feel better"? And yet, in the face of this most elemental of social encounters, you say you were completely stumped and slack-jawed agog. You say you need "a warning" to discuss chaffing. How does that even work?
  16. Uh-uh. Since I moved next door to my wife -to a veritable shoe box- my happiness has amped up a whole letter grade. I feel like I have been moving towards a mini-fridge lifestyle my whole life. I don't think I can ever go back to having separate fridge door for a freezer compartment.
  17. True. His career now reminds me of Bob Hope's at the end of his. His recent Scorcese film about Indian Tribes (to dull to recall the Moon-based title) had him doing the exact same performance as the last dozen films.
  18. And then there is the relentless changeover towards EDM and soft hip hop in public spaces. Fair play, The Eagles day has come and gone.
  19. Just had a good 'un at The Robin Hood, along with an exemplary burger with onion rings done right in fish and chips batter. 600 baht all in. The pint was 300 baht. They have a lower cost stout option too, but I drink so seldom, so I treated myself.
  20. -Has this ever worked out even a single time in the history of the universe?
  21. Said the blind man: "But...but they told me at the school it was a German Shepard".
  22. Vaguely lonely guys (possibly) spotted in a world-renowned epicenter of lonely guys looking to (possibly) be less lonely. If only briefly. Later that evening, the OP brilliantly pronounced: "Water is wet".
  23. De Niro got some grief in New York Magazine for having his personal assistant drop what she was doing to deliver a martini from Nobu (he's a part-owner). What person on earth can't make their own martini? It took longer to make the call. Being rich drives you mad. Rich and mega-famous? I'd go off the deep end too. NY Mag is a good one to add to your daily news trawl -I'd call the politics old-lefty, which is now sort of the middle of the road. Also great only-in-New-York issues like a long read on why 3 bedroom apartments have vanished.
  24. A cheap massage means a very variable experience. If I pay 2,000 baht at a spa, it's always good. There are massage parlor chains in malls for a good middle option.
  25. I voted happy to pay my fair share. I use the roads and (so-so) water system, I should contribute something. In the meantime, I assist Myanmar refugees and tip well. But with what I pay in the US and what I remit, I'm unlikely to pay a dime, so Khao Soi Noodles all around for the Myanmar Refugees via The Free Bird Cafe in Chiang Mai. My landlord is a fellow New Yorker, so I'll be paying my rent to him in the states.
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