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Everything posted by Georgealbert

  1. I leave the debate, because I get to the point you bore me. All you try to do is bait, troll and bully, but I am not intimidated by you, it fact I feel sorry for people like you, who seem to believe you are a legend in your own head. You are so inconsistent, it makes you look silly. When you can not answer you result to defection and more baiting. So yes BYE, i will let you reply to this post and then offer no answer, that way you childish understanding will think you have won another debate, when in reality everyone but you can see the truth.
  2. The app was updated a few months ago. Are you getting the page below, and when you click the circled button there is still no licence?
  3. You are just getting to the point of being ridiculous. So you are saying that if you do not see the original letters, every news source is lying. Even Megan Markle herself says she send the letters. Bye, as it is pointless trying to talk to a brick wall. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12813423/meghan-markle-omid-scobie-not-leak-names-royal-racists.html
  4. Why would any one who supports and defends Trump, want to read past any headlines they like? They do not want facts, truths or reality, as it will not meet their agenda.
  5. I do not believe it was the qualifications that upset 300sd!
  6. Another post that made me laugh. This is what you said about the King yesterday. Again your only consistency is being totally inconsistent.
  7. 5555555 Confused on location and the numbers dead. It was on the pattaya news sites, but does take limit reading skills to understand where it occurred, unless the originql poster has never really been to Thailand. https://thepattayanews.com/2023/12/05/tragic-coach-bus-crash-in-prachuap-khiri-khan-claims-14-lives-multiple-injuries-reported/
  8. Belgium is at no 7. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/20-non-english-speaking-countries-180921287.html
  9. Did you just dream up the 24 dead in bus crash. if not post the link. I will not hold my breath for the link.
  10. Couple of threads that should answer any questions.
  11. And you point is? Trying to be funny and failing!! Or just posting nonesnse like most of the threads you start.
  12. Can I offer this as a training video.
  13. Maybe this video will help, in how it should be used and how you can adjust settings. It’s youtube, so I know you will believe it.
  14. 55555, Stop believe that doing your own research means, looking on youtube and social media sites, for opinions that meet your .
  15. More baiting and trolling. Trump loving from someone who claims to hate him. Consistency at its inconsistent best. Must be wonderful to live in such a naive world, where you lack the intelligence to see how stupid you make yourself look. 🤡
  16. Sorry was not away it was automatic download. Just added a video from my phone, as I do any other attachment. Mods, please delete if anything is wrong
  17. This thread reminded a bit of the documentary a few years ago about us Brits living in Spain. Short clip of the attitude of many in that documentary. I offer no more comment, everyone can judge for themself. 55555 RPReplay_Final1701680818.mov
  18. But this is linked to the article you posted. The bank was so happy they decided to ‘exit its relationship with the company.’ https://www.businessinsider.com/trumps-secret-ugly-breakup-with-deutsche-bank-revealed-2022-10
  19. Good to see you maintaining your principals. Yes I forgot only your views matter, only you are right, hence why you have ‘pages and pages of ignored posters’ 🤡
  20. Seems it was meant to be released at the end of the year. Thai article, so need to use auto translate. https://www.gqthailand.com/tech/gadgets/article/sony-first-portable-remote-play-device Found this to pre order, seems expensive. https://www.happyconsole.com/product/2043/playstation-portal-remote-player-พร้อมจอขนาด-8″-เปลี่ยนทุกสถานที่ให้เป็นห้องเล่นเกม-2
  21. Fully agree, I never had a problem also. No complaint from me.
  22. Funniest post of the day. The man who boosts he has ignore list pages long. This is because you never listen to facts, never believe other opinions, think you are the only one that is ever right, then continue to post from your empty echo chamber. 55555
  23. They have taken the car away for investigation, and it should not be too difficult to establish the cause. Without assuming too much, as it is difficult to be accurate from a single poor picture, but the fire damage looks slight, mostly to the bonnet lining on the driver side, you can still make out the plastic cover of the air filter box, mostly intact. Think the fire hose is stirring up dry powder dust from the extinguisher the security guide used effectively, with some smoke and steam. If the injectors are determined to be the cause, the insurance will try to claim off the garage, providing the owner has insurance, but it does say the car has not been used recently. There will be no other action, given the defamation laws.
  24. What should judges before being a judge? Seems standard career. Or is there something else you do not like about Sri? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Srinivasan
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