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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. I had people come to my house to do one of those. And they come every time not just an unlucky show up. And then that wasn’t even the end. They asked my mil to come in and she lives quite far. She was working and I had to ask her to take a day off work. It was a complete fiasco. And I have no idea what you’re talking about on 2 hours. The stuff we did before that was well over 2 hours. More like days.
  2. And yet people dont get it. They think the stuff the government is censoring is actually the bad info. You cant make it up anymore I don’t know how long it’s going to take for people to realize the governments aren’t their friends. I suppose it’ll never happpen
  3. How much are these services nowadays? I just did the run in my own car to ban pakkad. Cambodian visa was 1200 baht. Of course gas. I honestly can’t remember anyone charging me anything else. I get good mileage maybe my gas was 1000 baht at most. So 2200 total for my run.
  4. wtf scam is this. My non o multiple are 5000 baht. This is a dream compared to what I’m doing now. So being married has zero advantage. Make it make sense
  5. I am not even exaggerating when I say you could do a trading places and go grab a strung out crack addict off the streets and clean him up he’d make a much better president than Biden. What did they do in the movie? I think they bet a dollar on it. Any takers?
  6. I like when you said they all get together and get their lawyer caps on. It’s so hilarious really
  7. I think if you go to court you get screwed, because you’ll tend to get a very low price to half between you too. And if you hold onto it you get screwed too. Basically, just bend over and spread cheeks
  8. Get your boosters everyone. Stay safe. Make sure to listen to the government at all times. They know what’s good for you and have your best interests at heart.
  9. There is no crime here. I could go to the worst neighborhood in Thailand carrying a box of hundred dollars bills in it and nothing would happen to me.
  10. Exactly. Which is why there may be some variation between sweden and neighbors. Just like there was between states in the usa. But what we can be sure of is if lockdowns worked the people who did not do them would be head and shoulders above other nations who did them in deaths. But they’re not. I guess this is complicated. It doesn’t seem like it is to me.
  11. I’ve posed this question so many times, I e never gotten an answer of course. If lockdowns worked why wouldn’t Sweden be at the very top of the world death charts with the most deaths, along with other countries who did little to nothing? You’d see them all topping the charts. But we don’t. So…. But whatever. Believe whatever you’ve been spoonfed
  12. You would look at excess mortality numbers since covid started to understand how well Sweden did relative to the rest of Europe. Not link obscure articles from 2020 to fit your narrative. It’s yet another case of the lockdown hysterics moving the goal posts. The first round was “it’ll be utter apocalyptic in Sweden”. When that didn’t work out, they started in one the Denmark, Norway. I’m quite sick of the disingenuousness of it all actually. If you really can’t see what happened by now god help you.
  13. It’s hilarious because when I was in school someone may get in trouble for wearing a tank top. You get the point. They were looking for anything to nab you for. Now it’s ok for kids to use these psyche and soul destroying devices all day. Just be honest with yourselves. Take a different spin on it if it help you. What if you were in nature and you came across some kind of animal, and it spent 10 hours a day staring at a rock. You’d think the animal would have gone bat <deleted> insane. I could go on and on about this topic but I know people will just leave their heads jammed up there. It’s sad. I don’t really get it. But the reason I even brought it up here is I see it as proof teacher don’t care. They know the phones are detrimental more than anyone. And how many teachers put their foot down and stop students from using them? Not many because they don’t want to rock the boat. They are just there for a paycheck.
  14. Honestly anyone who is reporting to care about kids, wake me up when we start restricting their use. This is seriosuly ridiculous. Anyone who honest with themselves knows these devices are ruining kids lives.
  15. I wonder if these international schools even preclude students from using their phones in classrooms. Probably not. And of course no teachers will fight for them to stop using phones either. Why would they. They don’t care. It’s seriously so easy to tease out what is really going on in these schools. Nobody cares, and parents know this too they are just too caught up in their jobs and work life to admit it to themselves.
  16. Why would Israel want to stop now? They are having the time of their life. This is their orgasm. They don’t care about their own hostages. It’s been proven time and time again.
  17. Are you a wiring expert or something. I’m being serious I have been dying to learn how to Jimmy things to run off my own diy battery packs. Idk im just not good with the electrical stuff so I always put it off. For example I have a small blower that runs off a battery and also a fan that runs off usb power. I just want to build my own battery and run them. I’m so sick of buying Thai power sources they all go out right away. I like buying those fresh cells, they seem to last. I’ve used em in a couple of flashlights. Sorry for rambling I wonder if there is some instructional stuff you could guide me to. I suppose I could just get on YouTube but I never seem to find exactly what I’m looking for
  18. get her a new washer and dryer set or something
  19. Idk why anyone buys anything else tbh. I had a Nissan once and it was as good so I’d go for another one if the occasion presented itself. Idk why the world doesn’t seem to understand there’s 2 or 3 car makers that just plain make batter, longer lasting and more reliable cars. Hello… mcfly
  20. What the future holds: a world where everyone is mysteriously getting sick all the time, but do t you worry your little heads, we will have the medicines for you to regain your health
  21. Typical Thailand international school hiring scenario: a very good and qualified teacher comes in with gobs of experience, yet he’s a bit fat and bald. Maybe he doesn’t even use the right cologne. They pass on him. Who do they end up hiring. A young good looking kid and they don’t even check his credentials. It’s not only that though, I’ve seen how things work at these places. The people who stay in these teaching jobs for years even decades are low quality people imo. And I’ll define low quality in that they simply don’t have any other options. That’s the kind of person who stays in a job for a long time. A person who’s afraid to move jobs because they have no confidence in their skills. Both the above are recipes for disaster imo. It is nice to have known quantities on payroll but like I said these are usually not the best people as trump would say.
  22. BS. Anyone can do that. And it’s a great chance to be a role model for your kids. Why be leashed to a corporate job? It’s such an easy decision. We’re talking about a major life altering event here and your response when your kids well being is at stake is basically: “the kids will deal with it, I need to get back to work”.
  23. This sounds like a life altering event to me. I go back to my original advice and say home school. You gotta ask yourself… is any of this worth it. Who knows what could happen considering what’s already unfolded.
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