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Robert Paulson

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Everything posted by Robert Paulson

  1. I did read the link. It said exactly what I’ve been saying. All these airlines have the same policy as far as I can tell. One bag and one personal item. As I said if you go back to my post. It’s all about the weight dude.
  2. I really don’t know. It all seems very clear to me. Two bags essentially. One “bag” and then one “personal bag”. And the weight. The weight is where it’s at. And it seems very consistent airline to airline, at least the cheap ones. To me cabin luggage is delicate stuff. What I don’t understand are the indestructible, gigantic bags allowed in the cabin. I don’t really care but you can see people jamming them up in there on every flight… it’s like hey bud, that’s (meant to be) delicate luggae up there. Why are you jamming your bag up there with full force? That’s my main issue with in flight luggae. Not to mention those hard shell bags are huge too. If there’s no room you just put it somewhere else preferably closer to the exit.
  3. He needs to be in an old persons home not, allegedly, running the country (into the ground)
  4. The hair sniffer’s days of sniffing heads has come to an end.
  5. Speaking of this topic how do you guys feel when you get an empty row or even seat, which is obvious because it’s that way at takeoff, and then when in the air people proceed to migrate in “your” free seats, if you get my drift?
  6. Life is to short to worry about bull<deleted> like that
  7. People,voted that in. I can’t even comprehend it. We really do get the govt we deserve
  8. Yep. Exactly what doctors tend to do. Shotgun approach, big surprise it’s a business, and then make sure you come back to see them again. Forced repeat customer. Has anyone ever left a hospital without being given an appointment to come back? People… listen, if you open a restaurant you need customers to come back. It’s like the thing. Hospitals are no different. People need to understand that, but they don’t. They think hospitals are these divine places where all they do is good healing. No, it’s not the case unfortunately. I wish it was.
  9. Yeah exactly, he’ll just prescribe you stuff in a shotgun style approach without having any clue, with his number one concern being you come back for another visit and more tests and meds. the truth is the inner ear is a total enigma and doctors do t know what the hell they are doing in there or how to fix it. I would wait a few weeks if I were you, no meds, and see if it still there. Right now you’re likely just wasting money at the doctor
  10. I did the dcc once recently. I clicked on the screen without even reading it. Frinkin thieves I tell you. But other than thay yeah it’s the best
  11. I think it’s a real good time to reread Fahrenheit 451. From what I remember some of society’s most trusted saviors were morphed into the ones who censored and burned books. A lot of parallels going on here peeps. These people seemed to know what they were talking about with almost uncanny accuracy
  12. Yes. It’s completely outlandish to let this man be in there, or stay in there. Many have been screaming this for years. What if there is a huge catastrophic event? I guess we’d just all be supposed to feel safe under Biden? Or whoever it actually is running things.
  13. Those people are literally killing people and getting paid for it. So yeah, I’m a little prejudiced against them
  14. Biden needs to be replaced right now. It’s way overdue. I don’t know what kind of pansies we have in America but in my book if someone wants to attack America they are more likely to want to do it with a weak incompetent leader in the White House, one whose incapable of instilling any kind of optimism and support. This man makes us all less safe. It’s pathetic that he was even elected and everyone who voted for him should be ashamed and outcasted.
  15. My theory is, and I realize everyone is diff no problemo, wait until you get a bill from Thailand… which will likely never happen mind you. And then proceed from there. again just my view not advice
  16. Why not open a schwab account. You can use a google voice phone number. And you get reimbersed atm fee
  17. The only melody going through those peoples heads is kaachiing $$$
  18. He’s right. There’s no way I could ever get along with the people that hold these views. And there’s not way they get along with me. But the thing is, there is one side that’s tolerable. Because I don’t want to superimpose my paradigms onto anyone else. They do… that’s the entire problem and difference as I see it. Perfectly exemplified during covid
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