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Everything posted by Hawaiian

  1. I mentioned this in another forum about ships being attacked in the red sea, along with other related comments.
  2. Your comment hit the nail on the head. Difficult having an intelligent conversation with that kind of attitude. This is why I'm staying away from him. I hope he feels the same.
  3. Thank you for this very clear explanation. For others on this forum your explanation is as clear as mud. And you are right about the history of history-to the victor go the spoils. Moral or not, that is reality.
  4. I thought you to be smarter than that. Not only doesn't know the correct definition and then turns around and lies about it. The last time you started something with me the moderator deleted both of our posts. So knock off the BS you accuse me of.
  5. But you didn't disagree with it. Tacit acceptance of something incorrect.
  6. Wow! You may not know the correct definitions of words, but you sure know your math.
  7. Hamas is not considered a religious group. They are a political movement. https://theconversation.com/what-is-hamas-seven-key-questions-answered-215391
  8. So Israel killed more Palestinians than Hamas killed Israelis on Oct. 7. Entirely different circumstances and time frame. Do you ever read what you post?
  9. When are you going to understand the legal definition of genocide. Myself and others have posted info here before. Just because the media misuses the word doesn't make it so.
  10. Whenever I look for information online I first check to see how current it is. The situation has been evolving so rapidly it is easy to be misled or misinformed. In the case of the Gaza/Egypt border I missed the part of Israel being rebuffed. As for the safety of the tunnels I am basing my assessment on the Israeli attempt to flood them with seawater. There is also the intent of the IDF to destroy all of the tunnels. This is a very complicated war and I along with others have difficulty in keeping up. My reason for posting is not to only express my opinions, but also to learn from others.
  11. As recent videos show, the tunnels are death traps and Hamas has not allowed civilians to take refuge there. From what I understand, the border route is being blocked by Egypt and Israel is reluctant to pressure Egypt fearing it would damage their relationship. Both Egypt and Israel are caught between a rock and a hard place. Sorry, I should have clarified my position about who is responsible for this mess. I am tired of the blame game because it solves nothing and you are smart enough to know that.
  12. Looking behind the scenes, it is obvious China is behind of this. In the event of hostilities in the South China Sea commercial ships from China could hug the coast of Vietnam and across the Gulf of Thailand to Chumphon. The Vietnamese most likely would stay neutral and not interfere. It is doubtful Thailand would want to finance such a large undertaking and lately Bangkok has not been very receptive to accepting Beijing's money with all the strings attached.
  13. The Providing links with a paywall is against forum rules. Because many Hamas fighters do not wear uniforms it is almost impossible to distinguish civilian from military casualties.
  14. Agree, having no place to hide or escape to describes a horrible situation in Gaza. Both Israel and Hamas are responsible. But how do you justify putting all the blame on Israel for the massive casualties. You like to compare this to similar situations elsewhere. The population density is mostly the reason for the high rate. Even when Israel asked for evacuations to the South. Hamas attempted to stop it. Hamas operatives were caught red handed stealing humanitarian aid intended for the civilian population. You never mentioned the videos of that. If one side surrenders and hostilities stop, the killing stops. Anyone who intentionally breaks a ceasefire cannot be trusted. As Hamas is intent of fighting to the end, Israel is just as determined to finish the job. Israel will be vilified no matter what they do. At the end of the day Hamas will be destroyed and all of Gaza will be better off. Then begins the task of rehabilitation and rebuilding. Hopefully, people in the West Bank will also benefit from the destruction of Hamas. Yes Israel will a black eye, but Iran will have two black eyes
  15. Unfortunately, the IDF is up against an enemy that continues to hide behind civilians and uses fortifications purposely built for this VILE tactic. Sometimes videos are used to document what battle conditions are like, but should not be used solely for bragging rights.
  16. Was the money designated specifically for military use and not for humanitarian purposes? Maybe Hamas thought like Jack from Beanstalk fame, they would get rid of the mean old giant, Israel, and collect their treasure, magnificent rulers of the new Palestinian state.
  17. Exactly. The definition of genocide does not apply to movements and organizations like Hamas.
  18. Hamas could have used the money to better the lives of the Palestinians living in Gaza. Instead much of it was spent to construct an expensive, complex system of tunnels to conduct their clandestine operations. Could Netanyahu have restricted the funds to non-military use? I don't know and perhaps,as others have said, he had ulterior motives.
  19. People with integrity don't throw around and casually misuse words like genocide. As far as respect goes, you evidently think just like him.
  20. What's coming out now? Evidently, you missed the article provided by Bkk Brian from criticalthreats.org. Or maybe you did and its too long and involved for you and your friend to understand.
  21. The information about debit cards come from independent financial advisers. They caution about having large amounts in your debit card account. The fact that you never lost anything doesn't mean it can't happen. There is always a first time. Today's thieves are quite sophisticated and FAST. Have you heard about the new gift card scams? Customers are purchasing gift cards that have all of the money drained from them. Stores unknowingly have been selling worthless gift cards which hackers have bled. Don't believe me? Look it up.
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