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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Cheers for the heads up. I'm just out of Korat and local selection at Lotus'sss is abysmal. May head into the big smoke on the weekend and see what I can find at Tops.
  2. You mentioned Whittakers, therefore you gotta be a Kiwi. Dammit... I do miss decent chocolate. I see in news back home some delinquent stole several hundreds of blocks from several shops. They caught the a-hole. Damn fine chocolate, up there with Mainland cheese. Top quality products
  3. “Look. I just don’t feel the relationship is working out.”
  4. Sorry Bob but I couldn't resist posting this one: “Through the hoop, Bob! Through the hoop!”
  5. He should have put you on dishes duty for a week!
  6. I had an almighty culture shock when I returned to NZ some 5 years ago. At a zebra/pedestrian crossing I stopped and looked both ways for traffic. The approaching vehicles stopped and let me cross. After being in Thailand for 7 years this took me by complete surprise. I'd forgotten that people actually follow rules in NZ. It was a nice feeling.
  7. 'They face serious charges, with investigations ongoing to unravel the full scope of this tragic event.' Time to get the wet bus ticket ready.
  8. A marked cross walk (pedestrian crossing) doesn't mean much here. A few weeks/months ago a foreigner got killed using one. Vehicles rarely stop let alone slow down when approaching one. You've gotta keep your wits about you when crossing any road in this country.
  9. He was likely checking to see if he still had lead in his pencil...
  10. I think their fire tenders need an overhaul or the water pressure at the hydrant is particularly low. Looking at the videos, the amount of water and pressure to fight the fire is fairly pathetic. One could piss harder than what's coming out of the hoses. Local authorities need to fix that problem before any other fire occurs. I expect fire insurance companies will increase premiums as a result.
  11. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, rather than speak up and remove all doubt. I think this cap fits you well.
  12. I just read a bit about that. It was exported to Thailand to be bottled here thus saving tax? It was selling in NZ for about the equivalent of 336 baht per bottle
  13. They must have seen you coming! What's next the 4 Yorkshire men skit?
  14. I'd say the first mistake is criticising a Thai males driving ability... their poor egos don't take it kindly. Sure their driving maybe crap, but you put your life into their hands if you criticise them. How many reports to we read about these guys where loss of face cause them to react in a disproportionate way? Many have concealed weapons and aren't afraid to use them if 'provoked'. And they will have standby excuses for the Police in the aftermath. Piss weak really.
  15. You can buy 'duty free' coming into Thailand. They have stores just before the customs gates when you leave the 'secure' area. Although most items are cheaper downtown and the last time I went through there were no staff at any of the customs counters.
  16. 100% correct! In 1992 the Wattie's group was bought from Goodman Fielder by American-based H. J. Heinz Company for $565 million. The company employs around 1,900 people, of which approximately 350 are temporary or casual. The company produces its own Wattie's products, some international brands of H. J.
  17. Boracay although a lovely spot it really is a tourist trap. I had a few holidays there and it was the 1st time in my life that I fully relaxed. Sitting on the beach, cocktail in hand watching the sun go down. Pure bliss. Cebu can get a bit overpowering but they do have better infrastructure there. Agree with Puerto Princesa although I've not been there. Dumagete is a nice quiet spot, but a bit remote. Lived in Bohol for a few years. Not a bad spot and the island is fairly well surrounded by other islands, which helps during typhoon season. There is an adjoining island called Panglau. Great beaches and good diving/snorkeling. Nice people too
  18. Mr Noi and Mr Nong were acting like some ning nongs and had a bit of a ding dong... What could go wong? Silly boys!
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