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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. He's just a kid with good work skills and obviously found a niche market that wasn't being filled. Pity he didn't do it via correct channels.
  2. Yes the government is after every little satang that it can get it's hands on. Guarantee this won't be the last of money making schemes. What's next? Hit tourists and foreigners with some other ridiculous form of tax?
  3. I'm sorry but on this one you are a clown. Transam is correct. Many years ago tattoos were associated with gangs and prison. But not so much now. Artists and sports people without any gang affiliations or jail time have tattoos. Your broad brush stroke of catergorising people with tattoos only magnifies your narrow mind.
  4. Also different countries have different interpretations of murder. In NZ it has to be proven that the accused had the intent to kill or knew by their actions that death was the probable result. For example shooting someone in the head. If that (intent or known result) cannot be proven then it is manslaughter. Smacking someone in the head would be very difficult as having murderous intent.
  5. That would be my guess although I've never been through that zoo. Otherwise it would be extremely rare that someone smuggled it into the country...but this is Thailand.
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