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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Sometimes it's quicker to buy the whole bloody tap. Yes a pain in the ass but then job is done. I'd probably do more research on Lazada to get correct model and order 2 or 3 as spares.
  2. Now that would have been an eye opener. Possible mother bear (with 2 cubs somewhere). Human and bear after same food source on a collision course... I'd give way to the bear any day. Lucky fellah. Could have been deadly
  3. It's an account/card that you can do many things with. It can be registered in your home country and you can open different currency accounts within it. Therefore when I want thb I just transfer x amount of NZ$ to my thb account. I can then either use eftpos when buying things in Thailand or use an ATM to get cash. You will get hit with a 220thb fee at the ATM. It's so easy to use/set up and you pay less fees.
  4. It's a debit card. No different from any debit card in your home country. And pray tell, why can't you use those cards in Thailand?
  5. I seem to remember that they haven't set up a system for Thailand as yet. However you may be able to apply from a home country address (Brother, sister etc) Then get them to post it across. I applied for my Wise account/card when back in NZ. Only took about 10 days to arrive. It's the only card I use now.
  6. Check out the Wise card. Never had a problem with it and exchange fees are one of the lowest.
  7. This kid was having strange feelings so he went and talked to his pa. After a long conversation about the birds and bees, meaning of life etc. The lad thought he had it sorted. Unfortunately he misunderstood his dad's advice when his pa said: Go into town and pick up a young filly
  8. The same goes for motorbikes I believe. I got a couple of bikes in NZ that would be great here. Bugger all chance of bringing them over. Easy enough to take vehicles back tho.
  9. What a trip. Hope you're not getting any saddle sores! Great way to see the sights without missing much (You tend to go a bit faster on bigger bikes). Once I settle down it's something I'd like to do. Take my time and enjoy the journey. Love it, well done guys
  10. Maybe a hundred pounds a night... Oh sorry, did you mean currency?
  11. It is very relevant. If he knew she was married then he should have stayed away.
  12. Valid point but did he know that the girl already had a boyfriend!/husband?
  13. I probably would have smacked the living begeezus out of the guy. As for bitch lips.... I don't hit women. But a few words would probably have been exchanged. Then walk away... Maybe 'accidently' bump into her somewhere later with a hot little number you picked up at a bar... just to piss her off, and say the tart is cheaper and more fun than what you've ever had. And they talk about a woman scorned! Play them at their own game I say.
  14. With a small motor like a 160cc I dont think you would need to remap it. And aftermarket pipe/muffler will help the engine 'breath' easier as well as hopefully decrease the weight. On bigger motors and sports bikes it's generally recommended to get a remap, thereby getting the most out of the mod. There are kits you can get: Power Commander and EJK being just two I know of. Easy to fit but mainly for bigger bikes.
  15. Or how about the newish Honda CT125. It's the old model that's been updated. Not sure if you'll find anyone renting them though. Virtually bomb proof.
  16. When he finally gets caught and sent to prison he may end up in a cell with even a bigger tough guy. I guess the first conversation in his cell would likely go like this. Bigger tough guy: OK so you're new here, I give all newbies a choice. You wanna be mummy or daddy? Newbie: (He thinks about it for a while and decides to take the least painful option) I'll be daddy! Bigger tough guy: OK, come over here and suk on mommy's kok.
  17. The son will probably say that he hid some yabba in the fields but can't remember which one, The Police will spend days plowing the field looking for it... Job done!
  18. I've been in a situation similar to this but evasive action prevented me from being hit. My reaction? 1. Parked bike at side of the road 2. Walked around the bike 3 times whilst breathing out rather loudly 3. Quietly rode home 4. Once home had several cold beers. Outcome: 1. No damage to any vehicle 2. My heart got a good workout 3. I live to ride another day You can't plan to have an accident, but you can learn skills to anticipate possible scenarios and act accordingly. A Defensive Driving course is a good start. (Probably not available here). This incident could have been a lot worse.
  19. Rider was going too fast to be able to stop in time (within his lane) thereby using the left lane to avoid collision. (Fault 1). Driver of car was also travelling too fast and possibly following too close thereby unable to stop in time (Fault 2). Response by rider is beyond belief. It's bad enough to have an 'accident' but to aggrevate the situation helps no one. It was nice to see other bikers endeavouring to help rider move his bike. I don't understand how the rider expected to lift his bike from the 'wrong' side, the Thai helper is doing most of the lifting. Suggest Aussie rider get some more bike lessons.... Back in Australia preferably.
  20. Don't dare step into someone else's territory without first paying your dues. Failure to do so will result in... Oh hell it's just happened.
  21. So you have all the information do you? Are you a policeman? A detective? How do you know that it's not just a group of wife's getting together like a creche. As per usual... just run off at the mouth. Im beginning to see a pattern in your posts. Frankly one I'm not interested in.
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