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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Hmmmm strange coincidence that the upcoming Golden Cobra exercise is just around the corner Many nations will be attending. Amongst them is the USN (United States Navy) who have just said they will be helping with this salvage. Sorry China.... Don't need your help this time, but watch this space!
  2. Bloody hell, looks like just a few dyna bolts holding it all together. Very shoddy workmanship. They all went down faster than an express elevator. Bit of a worry
  3. Yep I'd probably go the CRF300 route too. The 250 is perhaps a little under powered and the 300 doesn't add much weight. You do want a lighter bike in the event you get stuck in mud or fall off during a river crossing etc. There was a doco a few years back about a Brit Lass that did a world tour on a CRF250. Very good PR for Honda. I wish you the best on your expedition.
  4. Well done on all the bling bling. I had one of these in Chiang Mai about 8 years ago. Fun bike
  5. Damn and all these years I thought the monsters were living under my bed. Well that's what my parents told me as a kid.... methinks they lie!
  6. Never argue with the driver/pilot/captain of any craft is my opinion. They have your life in their hands. Sure we all can get a bit pissed off when our travel plans get diverted, <deleted>e happens. Sometimes it works out better sometimes it doesn't. I surely wouldn't have gone to the media to voice my frustrations/complaints. However he did the right thing by retracting those comments and tendered an apology. The airline although trying to protect its image, perhaps has gone a bit too far in laying a lawsuit. I agree with what was said previously, the airline could have tackled this differently and put a positive PR spin with their reaction. Personally I've never had a bad experience with any Thai airline.
  7. Wow this thread just keeps going and going... and I'll add my 5 cents worth. Riding bikes is fun. I still enjoy them although lately I've moved from big cc bikes to mid range wheels. Having just returned from NZ (Went back there for 5 years) I did a few bike courses which ironed out a few bad habits I had. I sold my KTM 690 SMCR, which was a real fun bike but damn uncomfortable to be honest. Lots of power and oh so nimble. Next to go was my Yamaha tmax 500. I think they call them a maxi scooter nowadays. Very comfortable although quite heavy. It handled well and had enough get up and go when needed. I however retained the BMW C600 sport, which again is a maxi scooter. It's actually a 650 twin. Comfortable as heck and handles like a super bike. It's a bike I'd love to have here actually. So what's all this to do with the original post? Well if your keen on getting a bike I suggest that you rent one to start. Then you will feel what's right for you. Not all bikes are the same. Go and get some lessons too, they will help to keep you safer. Buy the best helmet you can afford.... and wear it! When you ride, you need to concentrate on what your doing and your surroundings more so than when you're driving a car. Use your mirrors even when stationary. I very nearly got taken out by a pickup in Chiang Mai about 7 years ago. I stopped at red light but he had other ideas. If I hadn't been checking my mirrors he would have driven over me. I was on a Honda CRF250 and heard him coming as well. Had to put the bike into gear and run the light. Luckily no other vehicle was in the intersection. Always try and plan an escape route. I agree with what many have said about ABS.... get a bike that has it. Its a life saver. In NZ you can no longer register a bike without ABS (Apart from vintage bikes). Studies have shown it saves lives. Now with all that in mind.... go and enjoy!
  8. I've just had one of those Tapper XTra beers. Very drinkable I must say. Now onto a Dunkel, it's cold and wet and going down a treat in today's 35 degree heat. I like it cause it's not a gassy as some others, but I don't mean it's flat either. Hmmm maybe this will become my new tipple.
  9. It's a bit like adding insult to injury... Love those fail army clips
  10. Astounding numbers, and hard to comprehend where they find all this money. Loans from China perhaps?
  11. As I've only recently returned to the Land of smiles after a 5 year break in NZ, I was keen to see what's new on the beer scene. A lot has changed in those 5 years and not just with all these craft beers. Not that I'm fond of overly priced beer that honestly tastes like crap. About 18 years ago when I first stepped onto these shores, I like most tried the basic few beers available. Singh, Chang and later on Leo. Tastes change with time and so did my brands of beer. Now that I've returned, I cannot stomach Singh although it's number 1 in Thailand. Chang was never a favorite in my books and somehow Leo was my run of the mill drink. Easy to drink without a hangover from hell. All this talk about Carabou got me interested. I only remembered it as an energy drink... now they make beer! Wow! I had a Carabou lager a few nights ago and initially I liked the hoppy taste. However it didn't linger much. You needed another sip to see if its really there. Sure it's different to the normal Thai beers and that's ok. Will I drink more of it? Undecided at this moment. But it was a nice change. I've just had a big bottle of the Dunkel. 1st glass was a case of, yes it's dark, it's taste stouty, hmmm what else? 2nd glass, oh that's not too bad actually. I think I might get to like it after another bottle. Stout has never been too kind to me but this stuff is a bit different. Maybe my tastes have changed again? But it's a start of a new year and I'm sure as time goes on I'll look for something new. Like all beers/stouts, the priority is to ensure they are cold as before you drink them and in this case the Dunkel beats the lager easily. Like everyone else I'm on the hunt for the IPA now.
  12. What a hoot! Now for some racing down Doi Suthep... probably need some brakes for that tho. And keep Aussie vegans away, they're bound to stuff it up (like one individual did a few years back). But this looks cool.
  13. Ok, I can understand it was a home made gun but how did he figure out that the guy had 4 rounds or shells on him? Was the gun loaded? Luckily for the off duty cop this idiot didn't open up on him. A shotgun can be very nasty at close range. I expect one the perp was disarmed and cuffed was when the off duty cop found the shells. Nutters in every country....
  14. 35 in Korat and expected to remain so for the next 3 days. Mornings and evenings are nice tho. With overnights lows around 19. Damn I miss NZ sometimes... but not their cost of living. It's mostly why I returned to Thailand.
  15. Very nice of the street vendor and I wonder if anything was edited from the video. Normally (Well at least from my perspective) I would have thought the backpacker would at least offer to clean up / do the dishes or offer some sort of help for the free meal. Only those that were there will know. But then maybe the immigration people will be hunting you for working without a visa... Can't win either way.
  16. Darn the reporter was probably quoting from the fashion police, he was told to speak to the Royal Thai Police. Idiot!
  17. Nothing wrong with the vessel nor the weather..... It was loose lips that caused it.
  18. I thought there was a Police crack down against the Russian mafia years ago. Now it's just a crack up...
  19. Well the macaques are already in a brown uniform, just got to get them to walk the beat and the RTP could save millions. Perhaps train them to ride bicycles and send them to Pattaya to relieve their overworked bicycle cops.
  20. At least they weren't wearing hi viz pink tops and skin tight lycra bottoms... then the thick set guy would not only stand out but likely burn an impression into your mind that you can't get rid of. Who dreams up these ideas? Give that man a pay rise..... Or promote him.
  21. Back in Singapore in the late 70s the same sort of thing occurred. The Singapore police cut the bikes in half with a gas axe, then gave the forlorn drivers tickets for littering. Kids will be kids.... and only a few will learn that you can still have a good time without pissing your neighbours off.
  22. Yep, when I was living in CM about 5 years ago the burning season wasn't the nicest. Yet they say it's down 79 percent over recent times... maybe due to 79 percent less forest to burn? Damn I love it when they try and manipulate stats without giving the whole picture. Still.... I think CM is a good place to be.
  23. You can't teach stupid!
  24. Obviously the bar proprietor hadn't paid the right 'security' people enough money to prevent the raid. Or are they the same people?
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