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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. Well the macaques are already in a brown uniform, just got to get them to walk the beat and the RTP could save millions. Perhaps train them to ride bicycles and send them to Pattaya to relieve their overworked bicycle cops.
  2. At least they weren't wearing hi viz pink tops and skin tight lycra bottoms... then the thick set guy would not only stand out but likely burn an impression into your mind that you can't get rid of. Who dreams up these ideas? Give that man a pay rise..... Or promote him.
  3. Back in Singapore in the late 70s the same sort of thing occurred. The Singapore police cut the bikes in half with a gas axe, then gave the forlorn drivers tickets for littering. Kids will be kids.... and only a few will learn that you can still have a good time without pissing your neighbours off.
  4. Yep, when I was living in CM about 5 years ago the burning season wasn't the nicest. Yet they say it's down 79 percent over recent times... maybe due to 79 percent less forest to burn? Damn I love it when they try and manipulate stats without giving the whole picture. Still.... I think CM is a good place to be.
  5. You can't teach stupid!
  6. Obviously the bar proprietor hadn't paid the right 'security' people enough money to prevent the raid. Or are they the same people?
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