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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The list!

    Sounds like the blacklist!

    Not everyone is going to roll over to this dictatorship and nor they should.

    Suppress suppress suppress! Take away any freedom of speech take away democracy and deny a generation of young people of a life of freedom to express any criticism of the junta?

    And people on here support this!

    You wouldn't cop it in your own country!

    Hot air from redshirts with high blood pressure now their game is done.

    In my home country the government is not corrupt.. does not abuse its power and is a bit competent. There are loads of checks and balances and if they had done what YL had one they would have been in jail a long time ago. This is not a real democracy. If this were a real democracy id support your vie

    And what country is your home - North Korea?

    Again reds cant read don't bother to read the whole topic before you post.. its mentioned just above your post. Shows the lack of brains in a large portion of red posters.

    Red Yellow,I think the next ruling party could be orange.


  2. It all sounds good, and I (tentatively now he's dismissed the senate) support that General........but professional soldiers are not economists. I hope he's doing the right thing.

    As far as PR is concerned he is.


  3. There is no way that any cfountry in SE Asia is going togive them sanctuary.

    North Korea maybe.

    ASEAN no way it would mean the end of ASEAN

    China not a chance noting in it for them

    India - new gov't with it's own issues.

    Pakistan sorry not islamic

    I think one of the African countries might give them sanctuary however,it will be interesting. Also tell me a government in exile that actually accomplished anything.

    Again it is a case of the PT Thaksin party yapping for the same of yapping.

    Do these people not understand PR.

    PRBKK where is your PT slant n this???????

    They were referring to Cambodia . . .

    China want that high speed rail link.

  4. Hmmmmmmm. He looks about as French as French dressing.

    He looks to me very much like a Frenchman, with his head covered. wink.png


    you should look at the other pictures in the newspaper if u click on the link...c'est édifiant !

    Ah I see what you mean. He looks about as french as Patrice Evra. Or as English as Monty Panasar.bah.gif


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  5. starting to get interesting trying to work out what exactly the general is up to. I was quite happy with what he was doing till this, have to admit I am baffled by this move though but I hope he does have a good reason for it. We can only hope that he is being very even handed and going to try to get a neutral group in control, he has virtually warned the police etc that he will not take any sh*t from them and to do their jobs properly without any thaksin/ptp/red interference. I think tarit may well and truly be on the outer and should be sh*tting his pants as should the beloved ex police boss, both will hate their sucking up to thaksin I think in the near future. Just hope he continues to do what the country needs, lets wait and see.

    What he is doing could be the best thing to happen to Thailand, could equally be the worst (OK half full/empty) probably a lot more noses being put out of joint before we begin to see the full picture.

    All we can do is wait and see what evolves over the next few days/weeks. Or just keep on speculating. It does make some entertaining reading.


  6. Well, what a surprise. A junta allows unelected senators to choose a "neutral" PM. What a farce.

    Do you seriously think this is a time for elections? Do you want the same crooks running the country? Without a PM the country can not function properly. So even a unelected one should be welcome until elections can be held and the constitution change so crooks like the PRDC and DEMS have can not control everything. In this case i beleive someone nuetral is better that just the army giving orders

    Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    And do you seriously believe that such a PM would be neutral, keeping in mind Dr Seri's announcement in Chicago that evething will be ok because the acting speaker is "on our side" ?:. You can't be that naiive

    How can a Prime Minister be neutral. To be a Minister he must belong to a party. TIT


  7. Cancer treatment always weaken the body initially, before the body can recover and strengthen...violin.gif

    unfortunately, this ain't cancer treatment and cancer does a lot of killing and many cancer treatments still end in death. I think everyone needs to take a step back and look at what Thailand really has going for it....CORRUPTION....they have done this very well for many many years. What's the best predictor of future events....past events....why do we have a coup now???? 1 + 1 = ?

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Exactly. What has cancer treatment got to do with the OP.


  8. Why bother to cross the border???

    In the hot season there are places in the Mekhong river were you can nearly walk from Thailand into Vientianne without getting your feet wet or being spot by any control

    About 5or 6 kilometers from the Friendship Bridge, out in the sticks the river is no more than 20mts wide, even when in full flow.


  9. "Economics Crash"....I have prayed for one of those for a long time....don't hold your breath.

    If you live here what's the problem? Your 800k is still worth 800k tomorrow, Which I guess is for your retirement visa requirements cash?

    Irrespective of how the baht performs against the $, it's still 800k.

    You could take a punt on currency movements, but I doubt it will be worthwhile.

    But must make sure that he has the 800k to put back in the bank at least 3months before visa extension time.

    Mine is staying where it is, earning me more than it could in the UK. Not much but more.


  10. Gmmz showing nothing but the coup announcements.

    Quite what the military leaders have against Eurosport and me watching The Tour of Italy is beyond me.

    Can anyone explain how an international cycling event threatens Thailands internal security?

    I think they want that the people really listen to what they say. But I agree cutting off the soap operas will make the female population very upset.

    this will be disaster for some farangs in Thailand, they will have to work out a system of communication with their Thai wives...giggle.gif

    Boom, Boom. thumbsup.gif


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