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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

    They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

    Do you (and Winton liking it) actually live in Thailand? Im curious because of all this "we won" and "you lost" banter.

    Sitting in the house with no tv and soon no internet, banned from going out, with soldiers on the streets. Does that feel like a victory to you?

    It's a bit of a pain right now, but a 10pm to 5am curfew won't affect most people. Just cut short partying a little bit. Hopefully just for a few days. I'm fortunate in that I have a lot of books to read otherwise the loss of tv programming would be devastating. However, I'll suffer through it. Haven't seen any soldiers about, however I did hear that there are a few around (Chiang Mai).

    Have you thought what all this might mean to folk here on their annual holidays.


  2. hope they are proud to bring all this to this lovely country... a disgrace they should be ashamed

    They scored a partial victory they can home.. this is a disaster for the Shins. You lost get over it.

    I heard the same after the last coup and the net result wasn't much different.

    There are and will be no winners until the corruption on both sides can be removed and a true democracy that works for the people established. Until the politicians can put the needs of the county before their own nothing much will change for the better. Sadly there seems no real desire to deal with these issues on either side.

    I fear it will once again be a case of one step forward and one or two steps back.

    There is no real desire for reform from either side really that is the sad thing.

    Nothing is changing anytime soon in Thailand,

    The only sure thing to come out of this military coup is that it wont be the last one.

    Red shirts yellow shirts there really is no difference not sure why people take sides either way.....

    Two good true posts. Much is the pity.


  3. I don't see how this is going to help "heal" the divide, if anything it's going to widen it.

    Have to wait for the next poll to come out.

    75+% agreed with military marshal law. My guess there will be similar numbers for this coup.

    Seems people are sick and tired of Shin democracy and want the real thing, if thats possible.

    Like military democracy? Half empty half full. wink.png


  4. Hello

    Does this apply in Samui? How to know?

    I cannot remember if there was a curfew last time, in 2006, but at that time business as normal all over Samui... smile.png

    No there wasn't. I was there when the news broke.

    I might have spoken out of turn there. What I should have said, is if there was I didn't hear of it.


    • Like 1
  5. Seems the Military called a fake meeting of heads of both Reds & Yellows then arrested them all?

    11 folks from what I can understand Suthep & Jutaporn included

    Don't speculate and make things up you don't know to be true. Read the new forum rules that say 'zero tolerance' etc etc

    We will find out soon enough. I suspect they've only been taken away to have their heads knocked together and told to grow up.

    They'll be back again tomorrow.

    You should follow your own advice?


  6. Will they let Suthep out for his victory party or will they keep him in custody in the army camp?

    You want to say anything about Chalerm/cabinet.

    Eat your words Thaksin from another thread---BIG GOB. this could well have been the final straw from him---Army has had enough of mighty mouth.

    It could have just as easily have been Suthep saying that he was going to open 3 more stages this weekend.

    Whatever the reason, I hope it will not be too long before democracy returns to this poor country.

    This country still has to find and understand democracy.


  7. So will he also be reconsidering the murder charges that suthep and Abhisit have been too busy to show up for?

    Somehow I doubt that either of these 2 will ever be charged when they should be sharing a cell with certain red leaders.

    Looking more like a coup by the hour with selective laws being applied. No wonder certain people looked so happy when this happened coffee1.gif

    Yes clear up the loose ends first.


  8. I suggest you just lie to them. Chances are they regard you as resident for taxation purposes anyway.

    Tell them whatever they want to hear and you will have your new license before you know it.

    It's always a good idea to not cut ties with a country for things like this.

    Ah, I am registered as an out of the country landlord, for tax purposes.


  9. I did spend quite some time on this last night and found some interesting posts from some expat forums, but thought it best not to post on TV.

    one was it seems that all UK driving licenses are valid until the holder reaches age 70, only the photo part has to be renewed every 10yrs and yes if you are not a UK resident it can not be renewed. But not to worry all you have to do is renew it when you return to the UK, pay the license fee plus pay a fine (not stipulated) for not renewing it on time.

    If you do come back to the UK for a holiday and use your expired plastic part license you face a £1000.00 fine and possibly a prison sentence.

    What I couldn't find was If you do let the licence expire at the age of 70 (which is when you get a 3yr licence after passing a basic medical) how much grace are you given before you have to apply for provisional license and re take the driving test?

    I do intend becoming a UK resident sometime in the future. In my own time.


  10. To qualify as UK resident you have to live in the UK for six months or more of a given year. If you don't, you are not UK resident.

    Or 91 days continuously if you own a home in the UK under the new Statutory Residence Test.

    I am going to hi-jack my own post here a bit.

    AyG I find your post Interesting. Just wondering. What you say could possibly be used to good advantage in the pensions senario?


  11. re

    to renew your license you have to declare that you are a permanent UK resident. The other thing they stipulate on the form is that you are not allowed to use a "care of" address. The only way i could see of getting around not losing my license, or at any rate, not having it renewed, was to lie

    i lost my lorry and coach licence because of the above in

    08 coz i only have a care off address in the uk now

    and i wouldnt lie either sad.png


    That's interesting because I do still own property in the UK, it is let though. So in reality no need of a care of address. Although I do have one for other purposes.


  12. You need this link to renew a photocard licence https://www.gov.uk/renew-driving-licence

    I did it a couple of years back, everything on-line, it's a piece of cake, particularly if you have a fairly recent passport renewal.

    By the way, after hunting out my NI number it turns out (contrary to the linked page) that you don't actually NEED it.

    Hello Crossy,

    Yes I did come accross that link. Unfortunatly I don't have to renew my passport until Feb 16


  13. To qualify as UK resident you have to live in the UK for six months or more of a given year. If you don't, you are not UK resident.

    Or 91 days continuously if you own a home in the UK under the new Statutory Residence Test.

    I am going to hi-jack my own post here a bit.

    Your AyG I find post Interesting. Just wondering, good what you say possibly be used to advantage in the pensions senario?


  14. I didn't really know where to put this thread, so went for general topics.

    I had an email from my neighbor yesterday telling me I had a letter sent to my house from DVLA (I rent the house out) to let me know that my plastic part license expires next month. He told me that I have to sign itand send it back. So I think OK just send it to me, I'll sign it and send it back. In the meantime I have checked the DVLA website and it doesn't appear that simple.

    Has anyone had any experience with this. It could affect quite a lot of us.



  15. hmmm...first martial law, then probably a new PM appointed by the Senate...this is all playing out nicely and more or less as expected.

    In fact, it means no such thing. The govt remains in office even in the context of martial law. This simply removes from the streets the groups in conflict.

    I read on another site that the protests are allowed to continue. Although only supposedly in three areas.


  16. I put a similar post on about 6 years ago, got very much the same replies. Seems no change there.

    Hua-Hin, Pattaya is hardly any distance by sea it really would make sense?? The use of a normal ferry boat as opposed to an high speed hover ferry would surley illimanate those dangers mentioned?


  17. I bet she can name the 15 principles of democracy which automatically makes her smarter than 99.9% of red shirt supporters!

    Well done to her and under a democratic umbrella she is allowed to have an opinion.

    Unless the red shirts have made opinions that don't suit their agenda illegal now?

    Don't answer that one Chalerm!!!

    If she's Thai "educated" she can't name the 3 Stooges, or the 3 bears, and I seriously doubt she's even heard of the 15 principles of democracy.

    Were the three stooges and the there bears part of your educational curriculum?

    Humpty, Dumpty & Numpty.

  18. I watched the contest the other night. I thought most of the contestants were less beautiful than an average market stall girl. And all so white. I don't think there was one dark skinned lady in the line up.

    Plus <deleted> (what the dickens) is miss Universe Thailand?

    Cambridge United fan.


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