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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. Virtual reality headwear? Just how many people out there don't have a real life?

    If they get down to around the price of a decent monitor, and get software support (where Oculus had help from Valve), then there's a decent market there. (Even if only to people who would have built multi-monitor setups.)

    But $2bn for a company that has only ever released a developer version of their hardware does seem a bit pricey.

    He who dares Rodders.


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  2. 'Thailand becomes 'Sick Man of Southeast Asia'

    Look who the head nurse and head doctor are.whistling.gif

    You cannot blame the head nurse and doctor for the illness. The patient has to take responsibility for his lifestyle as it facilitated the illness.

    Unfortunately, taking personal responsibility for any problem in Thailand is not part of the culture.

    The patient is in delirium.


  3. Good post !

    I hope lessons will be learnt by many who read this thread !

    Applying for a visa is not rocket science and can be achieved without the help of a "visa" agent"

    If completing a simple form and collating the evidence required for a visa application is beyond a persons capability there are good,qualified agents out there .(ask here)

    The expensive "agents" who are to be found on street corners in tourist dumps should not be trusted,


    Rant over !

    Good post,

    I agree with you a visa is relativly easy to obtain. Just

    takes a little homework.


    • Like 1
  4. Yes, Don't know & Yes. biggrin.png

    Cars are calculated on engine size not sure whether they go down with age.

    Your local DLT will tell you how much the Honda 2.2 will be for road & Insurance.

    To be on the road it should have road tax and if it has road tax it had to be insured at the time that's not to say it is still insured.

    I think it's always best to have your road tax renewal dated the same time as the compulsory gov insurance.

    Compulsory 'Government Insurance' (CPTL) is mandatory for everyone. This basic CPTL insurance covers the medical costs of road accident victims and does not cover any kind of vehicle damage. Failure to have this cover will result in very heavy fines. It is also required to pay the road tax for your vehicle.

    Not sure about the following as I always have both :- As of March 2009, CPTL insurance is not required if you have class 1 voluntary insurance.

    Additional 1st & 2nd class private insurance can be purchased later if you want.

    Apparently after the vehicle is 7 or 10 years old tax reduces by 10%

    Tax is charged by doors, 2 or 4, both inexpensive. You are better off googling it, I did last week. Thought I had bookmarked the links, but it seem s not or I would have sent them to you.

    You also need to get the car safety Inspected if it is 7 years old.

    Which is strictly adhered to in Thailand. cheesy.gif

    When my G/F asked about this in the shop where we normally buy our road tax, the lady said no problem. Just lift the bonnet and on the vehicles ID disk, that shows the vehicles date of manufacture, just scratch it out. Only in?jb1

  5. An interesting thread. I've thought about this one too. My angle was to get away from the cheap crap and go a bit more upmarket in terms of T shirt quality, only produce 2 colours, black or white and in farlang sizes. The idea was to have simple and original one line satirical messages on the front only, in English. Like the one produced in Pattaya a while ago that read - 'I smile a lot because I don't know what's going on" So many tees in English, have nonsensical, or just boring sexual stuff that must appeal to someone ? but maybe there is a market for something just a tad more sophisticated. So good idea if the g/f goes in for better quality t shirts, but don't know if my idea is viable or not.

    However, I did 'shoot myself in the foot' about this recently. My wife bought me some fairly plain black tees at a market. I didn't take any notice of the writing, as I was just pleased that they were big enough. About 2 weeks later, my visiting son said - 'Dad! why are you wearing the T shirt?- What I said? - It says in large letters with stars around it - 'Queen of the Universe'.- Nothing against gay people, and I still wear it often.

    Just a quick question about your farang peculiar spelling "farlang"

    I've never heard this word pronounced that way but I read it from time to time on this forum. Is there a special region in thailand where they randomly add Ls in the middle of words?

    About the OP : the only way to make money with a business is to either sell a ton of stuff with a small margin or a few stuff with a high margin. Unless you have a huge t shirt factory in china or know a few hollywood stars who could wear you tshirts so that you become the next Ed Hardy and sell crap tshirts for $100, you're never gonna make any money with this niche.

    You will find that in most of S/E Asia that R is pronounced as L. As in the Chinese restaurant joke. Flied Lice. wai2.gif


  6. Hats off to Buriram Province. Not only have they got a top football team but now they are hosting a prestigious sporting event.

    My only fear is that the televised version will be ruined by constant advertising, in much the same way as football broadcasting suffers

    I can imagine the race leaders hurtling down the final straight only to be squeezed into a small rectangular box in the corner of the screen while a toothpaste ad takes centre stage

    I'm due to visit my outlaws in Buriram in the Autumn, so hopefully I can take in the event live

    When ITV took F1 from the BBC, they would cut to a commercial break.


  7. They will charge for late, its so small the amount it is not worth arguing over.

    You can get a certificate as well as the renewal and road tax done at any testing center, the fee they charge for doing the lot is usually less than the fuel to then go to the motor transport department, also means its all done at the one time without waiting in long queues

    Just look for the sign for any testing center


    Hi baz,

    Thanks for the reply.

    I have been doing some research myself since op. From what I read I think it would be safe to say that maybe 20% of vehicles on Bangkok's roads do not have tax as they would never pass the test?

    Having said that I prefer to be road legal myself. I don't want any repercussions.

    Doing my research I did come up with the inspection station logo. When I did a search to find where to any in Bangkok I came up with zero. Can you help with this. I would like to know where I am going rather than just driving around looking.



  8. Hi All,

    I have searched the forum for this topic but only came up with old posts.

    We noticed the other day that the road tax on our two door 2ltr pick up should have been renewed 14th Feb 2014. Will I be charged a late payment fee.If so would I get away with telling them that it has not been used on the road since it ran out. Which isn't altogether a lie, well not a big one.

    The vehicle is now over 7years old. Where would I get an Inspection certificate from?

    What is the current fee for 2dr 2 ltr 7yrs +

    Thanks for any help.


  9. Everybody in the picture has gathered very very close - and that tape measure is impressive - wonder what it proves? Evidently their training doesn't cover those scenarios where a second bomb has been placed and timed to go off once the 1st responders arrive. Of course, if the training didn't cover it then it would never ever happen... would it?

    And what is that Guy measuring.


  10. Having never heard of honeyteering, I googled it and there are a few articles and promotions, but from what I saw, the market is absolutely minuscule, as would be expected, making a 10m baht budget to promote this look totally over the top.

    Has TAT come up with anything useful since the day someone created the Amazing Thailand campaign? How long ago was that?

    Oh so it doesn't mean shagging half way up the shear face of a Mountain then?


  11. <shakes head in disbelief>

    What planet are these morons on at the TAT? Newly married couples will NOT want to "work" on their honeymoon, and the Work Permit issue is a problem which they won't even have considered.

    That's another 10 million baht down the drain (in someone's pocket).

    Maybe they have to volunteer to take a lady of the night/day to to their room with them.


  12. Don't you need a Work Permit to volunteer?

    I wonder if the TAT will supply this?

    You do indeed.

    I looked into volunteering to help with hill tribe communities and found that there was no way I could do it as I am here on a retirement visa and I could not get a work permit even if I wanted one.

    Yet I see groups of young supposed volunteers traveling around so I suppose there must be a way for them to do it.

    Money,money,money It's a scammers world.


  13. Unless you enjoy watching rice grow and talking to chickens, don't do it.

    You're 70 years old man. Do what makes you happy -- you've earned it. Why would you put yourself through the torment of living in a Thai village? It's not going to fun for you. Spend your golden years in a place that you want to live in -- not where some Thai woman wants to live.

    Again, you have 70 years on this planet. You've earned the right to do what makes YOU happy.

    And there it ends. But up to you.


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