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Posts posted by jimbeam1

  1. 'I just moved my accommodation base when in the UnK

    out of Yorkshire to


    Sorry I seem to have used some of your post. It wouldn't edit

    Cm'on the U'S.


    I come from Cambridge, hope you like it there, sure you will. I have to go back there soon - running out of Typhoo. Always bring some with me never had any problems although I do pack it deep down in the luggage just in case.

  2. 'I just moved my accommodation base when in the UnK

    out of Yorkshire to


    Sorry I seem to have used some of your post. It wouldn't edit

    Cm'on the U'S.


    I come from Cambridge, hope you like it there, sure you will. I have to go back there soon - running out of Typhoo. Always bring some with me never had any problems although I do pack it deep down in the luggage just in case.

  3. 'I just moved my accommodation base when in the UK out of Yorkshire to oCambridge'

    Cm'on the U'S.


    I come from Cambridge, hope you like it there, sure you will. I have to go back there soon - running out of Typhoo. Always bring some with me never had any problems although I do pack it deep down in the luggage just in case.

  4. Thank you. Is it free? I just want a field for play with my son.

    Ok I'll go for it. You could try google. If that doesn't come up with anything. You can look at the playing fields near Tesco Lotus opposite side of the Bang-Na Trat Road, from Mega Bang-Na. Ok so you take the left turn where Tecco's is, that is the road to Ramkhamhaeng (University) 2. Known as Lam-song for bus transport. Anyway if you take that left about 300mts up the road you will see the new sports complex. I think it is mostly Astro turf, but there is at least one grass pitch there. It is a modern complex with coffee shops and restaurants.

    If you don't have transport bus Nos: 38, 48, 46 & 139 from Central Bang-Na and Sukhumvit Rd will get you there.

    Hope hat helps.


    I would think not as it is a quality set up with floodlights and well maintained.

    You would probably be better off looking for a Park.


    • Like 1
  5. tnx.

    Bottom line for me is best way of generating income from a 3mil investment.

    10% relatively risk free ( points above noted) looks reasonable?


    Believe that and you will believe anything.

    The world and his wife are currently buying off-plan condos in Pattaya/Jomtien with a view to renting them out for fantastic returns, yet even at the peak of high season the existing condos do not all find tenants and in the low season even fewer are occupied. So just who is going to be renting all these new ones (if they actually all get built) and at what price?

    Exactly that.


  6. Ok I'll go for it. You could try google. If that doesn't come up with anything. You can look at the playing fields near Tesco Lotus opposite side of the Bang-Na Trat Road, from Mega Bang-Na. Ok so you take the left turn where Tecco's is, that is the road to Ramkhamhaeng (University) 2. Known as Lam-song for bus transport. Anyway if you take that left about 300mts up the road you will see the new sports complex. I think it is mostly Astro turf, but there is at least one grass pitch there. It is a modern complex with coffee shops and restaurants.

    If you don't have transport bus Nos: 38, 48, 46 & 139 from Central Bang-Na and Sukhumvit Rd will get you there.

    Hope hat helps.


    • Like 2
  7. I've been involved in a lot of events in Europe and have frequently been surprised by the sub standard materials used in stage-building and several other aspects of H&S in major public events. considering the number of events Thai people organise, I would have thought that they would have become experts in this, but some of the stuff I've seen has been pretty frightening.

    Regulation and inspection in UK and Europe is pretty strict, I somehow doubt that it is so thorough in Thailand.

    The opening night of Pink Floyds Pulse concert at London's Earls Court. A section of the seating collapsed, injuring many. Concert was cancelled. Floyd visited the Injured in hospital.


  8. The OP doesn't contribute to the UK anymore so it's only natural he wants to take his foreign bred family there to scrounge as much out of the UK system as he can for all four of them and then leave again before giving anything back. This seems to be a very common mentality these days and everybody thinks they are entitled to as many "freebies" as they can get their hands on. Yes, the UK system allows this but that doesn't make it a morally decent thing to do as an alternative to actually supporting yourself when you are able to do so, which appears to be the case of the OP.

    Well done OP. What a total champ you are and you make us all proud to be British.

    Indeed the OP doesn't contribute to the UK anymore, (but he likely will when he receives his state pension). The thousands of immigrants who arrive every month with their extended families have NEVER contributed, and get more freebies that any of us would get if we returned to the UK.

    The welfare system needs to be massively overhauled, but there are too many do-gooders in the UK which prevents it. Perhaps if we were all to return to the UK with our hands out (asking for what we are legally entitled to) the government may act! But then again......................

    If it's legal accept it.. Otherwise steer clear!

    Basically two good arguments. Bit like glass half full/half empty scenario.

    Maybe the OP should have just kept quite and done his own research on the internet, for the answers to his questions.

    There are to many of us being stuffed by the UK with our pensions. We don't need to read about someone asking about how he can get freebies for himself and his children, for what is just a holiday. Will he be able to reclaim the airfares + get his return fares paid for?


  9. Does anyone know what product he is going to sell? Is it goods or a service of some sort?

    I'm really getting a feeling he is on to a winner here, if only he was not so coy about his business model.

    Of course I understand that in the high powered world of business it is sometimes prudent to play your cards close to your chest. This tells me he is a careful chap who is likely to be rich all over again.

    Is your other handle "jackvale" by any chance? Because no one else could possibly be so gullible.

    Jeez, who is gullible exactly?

    I used to be a Plumber in my working days. With you all the way on this one. Must be in the Jeans. Still got my hair though ? lol


  10. It's a long day. And it's not all in Bangkok. But one of my favorites is the weekend tourist train from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi "Bridge on the River Kwai". Start in BKK, end in BKK that same day. That counts, huh?

    Leaves Hua Lamphong train station at 06:30 on Saturday and Sunday. Returns you that night. Best 120 baht deal in tourism IMO. But I'm a WW2 history buff. My recommendation- get off the train at K-Buri, spend the day in town and get back on the train on its way back through. The last segment of the trip isn't as worthwhile as visiting the museums and the famous bridge. (Still a good ride) Better yet, take Saturday's train up and Sunday's train back- spend the night.

    Lots of links available, but most of them are commercial in nature so it's best to do a Google search.

    Don't you think war crime tourism is distasteful? The bridge was built by slave labour and killed over 100,000 people but now it's a commercial operation with double pricing for farangs. I can't see the attraction at all.

    My thoughts exactly... Until I went there. I found it a very humbling experience and would tell anyone to put it on their to do list. Having said that I have had people tell me that I should go see Cambodia's killing fields. That holds no interest for me at all.


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