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black tabby12345

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Everything posted by black tabby12345

  1. while it is 1000% self-inflicted. AKA consequences...
  2. Wacky Races on Thai road. And some idiots got their consequences. That scene needs this cynical dog...
  3. Back in the March of 2005, I have witnessed the similar scene on the bus in Songkhla province. And it happen to be the public bus I was on, at that time. 2 buses of the same size, racing side by side. And the rear view mirror of one, broken down by scrape of the bus bodies. I was lucky to be alive.
  4. Death Defying Drivers, really ended up half-killed...
  5. Death Race 2025. Old time movie flashed back to me...
  6. Dear prospect-retiree to Thailand, Are you already 100% sure(strongly determined) to settle for the considerable period of your time, in this kingdom? If not, may be good to come in and stay here for 60 day as the visa waiver first, also for familiarization purpose. As you already know about, it is extendable for another 30 days. And see how things go. If you are already fully determined to retire here... First, come in as the 60 days visa waiver, and extend it for one month. This way, it allows your stay for 90days. After that: 1-Immediately open a saving account with (any) Thai bank. Then, transfer THB800k, from your home country ASAP. As the fund needs to be there for 2 months before you apply for the status change of your stay permit; visa waiver->non-immigrant o. If the bank staff shows any hesitation for your bank account opening(due to the type of your stay permit), tell them, "I intend to transfer 800k, for my retirement visa". And it often works. If you can't do that in your first try, check out around as many as branches, or different banks. 2-Once you opened your account and the fund is readied(and passed initial 2 months after fund transfer), go to immigration office in your area with the documents needed. And apply for the Status Change of Visa(contact their Visa Change desk). 3-If you got everything they need to see, initial status change can be done while you wait(in some places, it might take longer though). In Chiang Mai, it is always done while you wait. 4-After you got your first non-immigrant o(valid for 3 months), you then apply for its extension while it is still valid. You might need to wait for 2 months to pass, before you go to the final process(extention for 12 months). Hope this information helps. All from my personal experience in Chiang Mai, back in 2012. Good luck...
  7. Hope this lowlife faces Thai street justice at the right timing. And goes home in a body bag.
  8. Hello, thank you for your extremely speedy reply. Is this gentleman in the video yourself?
  9. at the expense of some else. And his "borrowed time" rapidly expired though.
  10. Why obscuring the face of this bas*ard? If that thing is the notorious robber & rapist its face should be made known to anyone in that area. So the people can prepare against it.
  11. Today's breakfast: Hamburger Sandwiches. Ingredients: Chicken mince, onion, flour, lettuce, tomato, and white bread. Seasonings: Pepper, salt, chicken stock, ketchup, BBQ sauce.
  12. Hi, can you please allow me One Simple Question? How do we find out someone in this forum died? Unlike on the plane seat, looks like no way to notice it though...
  13. Regarding using someone else's account. In such a case, criminals often "purchase" strangers' bank account illegally, don't they? Or "using" the account that belongs to the "deceased"(but that death isn't officially recognized)? Just like using the Birth Certificate of the dead stranger whose death is yet to be officially documented(so deemed still alive).
  14. Trump's campaign slogan: MAGA. It certainly came true, this fast. Made America Great Aggressor Teaming up with Poo-tin, 21st Centry Hitler. And discussing How They Share Their Catch: Ukraine, with his worst partner. Just like Hitler and Stalin did to Poland, in 1939. US used to battle against Axis of Evil. But now, under Trump, it is joining New Axis of Evil. President of the United States, now insulting past Americans who risked/sacrificed their lives to free Europe from Nazi oppression. Trump and Poo-tin alliance, just like the photo below. Nazi and Soviet army officers shake hands after their success of joint invasion of Poland in 1939.
  15. Today's lunch: Stir-fried Chicken Vegetable and Rice. Ingredients: Warm rice, chicken mince, basil, bell pepper, carrot, garlic shoots, onion, and water. Seasonings: Chicken stock, pepper, grated ginger, soy, oyster, fish sauce.
  16. Looks like they are about to open up Pandora's Box. Not-so-affluent sort of Thais will lose fortunes. Might help increase suicide, thefts, and robbery by those financially ruined by own stupid bet.
  17. Hi, thank you for your insightful comment. Legacy Thing, in other words, ”Formality” from the old time? And there is something I remembered(other than ID retirement). They also requested me to sign digitally with their Touch Pen (on the screen of small terminal I have never seen before). Their withdrawal slip comes with signature space. But not with the Deposit Slip.
  18. Cool lunch for the hot afternoon: Chicken Salad Bowl and Milk Vegetable Soup. Ingredients of the bowl: Warm rice, coleslaw, (pre-cooked) shredded chicken breast, carrot, onion, and garden-fresh basil. Seasonings: Mayonnaise, ketchup, soy & oyster sauce, pepper. Ingredients of the soup: Milk, (pre-cooked) eggplant, okra, pumpkin, spinach, and water. Seasonings: Chicken stock, soy, oyster and fish sauce.
  19. Hi, thank you for your additional post. So, in principal, they always needed to check customer ID even in the case of deposit? But it was not really that strictly enforced? In here, there are quite a few things that are not really enforced while prescribed by law, aren't there? Such as, cars and motorbikes without number plates in public road(while they have to have it by law)...
  20. Since they don't need to declare their names, nationalities, passport numbers, and their place of stay, to enter weed shop, unlike bike rental cases...
  21. What he says(in political manifesto) is One Thing, what he really does is Another? Very Trump-like way of doing. If he cheats in tax that many times, why not he cheats with own followers, LOL.
  22. In terms of shoddy construction, it cold happen as well...
  23. Hi, it was not transfer(to anyone else). Just a simple cash deposit into my own account. Before that day, tellers never asked me for ID, for deposit. Only needed when I take any money out of my account. And opening/closing account/term deposit rollover. That is why I started this thread to find out what is happening to other people, at other banks...
  24. Thank you for your reply. Little had I expected that much hassles for the US pensioners here, for ATM card(I, myself, not a US national). As long as you feel OK with your bank, I shouldn't say anything about it. Wish you have a good day.
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