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Everything posted by CallumWK

  1. Glad someone else noticed that the OP is our latest AI member. I did notice this for while already from his other threads
  2. Get an IQ. It doesn't say the buyer is required to open the parcel on delivery
  3. Probably because the buyer is not obliged to open the parcel while the driver is present, and has the freedom to just take delivery and open later.
  4. I guess everyone has found out already why the price reductions in Makro. They are sold out already, and Makro will not sell those products in the future, so even smaller assortment will be available, and fewer reasons to visit Makro.
  5. If every owner in your complex was that generous, I guess they would earn a year salary in 1 day
  6. Wasn't it a garage next to a corvette?......Oh no that was the senile guy you don't like to mention in your rants. You lefties should have been honest, then this wouldn't be an issue.
  7. How would the OP dance with a zimmer frame?
  8. Yes what? If a company owns the land, you obviously don't own it
  9. Do you own the land, or are you talking about a condominium?
  10. To me, those with a low IQ are those that can't post a reply without including the OP in their reply, which most of the time is a full page of wasted data.
  11. I presume you forgot a comma between the words *back* and *in*.
  12. Are there many occupants at the mental ward where you are housed?
  13. No it isn't. I have yellow book and pink card for about 10 years. I got a TIN about 5 years ago. Not the same number
  14. You mean like a xenophobe? I guess he feels home then
  15. First signs of alcoholism.
  16. Either that one went over your head, or you like to start an argument. My money is on the latter
  17. I should add, avoid Phuket airport lol
  18. Answer In my country they have a saying. How do you know that it's cold? Answer : When you see a socialist walk with his hands in his own pockets
  19. Another one who support false claims. Anyone asked you opinion?
  20. Same in my country, look up Sven Pichal, by coincidence also a presenter on the national tv
  21. I understand you support false claims, that is why you are a hardcore Trump supporter. There never was a place on the F1 calendar for Thailand, since the circuit was approved by the Thai government only. The Thai government doesn't decide on the F1 calendar
  22. I guess Thammanat has decisions to make in the morning on which coat he will wear that day
  23. Get lost. Are you to decide who can post and if they have to share you opinions? You sleep together?
  24. In other words you have nothing, and your post about Thailand race was on the 2015 calendar was fake.
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