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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Ok so we have established that you're 9 years old.
  2. No one says that anymore you know right.
  3. Why is this continuing to be a big deal when it is well known that humans still consume those meats. Putting aside the Springfield thing I don't see where the continued surprise and shock are.
  4. Please educate us in the swift disappearing act of literally dozens of prominent left posters on here.
  5. How does a bullish pattern. Cup and handle. Result in a crash.
  6. If you say so. I love people who take tiny snapshots of markets. You assume markets knew eh ? Why don't you show the months charts leading up to the reversal. Also show some other indicators. Willing to bet it was high into overbought territory at the beginning of Sept. Gold and dollar tend to go in opposite directions that's nothing new.
  7. I love your conspiracy theory. Such a vivid imagination.
  8. My post wasn't clear I think. Everything I mentioned was in regards to people on the left. Not you. My bad.
  9. Who is my people and we Americans? You mean the ones who got it wrong. And why are you not commenting first on every Trump thread anymore. We the people kind of thing or ?
  10. But good on you for being a dedicated but but but Trump person. A rare breed now.
  11. Keep digging in and projecting. Worked so well for the election eh. The old it's not me it's you. You a funny fellow.
  12. Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if your worldview was flat out rejected on every level. Must be difficult coping with how dead wrong you were when you were so adamant about being right. To the point of looking like a bully trying to force feed people to believe what you do.
  13. I woild even go as far as saying many of them were bullies and/or shills.
  14. If you visit the profile of many prolific posters you can still see the last time they visited. Not too bright to keep visiting and no commenting when you were so forceful in previous months.
  15. You are saying they did give warning then post a link from the day after the election. Am I missing something here.
  16. Word is. 2 months ago if a person supporting Trump made a comment like that the hateful 8 would of swarmed like a hive of angry wasps. The irony is delicious. If not there I wouldn't make any comment. However over and over daily we see the same vile garbage being spouted. All be it by a very select few now. Most others scattered In the dark of the night. A few of them still visit AN but strangely enough have nothing to say anymore. Using the phrase made popular by them. Weird.
  17. You of course have a link proving your outrageous claims ?Word is. Thats what you're running with now. Word is. What a joke your comment is. Pathetic unhinged ramblings. You'll also need to post a link showing that he can murder political opponents. But you can't with either otherwise you would have. Your conspiracy theories should be taken down. How your comment is even allowed to stay up is beyond rationale.
  18. Three times on a single page you have clasified a large group of people as dumb. Keep digging in with that style it's worked out so well in the past.
  19. What planet am I on ? Grounded in reality ? Any little credibility you had has vanished. That's not opinion it's fact. Based on your previous year or so of postings being so dead wrong. But I'll go back to my bizzaro reality while you wallow here in the real world.
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