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Everything posted by FolkGuitar

  1. I used to average 120/70. These days the average is 110/65... It's lower, but it is not significant.
  2. Saw Palmetto alone never worked for me, but it was a whole new ballgame when I combined it with Pumpkin seed oil. I used that combination for years until it needed a bit of a push, so I added the half tablet of Cialis every other day. There is no need for a prescription for Cialis in Thailand. Several medications make urination difficult, such as Sudafed. When I have to take that, I take the half tab every day to compensate. I do not want the surgery.
  3. I have been using Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin seed oil for the past 10 years with good results. (For best results, both need to be taken together.) I went from 5-6 times a night to 1-2. But about 3 years ago, I needed something more, and on advice from Dr. Google, added half of a generic Cialis every other day. That did the trick, and my usual is once a night now. I don't mind the side effects of Cialis... 🙂
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 62 seconds  
  5. Do you add some toasted, ground Szechuan peppercorns on top when serving? Adds a really nice touch!
  6. For fresh tofu that I'll use in Chinese and Japanese dishes, I buy large squares at Tannin Market (made fresh daily) or if those vendors are out of stock I'll use supermarket tofu. I can find the same brand that I used to buy in Japan at both Rimping and Tops. Otherwise, for Thai dishes, I prefer to use the stuff in tubes.
  7. It is perfect for that! I've spent a bit of time visiting both the tourist traps and the local markets and for photos ... it's the tourist traps every time. That's why they became tourist traps! It's interesting to see and experience. Obviously, don't go there to shop for silks and silver, or even the week's vegetables. Expect to pay double for a plate of Khow Man Gai. So what? An extra 50฿? If you've never seen it, go to that really big famous one 15k outside of Bangkok. It's a hoot! I like to sit and watch the tourists having fun!
  8. I set up a Bangkok Bank account just for online shopping and it's the ONLY one I'll use for Lazada, Shopee, Ebay, alibaba, etc, any of the more dodgy companies. There is never more than a few hundred Baht in the account except when I want to purchase something. With the Bangkok Bank phone app, I can transfer the required payments instantly, and never worry that some company is going to sell my card number or empty my account!
  9. Are there any custom pipe makers out there?
  10. Just wondering... When a Thai gets into a fight with another Thai, do all his friends join in to gang-beat the other guy like they do when it's Thai against a foreigner?
  11. I'll be 78 at my next birthday. I quit smoking 26 years ago, rarely drink alcohol, and have been following a Keto lifestyle for the past 5 years. 80% fat, 15% protein, and 5% carbs. (Aproximate) Before Keto, my waist was 46". For the past 4 years it's been 32". My weight went from 110k quickly down to the steady 72k that I've maintained for the past four years without really paying too much attention to it. Blood pressure is a steady 120/70 with a pulse of 55. BMI (if this really means anything,) is 23. Besides my regular 3-4 times a week sports activities, I climb 15 flights of stairs every day just for the extra exercise. Full physical every year at Rajaveg. It seems I may just live forever... So far... so good! 🙂
  12. "Is a Rabies vax necessary?" Necessary? No. A good idea? Perhaps. Do you believe in Health Insurance? Would you drive your car without insurance? For one quick stick every few years, it's insurance against possible 4 injections and a bit of worry. It's no different than any other insurance.
  13. I remember reading a comment in the news one day made by a spokesman for a major video rental chain stating that more women rented porn videos than men! But I'd guess that a good percentage of those rentals were in hopes of luring their husbands out of the garage workshop and into bed!
  14. Cops are people doing a job I wouldn't want, or have the balls to do. That said, like all people, most have good character but there are always a couple of slackers or bad eggs. Not many... but enough to tarnish the name of the good ones. Here in Thailand, police seem to operate on a different model than in other countries. We don't see walking beat cops, we don't see regular neighborhood patrols, and we certainly don't see cops on the street pulling over reckless drivers. But... is that the fault of the cops themselves... or the orders that come down from the top? Perhaps around Bangkok, Pattaya, or Hua Hin you can find cops on the streets, but certainly not in the North. I have NEVER seen a driver or rider pulled over for reckless driving in all the years I've been here. The problem isn't the cops. It's the bosses and their agenda.
  15. It makes no difference how many new laws get made. Without enforcement, nothing will change.
  16. Are you saying that Temu's goods are inferior to Lazada and Shopee? They both carry a lot of Chinese goods. I have a feeling they are about the same across the board. But what I'm after is looking into the Data breaches I hear about with Temu. Does anyone have personal experience?
  17. With so many in North America complaining about Temu's intrusive behaviors, data breaches, and security leaks, is it really any different from Shopee and Lazada? Now that Temu is advertising here, will you use their service? I've never noticed any problems, having dealt with both Lazada and Shopee for the past 20+ years, but I'm wondering about doing business with Temu... Your thought?
  18. Regardless of your politics, if you support a racist, you are a racist. If you support someone who mocks the handicapped, you are just as much a lowlife. It's not about politics any longer. It's about morality. Thailand doesn't give a damn about who you will vote for in another country, so it's comfortable to be an extremist for both sides.
  19. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 77 seconds  
  20. No, not taken for granted. Simply as 'disposible.' Or perhaps 'interchangeable.' Thais want foreigners for the tourist trade. Give us the money then go home. There is no need to thank you as you are expected to 'give.' While we do hear the occasional thanks from food servers when we leave a tip, we don't hear it so much when we go out of our way to help. I can't count the times I've been asked by Thai friends for a favor, performed the favor, then never heard another word. I don't know if they treat each other this way.
  21. If one isn’t getting the right comments or lead-ins from others, simply use your other account and ask away! Easy!
  22. We had Chinese (Guangdong ) style Beef with Black Bean Sauce over faux rice. Gotta love Keto variety! 🙂
  23. If this is from the same source as your comment about Keto... with all due respect, are you familiar with Kwashiorkor? Kwashiorkor is a fatal medical condition that results from severe protein deficiency. It most commonly affects children in developing countries with high levels of poverty and food insecurity. And no... peanuts don't make you fat. My diet is almost 80% fat... and I haven't been fat since 2019.
  24. Interesting comment. Would you state why you think it won't work long-term? It's been five years so far. How long is long?
  25. I've followed the Keto lifestyle for the past five years. If we really want to get our bodies functioning comfortably, we need to cut out all sugars and starches (which break down to sugar.) After the first week, you'll notice the difference. Little things... like there's no more pain in your knee when you get out of bed in the morning, or your hands when you tie your shoes. Body inflammation decreases quickly on Keto. At dinner, you realize you feel full... but not bloated. It's rather pleasant! It's a bit of a bother here in Asia, with all the rice and noodle dishes in restaurants, but it's not all that difficult to maintain. I eat in restaurants several times a week. Cooking at home, there are substitutes for rice, noodles, and even Keto bread that tastes like bread! When done right, it's a very effective weight loss method. I went from a 48" waistline back to the 32" I had in college. And have kept it for the past four years. I play sports 3-4 days a week so lots of energy, even at 78.
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