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Posts posted by coma

  1. Executions in the US as well, and the methods used are contentious.

    For murder. Not for blasphemy or adultery. "Enlightened"? What utter nonsense! :bah:

    You cannot take Western idealogy and use it as a blue print for the entire world. Attempting do to so, like in Iraq [total failure] is like you say. " Utter Nonsense" :bah:

  2. maybe he's watching Iranian and Hamas controlled television stations?

    Speaking of human right, they still stone people to death in Iran don't they?

    Do they?

    So barbaric: Azar Baghery, 19, is one of NINE women to be stoned to death in Iran

    By Kate Mansey 25/07/2010

    Read more: http://www.mirror.co.../#ixzz1I2SHg2Gm

    Not the most savoury of practices I will admit. But once again. What has it got to do with you / us ?

  3. Word on the street is Nato HUMINT officers on the ground in Bengazi have found elements of Al Qaida operating within the rebels ranks. This situation just goes from bad to worse by the hour.

    Install the rebel government and then they will be run by the terror organistaion that the entire Western World is fighting to suppress. What a Fu__ed up world we are living in,


  4. Get yourself a laptop with Thai script on the key pad so you can chat online with your friends till all ours of the morning. Won't help much with tone pronunciation but you will get exposure to vast amounts of vocab, sentence structure ,grammer and spelling as well as typing skills using Thai script. ;)

  5. ขอห้ามพูกภาษาอังกฤษกับฉันหน่อยนะ มันจะทำให้ฉันรู้ศึกไม่เป็นที่ต้อนรับ

    ขอให้พูดภาไทยกับฉันดีกว่า แล้วคุณจะเห็นร้อยยิ้มปรากฏบนหน้าใบนี้ ขอบคุณครับ/ค่ะ

    good luck with the shirt. ;)

  6. You may not like Obama's politics, but you can't reasonably call him an unintelligent man.

    Who said he isn't intelligent"? My point is that Palin is not the only one that they have done this to - there is a long list. Michele Bachmann is just the latest.

    Fair enough. Sure political hits come from everywhere. But the dumbo label tends to stick better to targets where it truly fits. I don't believe most of Obama's enemies think he is dumb, or very many people wouldn't vote for him only because of a 57 state blooper. Birther types would never vote for him anyway, so no loss.

    What are your thgoughts on re-election? Will he get the nod for another fours years?

  7. Interesting that Israel needed to bring in a law to stop the practice of using human shields.

    Kuffki, I think you are under the missaprehension that I approve of what Hamas does. I can tell you I don't. I also don't approve of what the Israeli's do. The problem for some on here is that Israel's actions shall be defended no matter what they do. That mindset is wrong and is a major cause for the lack of peace.

    It isn't isn't just Hamas that do wrong, it is also Israel and it should be acknowledged as such.

    Not at all, i actually think you are reasonably well balanced when it comes to this topic.

    I must though point out for you a few things. One of them being, if you notice there are no strikes or military operations in Westbank, this is because Westbank does not fire rockets into Israel.

    Yes Israel renewed construction of settlements and as i said on other threads i do not agree with that policy, but can see the reasons for it. Things like Failure of Fatah to apprehend the killer of the family. Holding sporting events in the name of the suicide bombers. Propaganda played on Palestinian TV.

    Gaza, Hamas has broken truce on every single agreement. Israel did not strike Gaza until rockets started to fly into Israel.

    Some wing or individual started the firing yet Hamas has done nothing to ensure it does not happen again and if anything celebrated each rocket.

    You will also find 2 news articles which i posted earlier where it is reported that Hamas beats and tortures its own reporters, so the news you get from Gaza are rather incorrect and may well be made up.

    You will also see a report that Hamas police broke into CNN and Reuters offices and raided it , confiscating all the equipment, which again confirms that any news you and i get are rather propaganda by Hamas.

    So all the deaths being reported by Hamas most likely is either exaggerated or not even true. They control the media.

    Anyone wanting to have peace and unity gets arrested or beaten and/or tortured.

    So yes there are times to point fingers at Israel, but it always gets provoked one way or another.

    Another perfect example is the change in Egypt. Rather then using the change to help people in Palestine, Hamas is using it to arm itself and continue with terrorist acts. When Israel responds they release whatever information they wish to feed to the world and play the victims where as they were the ones who created the problem in the first place.

    Let me ask you this, if someone points a gun at your head, do you wait for them to pull the trigger or do you seize an opportunity to disarm them?

    And once you have disarmed them, perhaps in the process you broke a few ribs and bones, who is to blame? you who defended yourself or the person who put a gun to your head to start with?

    That is the most sensible post that you have ever written. I don't agree with it 100% but you have presented it in a well balanced /non hatred way.

  8. The only thing I am blinded by is experience, having lived harmoniously with both Shiites and Sunnis for over 30 years of my life. I don't dislike Muslims but I do dislike the Radical Islamic Fundamentalists.

    Well there speaks the voice of experience, the trouble is you fit nowhere on the internet jihadist venn diagram. Surely you must hate all Muslims a little bit. :rolleyes:

    This is why we need to leave them be. So they will live happily ever after in their homeland [whatever that may mean] and will not spread their ideology all over the world like what is currently happening.

  9. This is just about the only decent paragragh in the entire address.

    "I want to begin by paying tribute to our men and women in uniform who, once again, have acted with courage, professionalism and patriotism. They have moved with incredible speed and strength. Because of them and our dedicated diplomats, a coalition has been forged and countless lives have been saved. Meanwhile, as we speak, our troops are supporting our ally Japan, leaving Iraq to its people, stopping the Taliban's momentum in Afghanistan, and going after al Qaeda around the globe. As Commander-in-Chief, I am grateful to our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coast Guardsmen, and their families, as are all Americans." :thumbsup:

    Still hasn't answered how the situation in Libya is a clear and present danger to the USA. ;)

  10. is this still going.or has it gone to court yet.it happened last year and still find it hard to believe

    Still going. Lets face some common logic. If they had a case and could prove it in the court of law they would have put him infront of the judge by now. Like I said earlier. They are probably waiting for this old geezer to keel over in jail so they can fleece him rotten once he is gone.

  11. it is 'less hot', 'less hot' :rolleyes:

    "Ooo naow" which means cold but really the temperature is only cool ... they have no idea what cold is!!! lol :D

    i just had food delivered. the motorbike courier was wrapped as though he was out in an arctic blizzard and he couldn't stop shivering and shaking :lol: !!! im wearing shorts and t-shirt :D

    Forget the delivery dude. Was the food still warm? ;)

  12. Iran funding Hizbollah to the tune of an estimated 1 billion dollars a year whilst their own people endure hardship is another political stunt. :whistling:

    Obviously never been to Iran have you. The Iranian people are doing ok. Better than most in the region.

    And you have obviously never been to Bahrain (pre-demonstrations), the Emirates or Saudi. You would be hard pressed to say the Iranian people are doing better than most in the 'region'.

    You are joking. Why exactly are Bahrainians, Saudis etc etc crying out for change? Cuz they want a better life. Sure, they are extremely wealthy countries but that wealth stays with the elite minority which are in bed with US. Why did the Saudi Royal Family/government just promise billions of dollars in wage rises to hold on to power. You are being blinded by personnal issues that have no place here. Iranians are a beautiful people and live a quite luxurious lifestyle with all the modern shopping centres, restaurants and theatre events. Just cuz America says that they are evil doesn't mean we all need to believe it. Cuz it is simply not true.

  13. "April 17 is expected to be the hottest day of the year, as the sun will be directly overhead."

    Do I misunderstand, I always thought in the northern hemisphere the sun reaches its highest point at July 21?

    Depends on what latitude you are at. If you live north of the tropic of Cancer or south of the tropic of Capricorn then the sun will never be directly of head.

  14. I sure do have to say I smell a rat on this one. 91 years old with prostate cancer still thinking and still capable of have sex,let alone using force to rape 5 young girls in the presence of thier parents. UMM! :blink:

    I go more on the extortion by the father story 10 times over. And the reason for him still awaiting trial. I'll have a guess and say they are waiting for the old boy to roll over so the authorities can then clean out his bank accounts uncontested and distibute the funds as they see fit..

    As for the smoking hot Thai policewomen. I have seen her around quite a bit. She is an English speaker and is always called in when major incidents in Chiang Mai occur involving English speaking foreigners.

  15. Something i hear from my girlfriend quite often is หาเรื่องทำไม 555+

    ๕๕๕ ผู้หญิงมักจะกล่าวหาว่า ผู้ชายฝรั่งเป็นฝ่ายที่หาเรื่องตลอด ส่วนผู้หญิงนั้นทำทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างถูกต้องเสมอ ๆ เหอ ๆๆๆ :blink:

    บ้าจะตายจริง ๆ :D

  16. Opportunity I would guess. With the internal uprising already well underway and willingness of numerous Western Allies, France, UK to secure oil as well as to stem the flow of illegal immigrant into thier respective countries. It was a gift opportunity to intervene.

    I ask this question. If it was about protecting lives,not oil, then why was there no military intervention in the long drawn out Sudan civil war?

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