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Posts posted by coma

  1. U.S. Treasury OKs Libyan rebel oil sales

    By Stephen Beard Marketplace, Monday, March 28, 2011

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    A Treasury official says rebel oil sales will not be subject to U.S. sanctions if made through bodies unconnected with the Gaddafi regime.

    20110328_libya_rebel_18.jpg Libyan rebels gather on the frontline as smoke from a burning oil facility darkens the sky on March 11, 2011 in Ras Lanuf, Libya. (John Moore/Getty Images)

    Kai Ryssdal: Say this for the Libyan rebels: They may be outgunned and overpowered without allied airstrikes to help them out, but they're sure got their economic house in order. They formed a central bank of their own last week, complete with authority over monetary policy. It's officially the Central Bank of Benghazi.

    And now, having regained control over some key oil facilities, they say they've signed an export contract for that crude. From London, Marketplace's Stephen Beard reports.

    Stephen Beard: Buoyed up by military success, the rebels are expanding into the oil business. They say they've done a deal to export more than 100,000 barrels of crude a day to the Gulf state of Qatar. Qatar won't confirm the story, but Julian Lee of the Centre for Global Energy Studies says the rebels' claim is feasible.

    Julian Lee:
    They are now apparently in control of most of Libya's export terminals. Some of them may have been damaged in the fighting, but certainly I think from a physical point of view, it's probably possible for them to start exporting oil.

    Some oil traders said they wouldn't touch this rebel crude. They fear it might break the international embargo. But the U.S. Treasury said American sanctions do not apply. And George Joffe of Cambridge University says U.N. and EU sanctions don't either.

    George Joffe:
    The sanctions are against the Gaddafi regime, and it's quite clear from the whole tenor of the way in which the sanctions resolutions have operated, that their aim was to be targeted at that regime

  2. i find it refresshing that high ranking members can freely speak thier mind. Or would you rather they tow the line. Name another US prez that inheirited 2 wars? Massive change in current events and day to day flux. These people-Clinton and Gates were chosen/appointed because of thier intellect, not despite it. Would you rather go back to the Bush/Rice days? I never see anyone dare speak out in the Putin thugocracy-political, media or private sector without paying a heavy price.

    But it would look better if they could sing to the same tune... even if just sometimes about anything :giggle:

    " President Barack Obama contradicted the declarations of his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, about the Mexico's war on drugs this week. "

    " Hillary Clinton, during an interview on ABC's This Week program, said there has been no discussion of cutting off aid to Egypt. Clinton's statement contradicted Obama "

    " Gates Contradicts Obama: Afghan "Exit Strategy" A Strategic Mistake "

    Yes. They are struggling to either, understand each other or agree on the US line in Libya. All of this after the fact might I add. Almost as comical as a Three Stooges episode. :D

  3. That is a digusting thing to do to a person. What possesses people to do such terrible things?

    Well, without having met these 4 accused, I have a pretty good idea.

    Have you been to India, particularly the rural areas? it might help with understanding why.

    Women do not have an easy time in those places.

    No. Never been to India. Obviously I have heard a lot about the place. It seems that it is one of those, you either love it or hate it, places. And reading story such as this is only more food for thought towards me never wanting to go there. Getting virtually attacked by Indian suit makers trying to tell me suits as I walk the streets in Hong Kong had already turned me off them a little.B)

  4. Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

    Interesting opinion.

    When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

    You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

    Pick one and stick to it.

    As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

    You know very well what Israel has to do with the thread, it's called a double standard and reading same old same old isn't just strictly limited to you.. Seems basically he considers you a contradictory, hypocrite.. That's my take anyway...

    If the West followed a 'butt out' policy, as I wish that they would, there would not be a problem with Israel and Palestine today.

    Would you care to ellaborate on these double standards??

  5. Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

    Interesting opinion.

    When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

    You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

    Pick one and stick to it.

    As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

    Perhaps when you stop being a hypocrite i willwink.gif

    Once again it seems you have some sort of personnal issue that,once again, I cannot help you with. :lol:

  6. Therefore the West should butt out and leave Asia and the Middle East alone,

    Interesting opinion.

    When it comes to government killing civilians the West should butt out, but when it come to Israel responding to attacks, West should condemn it and help.

    You can not kill 2 rabbits with 1 bullet.

    Pick one and stick to it.

    As usual you are delirious. What has your beloved Israel got to do with this thread. Like I told you before. Change the record dude. I am sick of reading the same old, same old from you. GIVE ME BREAK.:annoyed:

  7. Yes. I read the same : Defence Secretary Robert Gates said intervention in Libya was not vital to US interests, but explained: "You had a potentially significantly destabilising event taking place in Libya that put at risk potentially the revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt."

    It seems that the head cronies in the White House are not all singing the same sheet of music. Just too busy trying to play god by deciding who lives and who dies in Libya.

    maybe he forgot he said this ........ :ermm:


    Egg on face. :cheesy:

  8. Yes. I read the same : Defence Secretary Robert Gates said intervention in Libya was not vital to US interests, but explained: "You had a potentially significantly destabilising event taking place in Libya that put at risk potentially the revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt."

    It seems that the head cronies in the White House are not all singing the same sheet of music. Just too busy trying to play god by deciding who lives and who dies in Libya.

  9. How the hell does something like this happen if ISAF are saying that they are on top of things in Afghanistan?? Afghans are untrainable as policing or security operators. This is proof. Which leads to my question. WHY are we still persisting with them when everybody knows [just don't want to admit] that the mission is failing miserabley and we are better off withdrawing entirely and let them crack on to what they do best. Grow opium and killing each other. How is this our problem ? :blink:

  10. Only saving the lives of those which YOU choose to protect. What is happening now in Libya Mr Obama??? Still more killing being done. However this time it is being done by, guess what, the side that YOU choose. You and your foriegn policy is so bias it is beyond belief. Maybe you should just stay right out of other countries affairs for once. And actually earn that Noble Peace Prize that they sooo mistakenly awarded you. :annoyed:

    You didn't really consider any such military movement in Libya by "coalition" forces to improve the situation, did you?

    People are still fighting and dying in Libya whilst we sleep peacefully. The difference is that the rebels are doing most of the killing now instead of Government forces.

    What do you think will happen if the rebels do topple the Gaddafi regime? Do you think they are going to open up their arms and borders and welcome the West as thier saviours, pat them on the back and love them forever. Please!!! They will turn thier backs on the West in the blink of an eye. Then in 5, 10, or 15 years time the west will be over Libya again ,blowing the <deleted> out of it for some other godforsaken reason. If one thinks otherwise then one neeeds to stick thier head out of the bubble world that they are in for a quick looksie.

  11. Libya seems to be a free fire zone. Shoot,blow up and destroy anything and anybody at will commander.

    You forgot rape.

    Unfortunatley rape is a crime that occurs is every country around the world. And is not a reason to bomb the shit out of a country. Only fools would think/ do otherwise.:D

  12. Only saving the lives of those which YOU choose to protect. What is happening now in Libya Mr Obama??? Still more killing being done. However this time it is being done by, guess what, the side that YOU choose. You and your foriegn policy is so bias it is beyond belief. Maybe you should just stay right out of other countries affairs for once. And actually earn that Noble Peace Prize that they sooo mistakenly awarded you. :annoyed:

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