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Posts posted by coma

  1. Just a quick warning:

    We have had it with the tone and demeanour in this forum. The behaviour shown here has been completely unacceptable, particularly on topics concerning Israel and Palestine.

    From now on, no more warnings. Step over the line and you will at very least lose your posting rights.

    Keep in mind that outside of this forum, nobody really cares what you are saying. You aren't changing anybody's minds, or affecting the situation in any way so it's not worth getting all wound up about. Things will go on pretty much the same, regardless of what you type here, so it's hardly worth getting suspended over.

    If you can't discuss these issues without losing your cool, please don't post in these topics.

    Enough is enough.... everyone chill out.

    Question: Why do you guys continually post news on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? There are more articals on this subject posted here than any other global situation.

    It is a case of " Red rag this is Bull over ". Just an observation. And I think it is valid. :jap:

  2. It illustrates attacks on civilians. Get a clue dude. :rolleyes:

    How is it an attack on civilians when nobody gets hurt or killed by these rockets. More people get wasted at the yearly rocket festival in Udon Thani every year. Hahhaha

    Ha ha indeed. Do you think the Gazan rocket attackers were intending to put on a show, is that it?

    I am saying that these rocket firing thugs may do well to come on over to the rocket festival and learn how to really hurt people with rockets. Or maybe the Udon Thani rocket club could send a training team of 'experts' to Gaza in a train the trainer role. Then the Israelis will really have something to start shit+ting thier pants about. Hahaha. :D

  3. That is a disgraceful image to post in the forum.:angry:

    Disgraceful is as disgraceful does. The animalistic hatred of the terrorists concerned needs exposing, as do their disgusting appologists. :annoyed:

    Your kidding yourself. That sort of sh-it happens all over the world, whether it be by soldiers,terrorist or murders. Posting such contents lacks maturity and respect for people who have to view it everytime they come into this thread. Truly a digraceful and dispicable act that gains no sympathy.

  4. Maybe they will let poor old Victor out of jail to arm the rebels. :(

    It is all double speak isn't it?

    Arms embargo to the side certain countries want out....free arms to the other side regardless of ties to enemies still being fought in other countries yet again.

    Once again money to be made supplying tools of the trade.... Then later money many times over to be spent to retrieve those weapons

    one bullet at a time.

    You couldn't make this sh!t up....

    It is blatant and pathetic hypocracy in its purist form. And the west wonders why the developing world dislikes them so much.

  5. ขอห้ามพูกภาษาอังกฤษกับฉันหน่อยนะ มันจะทำให้ฉันรู้ศึกไม่เป็นที่ต้อนรับ

    ขอให้พูดภาไทยกับฉันดีกว่า แล้วคุณจะเห็นร้อยยิ้มปรากฏบนหน้าใบนี้ ขอบคุณครับ/ค่ะ

    good luck with the shirt. ;)

    That's one big t-shirt! :lol:

    I agree. Just translating as per the OP request. Maybe it is for size XXXXX large.;)

    Second line, fourth word from the left is incomplete. Should be "ภาษา".


    Thanks for correcting my Typo. Hahaha

  6. The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood.

    Israel is all for a Palestinian state - when they are willing to make peace.

    Not according to Mr Netanyahu. Hamas has been offering peace deals most recently in this last month. Anybody who seriously thinks Israel is all for a Palestinian State needs to rethink thier position.

    p.s No need to put VDO clips in your replies to me in the future cuz I never watch them. ;)

    Hamas has been offering peace deals? do you have a link for that please?

    You do not watch video clips or read for that matter, so what visual stimuli would you prefer?

    Light romantic comedy is good stimuli. Google for the link yourself. Anything I put up here will just be refuted by your obvious biasness.

  7. The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood.

    Israel is all for a Palestinian state - when they are willing to make peace.

    Not according to Mr Netanyahu. Hamas has been offering peace deals most recently in this last month. Anybody who seriously thinks Israel is all for a Palestinian State needs to rethink thier position.

    p.s No need to put VDO clips in your replies to me in the future cuz I never watch them. ;)

  8. Israel threatened the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries to respond with a series of "unilateral steps"...

    (Reuters) Wed Mar 30, 2011 - Members of the United Nations Security Council and the inhabitants of several European Union countries are shitting in their pants shivering with fear after Irael's threats were published to respond with...


    At the end of the day Israel is a flea on a dog arse [ so to speak] It is beginning to over estimate its own importance on the world stage and unless they come to the table they will be going solo and stand to lose alot more than they do now. I hope for every country in the region's sake that the Israeli government talk their people around and start to act like mature citizen of the world.

  9. Just as a nation can recognize Palestnian statehood, Israel has the right not to.


    Try that the other way around. :whistling:

    EXACTLY! I cannot believe what I just read. All the anti Palestinian posters main reason/ defence for being against Palestine is because some factions rufuse to recognize Israel. And here we have one saying that Israel has the right not to recognize Palestine.That is a highly hypocritical view. Can't believe some peoples logic. :bah: Wake up and smell the coffee people. The entire world except for Israel is pro Palestinian Statehood. :partytime2: I can see how the very thought of a FREE Palestine gets under peoples skin but I don't understand why ?

  10. it will be interesting watching the subs going up the Mekong ,, in the dry season they will get bogged in the silt ,, in the wet they will get washed backwards

    talk about paranoid

    Hahaha. Subs up the Mekhong. :cheesy: That's a good one.

    He sure is paranoid and dellusional. And as if those antiquated sam 3, or 9's would be able to suppress a attack from a squadron of Gripen. Sounds alot more like envy or jealousy that he cannot afford the same hardware as the Thai's are currently purchasing. Actually I don't know if the Thais can afford it either but it looks good on the order of battle. Hun Sen :passifier:

  11. Hahaha. :cheesy: You can threaten the United Nations Security Council and several European Union countries and launch all the diplomatic protests against the Palestinian efforts for a homeland that you want. But the World seems to be NOT listening to you Mr Netanyahu. Stall all you want and obstruct the inevitable but sooner or latter you will have to come to terms with the fact that you are WRONG. The Palestinians and the larger world community want Palestinians to have a home land. Safe and free from Israeli incursions. Be part of the solution and stop being the ONLY problem in the process. If you don't play ball now you may find yourselves without any friends at all in the not too distant future. It would be wise to be careful and more diplomatic at this time for the sake of both your own people and the Palestinians. :guitar:

  12. ขอห้ามพูกภาษาอังกฤษกับฉันหน่อยนะ มันจะทำให้ฉันรู้ศึกไม่เป็นที่ต้อนรับ

    ขอให้พูดภาไทยกับฉันดีกว่า แล้วคุณจะเห็นร้อยยิ้มปรากฏบนหน้าใบนี้ ขอบคุณครับ/ค่ะ

    good luck with the shirt. ;)

    That's one big t-shirt! :lol:

    I agree. Just translating as per the OP request. Maybe it is for size XXXXX large.;)

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