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Posts posted by coma

  1. Maybe this is the Marine invasion force Midas heard about...


    Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

    3 Middle Eastern Men Tried To Enter Base Without Proper Authorization, Base Alert Says

    POSTED: 4:36 pm PDT March 30, 2011

    UPDATED: 6:22 pm PDT March 31, 2011

    SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

    10News learned the three men -- 40-year-old Afghani Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, 41-year-old Iranian Vahik Petrossian and 27-year-old Iranian Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian -- attempted to get into Camp Pendleton last weekend under what was considered suspicious circumstances.

    On Wednesday, base officials said there was no threat, but others on the base told 10News security has been stepped up.

    I even provide links... http://www.10news.co...448/detail.html

    If they are of Afghani and Iranian decent. Then they are NOT Middle Eastern. They are infact Persian. :jap:

    While you are not completely correct, my link is much closer to the truth than the one NOT provided by Midas.

    1. Iran is considered a Middle East country by all sources. Afghanistan by many...



    2. Not all Afghan citizens are Persians. Many are Pashtun...


    3. Persians consider themselves Aryans...


    Geographically speaking the Middle East region starts from the Iran - Iraq border to the East going down the Arabian penincular and across to the Mediterainian sea.

  2. What the US supporters on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is a rebel group of the Libyan people attempting to take over the Govt of Libya by force of arms.

    What you think of the Libyan Govt cant alter that fact.

    That being the case Libyan people are attacking other Libyan people, the only outside force that is attacking and killing the Libyan people is that led by the US.

    So to say "The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people" is a load of balls.

    It would be quite easy for the only outside forces that are killing Libyan people to stop that killing by packing their bags and going home.

    To pick sides, which is what the US and their allies in this have done, and support the rebels, who are incidentaly killing Libyn people, is reprehensable and in this instance is only done to get a share of the spOILs which the rebels will have promised.

    And of course as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

    The USA is not leading this intervention. France and the UK are key parties and it was France that initiated the attacks. France made clear that it would intervene with or without NATO support. I appreciate that you need to blame the USA for everything, and although it will break your heart to know, this is a UN sanctioned and arab backed intervention. The USA would not have been involved without UN support or arab requests. One thing to come out of Iraq is that the USA now realizes that it needs UN agreement in matters like this. And in case you have conveniently forgotten, the USA has little clout in getting these types of initiatives passed. It was France and several mediterranean EU nations along with several key arab nations that pushed this through the UN. Why don't you go shake your finger at them? Why is the USA that you are targeting?

    You have conveniently forgotten that in the early weeks of this uprising tens of thousands of foreigners were desperate to escape from Libya. Do you remember the cries of where is government assistance to evacuate people? It takes time to position rescue vessels and aircraft. The NATO vessels involved in this intervention were also evacuating foreign workers. The 29 New Zealanders that were safely evacuated don't seem to be too upset with the UK and US resources that made it possible. The next time something like this happens, the US should invoke the Robby NZ protocol and deny evacuation seats to anyone from New Zealand. This should also be done to Germany as well. Several german posteriors occupied Canadian evacuation flights. Meanwhile Germany is pleased to tutut on the intervention, but quite comfortable with Canadian defense forcesf protecting Germany's oil interests.

    Your post can be altered to read as follows;

    What the US bashers on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is an established history of a regime that has funded terrorism around the world, that started wars with Chad, and egypt and tried to topple several arab governments. The government has had an established history of crushing dissent and of torturing its own people.

    What we have here is a population that has risen up because it can't take anymore of the violence and brutality imposed by Gaddffi's regime.

    Your last line is a gem; as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

    You still don't get it do you? It is the enforcement of a no fly zone and the prevention of a massacre of Libyans. What part of Gadaffi's invasion of Chad did you miss? Do you remember when the Libyans slaughtered whole villages? During the last Libyan uprisings in the 80's and 90's Gadaffi slaughtered rival ethnic groups with impunity.

    The only governments supporting Libya at this time are Zimbabwe,Cuba and Venezuala. 3 beacons of freedom in the world where human rights are so well respected. Gadaffi is in good company.

    IMO France and England were / are conducting shop front operations on behalf the US. Theysimply do not have the capability that the US has. Call it attemting to decieve the Arab world into believing that the US are not the aggressor / villian in this one.There would be no way in the world both countries would go in without US support. Lets face facts. Western countries, NATO, UN do not wipe thier own <deleted> unless the US gives them the nod. ALL intelligence would be US generated, most of the airstikes were carried out by US aircraft. US cruize missiles were also heavily used as well as US logistics [ best in the world] which is an intergal part of any operation. :ph34r:

  3. Maybe this is the Marine invasion force Midas heard about...


    Alert Issued After Security Incident On Camp Pendleton

    3 Middle Eastern Men Tried To Enter Base Without Proper Authorization, Base Alert Says

    POSTED: 4:36 pm PDT March 30, 2011

    UPDATED: 6:22 pm PDT March 31, 2011

    SAN DIEGO -- One of the nation's largest military bases is reportedly under tighter security after three Middle Eastern men tried to enter without proper authorization.

    10News learned the three men -- 40-year-old Afghani Ahmad Rahmani Naeem, 41-year-old Iranian Vahik Petrossian and 27-year-old Iranian Sengekdi Norvik Avanosian -- attempted to get into Camp Pendleton last weekend under what was considered suspicious circumstances.

    On Wednesday, base officials said there was no threat, but others on the base told 10News security has been stepped up.

    I even provide links... http://www.10news.co...448/detail.html

    If they are of Afghani and Iranian decent. Then they are NOT Middle Eastern. They are infact Persian. :jap:

  4. Your headline and subsequent allegation that 2400 Marines are on the ground in the city of Ajdubiyah is incorrect. The alternative media outlets that are claiming a conspiracy and that are alleging boots on the ground all say they got the news from WCTI a news outlet that is in the Camp Lejeune area. Instead of actually reflecting the contect, the alternative media sources have added on wild allegations and left out key details. Here;s what the news report actually stated;

    About 2,200 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will take part in support operations based aboard USS Kearsarge at sea. Those support operations have thus far included air strikes and one rescue operation. The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people.

    All of these missions were launched from the USS Kearsarge more than 100 nautical miles from the coast. Other than the small TRAP force sent to locate the Air Force pilots, no U.S. Marines from the 26th MEU have landed ashore.

    Will you be retracting your statements and apologizing for misleading people? Are you incapable of honest dialogue or is misleading the dimmi okay in your book?

    edited to add news story link from ABC news afifiiate;


    What the US supporters on this forum seem to forget is that what we have is a rebel group of the Libyan people attempting to take over the Govt of Libya by force of arms.

    What you think of the Libyan Govt cant alter that fact.

    That being the case Libyan people are attacking other Libyan people, the only outside force that is attacking and killing the Libyan people is that led by the US.

    So to say "The overall mission is to help end the violence directed at the Libyan people" is a load of balls.

    It would be quite easy for the only outside forces that are killing Libyan people to stop that killing by packing their bags and going home.

    To pick sides, which is what the US and their allies in this have done, and support the rebels, who are incidentaly killing Libyn people, is reprehensable and in this instance is only done to get a share of the spOILs which the rebels will have promised.

    And of course as you have noted they are standing well back, 100 nautical miles you said, well out of harms way just in case someone should retaliate against their agression.

    Exactly right. You hit the nail right on the head. Furthermore, the side the US is supporting has its ranks full of Al Qaeda operatives. Hahaha. How is the irony in that? What will they do if the rebels are successful and Al qaeda has a new safe haven under a new Libyan government.

  5. Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

    I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

    Not believe you my friend;

    It is business as usual at Downtown Inn with (unaware) people sitting outside and with the tuk tuks in front and around.

    Open your eyes when you ride/drive please.

    I disagree with you. You obviously don't know what you are ytalking about. Pull your head in and open your own eyes there newbie.

    You are obviously being given false information or you are confused, Never is there 3 or 4 tuk tuk's out front of the hotel. for the fact of the matter there is generally two on a side road. As for no one there what you mean is you can not see any one in the outside restaurant. You might want to try going past it at meal time. That is not to say you will see a lot of people there as they have never really had a big crowd there.

    Hahaha. There wasn't 3 tuk tuks, there was only 2. Hahaha. Pathetic. The old : If I have a black cat, you have a blacker cat. :cheesy:

  6. Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

    I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

    Not believe you my friend;

    It is business as usual at Downtown Inn with (unaware) people sitting outside and with the tuk tuks in front and around.

    Open your eyes when you ride/drive please.

    I disagree with you. You obviously don't know what you are ytalking about. Pull your head in and open your own eyes there newbie.

  7. They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

    Why not say what you mean - If they didn't then Israel would have been done and dusted a long time ago.

    The only individual weasaling words around here in you Sport. Read my post and then read your post that you cut up and re-worded to suit your own agenda. You posted that I said israel would be done and dusted. WRONG. Totally wrong. I said that the The conflict would be done and dusted. You are blatantly trying to inflame the vibe of the thread through posting blatant lies about other members and the views. Grow up will you please.

    Original topic Obama Address to the Nation on Libya - To which you go off on your usual tangent alledging Jews control the U.S and attacking Israel - Your agenda is there for all to see and it speaks for itself. :sick::ph34r: :jerk:

    Hahahaha. Go away. Your killing me with laughter here with your over sensitivity. You don't mind going :offtopic: when you feel you have a good arguement going. Once you are shown that your argument is indeed an epic failure , you have a :passifier: spit. Hahaha. My agenda is there for all to see. Western countries should keep out of other countries affairs. Now I am going to bed so you have a good night now. Here is the worlds smallest :violin: and it is playing for you my friends. God loves you. :mfr_closed1:

  8. They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

    Why not say what you mean - If they didn't then Israel would have been done and dusted a long time ago.

    The only individual weasaling words around here in you Sport. Read my post and then read your post that you cut up and re-worded to suit your own agenda. You posted that I said israel would be done and dusted. WRONG. Totally wrong. I said that the The conflict would be done and dusted. You are blatantly trying to inflame the vibe of the thread through posting blatant lies about other members and the views. Grow up will you please.

  9. Finally, I am not antisemetic.

    You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

    Off topic a little but can you explain to me how, by me saying that rich Jewish business men run the US government, that it equates to hate???? I am extremely confused and also interested in how you come to that conclusion going on the information in my posts. :blink:

    Dont worry about it Coma ...if you haven't seen this it will help to explain a lot ! :whistling:

    I will take it by his sudden silence to my challenge that he indeed CANNOT find a link to hate from my posts.

    That VDO is a great one and nobody can deny its authenticity.Former Israeli minister. Hahaha. Everything she is saying rings out the exact same tunes as was just posted by said member. Rather pathetic isn't it?

  10. Finally, I am not antisemetic.

    You may or may not be antisemitic but anyone who asserts the Jews control everything in the USA has made a classic hate speech antisemitic STATEMENT, and that is an undeniable fact. It is against forum rules for me to label YOU anyway, but I can characterize your STATEMENTS (and people are free to draw their own conclusions about exactly what you are).

    Off topic a little but can you explain to me how, by me saying that rich Jewish business men run the US government, that it equates to hate???? I am extremely confused and also interested in how you come to that conclusion going on the information in my posts. :blink:

  11. Obama in 2002: Toppling Brutal Dictator a 'Dumb War'

    Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    By Matt Cover

    (CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama, as an Illinois state senator in 2002, said that using military force to topple a murderous dictator amounted to a "dumb war" and should be opposed.

    Additionaly "candidate" Obama said he would get the approval of Congress prior to committing troops to this type of adventure.

    Ooops. Still lying. O well the leopard can't change it's spots.

    He has obviously beed corrupted or is being heavily influence but others, both inside and outside the White House. ie He is now a puppet President. There can be no other way to explain his blatant numerous election promise back flips. My money is on the influencial people outside the White House. See previous post.

  12. They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

    No, they don't, buddy, and you have just voiced an example of classic antisemitism. Yes I am sure you can "prove" it with links to neo-Nazi websites and their far left equivalents.


    Bullet item two.

    I feel you are being nieve. All the rich Jewish business cats in the State invest large amounts of money putting powerful politicians in powerful positions in order to have influence on US policy when it comes to Israel. You can deny it if you like but it is true. And yes I could cut and paste lots of supporting evidence and yes it will not be enough to sway your opinion. Finally, I am not antisemetic.

  13. I haven't kept up but the latest I remember was monkeys in Africa, something about locals there eating/butchering raw monkey meat.

    According to the'Natural transfer' theory (also called 'Hunter Theory' or 'Bushmeat Theory'), the "simplest and most plausible explanation for the cross-species transmission"[7] of SIV or HIV (post mutation), the virus was transmitted from an ape or monkey to a human when a hunter or bushmeat vendor/handler was bitten or cut while hunting or butchering the animal. The resulting exposure to blood or other bodily fluids of the animal can result in SIV infection.[21] A recent serological survey showed that human infections by SIV are not rare in Central Africa: the percentage of people showing seroreactivity to antigens - evidence of current or past SIV infection - was 2.3% among the general population of Cameroon, 7.8% in villages where bushmeat is practiced, and 17.1% in the most exposed people of these villages.[22] How the SIV virus would have transformed into HIV after infection of the hunter or bushmeat handler from the ape/monkey is still a matter of debate, although natural selection would favor any virions capable of adjusting so that they could live, infect and reproduce in the T cells of a human host

    Just one, the most likely according to some, of 3 or 4 possible ways it was transferred. chimpanzees and gorillas to humans and sooty mangabeys to humans are a couple of other theorys.

  14. The guy is lying just like all his Administration does..

    just like Ben Shalom Bernanke does every time he makes an appearance :bah:

    Ben Shalom Bernanke

    Ben Shalom Bernanke

    Ben Shalom Bernanke

    midas doesn't want us to forget the guy is a Jew. Interesting agenda, midas. 'Nuff said.

    Well they run the banks you know, and the media. :whistling:

    They run the entire country from the back seat. If they didn't then the Israeli- Palestinian conflict would have beed done and dusted a long time ago. B)

  15. Over the last week it has been the rebels doing ALL the attacking with the pro gaddafi forces conduct a classic defence. That being the case then rebels do not need protection. They have moved out of thier safe haven provided by the UN mandate and are on the offensive. First it was about protecting the people. Now it is about assisting the people to kill the other half of the population that doesn't agree with the USA objectives and intentions.

    How long will it take for the US voters/ taxpayers to get the hump with this military intervention ? If it is inside 2 years then Mr Obama can start cleaning out his desk in the Oval Office.

  16. I know for a fact heterosexuals can get HIV but it still seems to largely effect gays more than any others. I'm not saying this is any reason to take risks but I wonder what percentage of new cases worldwide are non homosexual and not IV drug based.

    However, heterosexuals are far from being safe. Actually, there are worldwide more heterosexuals infected than homosexuals. Notably in Africa and India. I

    It is NOT a "gay disease".

    I would think that worldwide there is a larger hetrosexual population than homosexual population so you would need to look at it in a per captia perspective. I don't know these numbers myself but I would think that the homosexual group would have a higher occurance rate p/c than the hetrosexual group.

    It is very well documented that the original breakout and subsequent spread of the virus was as a result of homosexual activity, hence the original name was GRID and then past onto the greater population. That in itself may suggest that it is indeed alot easier to contract by unptotected anal sex then viginal sex.

  17. :jap:People that have been proven beyond doubt [not reasonable doubt] of raping and then killing children should be put down like terminally ill animals. Because that is exactly what they are. I am also of the opinion that repeat offenders of murder deserve the same fate. The death penalty does have a place in society, in some countries it is a necessity. I also feel that the family of the victim has a role in determining the fate of the convicted. It may help them find the closure that they wish for. :jap:

    Yeap, and then you set a very dangerous precedent. If the government can do it, why can't I? An eye for an eye makes us both blind.

    Wihin the boundary's of the law I would hope.

    Just want to clarify my position in case i have been misinterpreted.

    I don't mean that the family has the right to deal with the convicted however they please. Not under any circumstances. However if the offender is convicted and a sentence of death can be imposed. Then I feel the family should have some imput into whether the death sentence is carried out or it gets commuted to life.


    I didn't suggest that you did. I'm saying that if you're 100% sure someone has committed one of these terrible crimes on someone you love - why not just go out and kill them yourself? The government are allowed to do it. Why can't I? Save them time and money and you'd get more satisfaction. This is what I mean by a dangerous precedent.

    Where does it end?

  18. :jap:People that have been proven beyond doubt [not reasonable doubt] of raping and then killing children should be put down like terminally ill animals. Because that is exactly what they are. I am also of the opinion that repeat offenders of murder deserve the same fate. The death penalty does have a place in society, in some countries it is a necessity. I also feel that the family of the victim has a role in determining the fate of the convicted. It may help them find the closure that they wish for. :jap:

    Yeap, and then you set a very dangerous precedent. If the government can do it, why can't I? An eye for an eye makes us both blind.

    Just want to clarify my position in case i have been misinterpreted.

    I don't mean that the family has the right to deal with the convicted however they please. Not under any circumstances. However if the offender is convicted and a sentence of death can be imposed. Then I feel the family should have some imput into whether the death sentence is carried out or it gets commuted to life.

  19. Good on this fine New Zealand father for shaming out this 'farce' for what it is. Just the 'similtanious heart attack' cop out alone is the most patheitic thing any educated person could expect to hear.

    I ride past that gaff every day and I can tell you I have not seen a person in or around it since this hit the bigtime. Don't know why they still even bother to keep it open. There used to be 3 or 4 TUK TUK's that parked out the front of it all day everyday servicing the hotel clientele. I haven't seem them there in a few months also.

  20. :jap: People that have been proven beyond doubt [not reasonable doubt] of raping and then killing children should be put down like terminally ill animals. Because that is exactly what they are. I am also of the opinion that repeat offenders of murder deserve the same fate. The death penalty does have a place in society, in some countries it is a necessity. I also feel that the family of the victim has a role in determining the fate of the convicted. It may help them find the closure that they wish for. :jap:

  21. Jingthing :

    Don't go trying to get inside my mind and work out what I wish or think. Cuz you will be wrong my friend. I am simply a person that advocates stronly for a free Palestinian State.Last time I checked that was not an illegal thing to do.

    I do not agree with violence and sensless killing no matter who does it or how they do it. War mongers and war mongering infuriates me no end. I have seen enough of it with my own eyes to last me 2 life times. :mfr_closed1:

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