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Posts posted by coma

  1. "hardcore red shirts declared to secede the country’s north and northeast regions to establish what they called “Isan-Lanna” state"

    Like I said in an earlier thread. A landlocked "Isan-Lanna" state bordering with the landlocked metropolis of the PDR Lao would be nothing short of a economical dust bowl. The north are kidding themselves if they think they can get by without commerce hub Bangkok, the resource rich southern provinces and those other provinces bordering the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea.

    Let them!!! And when it does become an economic dust bowl, we'll see just how much the Shinawatras love them by putting their hands trotters in their pockets to help them.

    Not a penny.

    Thanks for that. I have to live here. Might make land cheaper I suppose but then there's the problem of currency. How would that work?

    Then again I doubt very much that any of this has been thought through as it's just ranting.

    You might want to start hedging some Lao Khip. In the event that these 'boffins' in the red shirt 'think tank' decide the best thing for their new state would be to adopt the Loation currency as their own. giggle.gif

  2. "hardcore red shirts declared to secede the country’s north and northeast regions to establish what they called “Isan-Lanna” state"

    Like I said in an earlier thread. A landlocked "Isan-Lanna" state bordering with the landlocked metropolis of the PDR Lao would be nothing short of a economical dust bowl. The north are kidding themselves if they think they can get by without commerce hub Bangkok, the resource rich southern provinces and those other provinces bordering the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea.

    Why would it be landlocked ? Lots of access to the sea from Chonburi all the way to the Cambodian border.

    The north and central provinces generate pretty much most of Thailands GDP.

    The north generates pretty much all of Thailands electrical power.

    The north controls all the water flows through the country.

    A seperated North/Central "Lanna/Isaan" block would have all the electrical power, all the labour, all the water and generate loads of money.

    Without the Central/North block Bangkok and the south would have NO water, NO electrical power, pretty much NO labour - and soon all the factories would move out of Bangkok/South.

    This is why Bangkok and the South get so upset about talk of a divide - they offer nothing and live of off the North/Central area's. power generation, water flows, crops, GDP generation etc...

    All in my opnion of course.

    You know nowt, especially geography.

    Chonburi or any coastal waters would never be part of the northern dust bowl area. They would be hundreds of KM from the nearest sea port.

    The electricity generating boards that own all the authorities that generate electricity are located in Bangkok. Bangkok and the south actually generate enough electricity for Bangkok and the south. The North and Northeast are actually a major burden on consumption requiring top ups from Myanmar and Laos. The south would not buy any electricity from the north on principal and they would simply become self sufficient if ever needed.

    Plus the electrical grid in the north would simply deteriorate because of lack of expertise in the north. Especially under a shin government.

    The north does NOT generate anywhere near as much GDP as the south, in fact Bangkok on its own generates more of the GDP than the entire thaksinland could ever hope... In fact the Thaksinland area has been a massive drain on GDP year in and year out. Once trade is cut off between the two sides, within 12 months the north would be in huge recession and the south will boom.


    The labour will stay where they are, where the money is. That's if the south allows them to work there. ASEAN 2015 will cure any labour problems and will see much more skilled and efficient workers than the lazy isaans... why do you think the south has more migrant workers in construction than Thais???

    All in all, your theories are totally flawed from end to end.

    The major damage is that the north will have no access to the sea posts and will be in the same boat as Nepal because of its land locked status, and prices will rocket.

    Don't bother mentioning rice.... we already have 18 million tonnes of the stuff. With enough wealth to import as much as we need. Most other stuff such as pineapples, coconuts, palm oil, seafood and fruit is in abundance in the south. We don't need yours thanks. But you may need ours.

    Great post. thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  3. "hardcore red shirts declared to secede the country’s north and northeast regions to establish what they called “Isan-Lanna” state"

    Like I said in an earlier thread. A landlocked "Isan-Lanna" state bordering with the landlocked metropolis of the PDR Lao would be nothing short of a economical dust bowl. The north are kidding themselves if they think they can get by without commerce hub Bangkok, the resource rich southern provinces and those other provinces bordering the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman sea.

    Why would it be landlocked ? Lots of access to the sea from Chonburi all the way to the Cambodian border.

    You may need to get somebody to give you a quick 5 minute geography lesson. i.e where Isaan is opposed to "Chonburi" and to the sea. Which in that part of Thailand would be Rayong, Chantaburi and Trat. None of which form Isaan.

    But I suppose they can try sailing tankers and cargo ships up the Mekhong through Vietnam, Cambodia, Lao then onto the 'seaport town' of Khong Chiam just East of Ubon. laugh.png

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  4. Bloomberg is just reporting another boat with 200 souls aboard has sunk of Java this morning. Only 25 survivors have been rescued so far. If this is true then, does the Australian Government have a secret policy on these boats we don't know about ? It sure seems to me that there are alot more of these boats sinking recently compared to a couple of years ago.

    Australian authorities would not be purposefully sinking any boats. Conspiracy theory #462 - toss it in the trash bin.

    Looking down the road: Let's say Iranians and Afghans and other Moslems get settled in PNG or Cambodia. We've seen, a thousand times, what Moslems do when they start residing somewhere. Besides having a lot of babies, they inexorably seek to impose their deist myths on everyone in the vicinity. Will our kids and grandkids be reading headlines in 30 years, of Moslems rioting and killing non-believers in PNG, and insisting on Sharia Law? It's happening now in Nigeria, parts of Europe and nearly all over the M.E. - so why not PNG?

    Australia blew up boat: asylum seekers
    Who said Australia doesn't blow up boats ?
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