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Posts posted by coma

  1. Embattled Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra today called on protesters to jointly find a resolution for Thailand but insisted she will neither resign nor dissolve Parliament.

    It seems that the majority have a resolution to the problem. And that is that Ms Shinawatra resign. The only thing she will not do. How selfish is she ? Runs so strong in the family. Nx19xbah.gif.pagespeed.ic.INo70HjZC3.web width=19 alt=bah.gif>

    Why should she resign she has a firm mandate from the people given only 2 years ago, She has another 2 or 3 years to go.

    A " firm mandate " ?? lol!

    Open your eyes my friend. Two years ago yes. But not now. She and her cronies peed thier mandate up the proverbial wall with thier obsessive compulsive attempts at getting " Mr T " immunity. Had they put as much effort into running the country and looking after the economy they would be deemed champions by the entire population. But they went another way.

    I would be interested to see your evidence for that assertion.

    I am confident that you will see it before the end of the year. wink.png

  2. The Kompas poll, published on Monday :

    89 per cent of people support Australia being given a "harsh warning", while 39 per cent of people want further cuts to diplomatic ties.

    The poll also showed 7.6 per cent of people would support some sort of military action, while an overwhelming majority of 91.5 per cent were against such a move.

    63 per cent of people agree with the decision to recall ambassador Nadjib Riphat Kesoema from Canberra.

  3. Big miscalculation on govt part to push for that Amnesty bill originally. The majority of red shirts did not want it and the royalists and dems definitely did not want it. Now they can't distance themselves from it fast enough for either side to be happy.

    It was reported the Royal Prince talked with senior police and told them everybody should calm down and negotiate and discuss calmly any differences. He said "we should all obey His Majesty" and keep the peace. Unusual he is quoted in the press.

    And all this just weeks away from HM birthday, when he will speak to the nation.

    The crown Prince was quoted after he summoned the head of the police for a meeting last night. This was due to the prince being unable to attend to some of his duties. Due to the fact that some of the roads which he needed to travel on in Bangkok were closed by student protesters. When the protesters were asked by police to clear the way, the students refused to do so.

  4. coma sez: If she is willing to listen then please listen. The people have been speaking for weeks now. And the common thread is they want her and her brother gone and never to return. SOME people, certainly NOT the majority...! ;-} rap.

    You may well be surprised, considering more voted against the PTP than for in the last election and there now seems to have been a dramatic swing away from the fugitive and his brown-nosing rabble.

    But of course with the red blinkers on you really can't see much can you?

    Right thumbsup.gif And it sure seems to be that the majority of protesters protesting in BKK at the moment are certainly not pro government. Jutaporn and his small following of pro government protesters are indeed " The Minority ".

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